
"Nasum/Skitsystem Split" (2002 Split album)
1. Godmorgon, idiotjävel 2. Understand: You Are Deluded 3. Fear of the China Syndrome 4. Suicide 5. X Marks the Spot
1. Godmorgon, idiotjävel
(Music & lyrics: Anders)
När verkligheten knackar på din dörr
Ska du då stå där som en jävla idiot?
Är du beredd att stå för ditt liv
Ett skitliv som du helt har försummat?
Det kanske är dags för dig att börja tänka
På det du gör och det du har gjort
Dina vägval i livet, de ser jag som ett skämt
Jag känner ingen sympati - ditt liv är ditt
Du fumlar och snubblar och drabbas av panik
Att det är så här det är var något nytt
Men om du har trott att allt kretsar kring dig
Då är du tamejfan den dummaste jag mött
Det finns en värld här ute, en värld som är sjuk
Men du bryr dig bara om det som rör dig
Godmorgon, idiot - det är dags att vakna upp
Här kommer alla vi som sabbar din dröm
Det är dags
Att börja tänka
På det du gör
På det du gjort
Det är dags
Att vakna upp
Se sanningen
Är du beredd?
2. Understand: You Are Deluded
(Music & lyrics: Anders)
You feed yourself with death
I can still smell the stench on your breath
You claim that it's the right way
I say it's just a fucking lie, like everything you say
You think it's different here
You think we're not that cruel
You think they feel less pain
I think you're a fucking fool
See the blood, feel the pain
See the life of an animal going down the drain
See the terror in their eyes
Now how can you say that their death was dignified?
You think it's different here
You think we're not that cruel
You think they feel less pain
I think you're a fucking fool
3. Fear of the China Syndrome
(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
Shuting down reactors
"Pure" energy for you and me?
But they continue secretly
We carry the disease
And it's your job to please
The mass demand for energy
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
The blood-letting begins
Alarming light, a storming blaze
An accident at an early phase
Their secret now revealed
While cancer spreads the toxic rain
The masses needs remain the same
An easy lesson hard to learn
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
The blood-letting begins
The battle now begins
Over cities that are free
The war where noone wins
The blood-letting continues
4. Suicide
(Music & lyrics: Mieszko)
We celebrate
The life and death
We incarnate
The sins that we repent
The desperate
The life and death
They incarnate
Creatures of the lost
We celebrate
The life and death
We incarnate
The sins that we repent
5. X Marks the Spot
(Music & lyrics: Jesper)
X marks the spot
Dig, and you shall find
Scathing, seething, we're armed and ready
Your sordid ways unfold
Leading our destruction
What lay beneath
Set the standard for us all
As the light of a new truth shines
Stricken, you will fall
How dare you claim sincerity?
I smite your callous truth
Just wait and see
Unfettered I will fallow
By all that you have said would be
Your waters weren't so shallow
While you sink down, we all have broken free
Did it have to come to this?
God damn your lack of decency
Rebuilding your destruction
Revolution - mote it be?
How dare you claim sincerity?
I smite your callous truth
Just wait and see
Unfettered I will fallow
By all that you have said would be
Your waters weren't so shallow
While you sink down, we all have broken free
So mote it be!