
"Naked Scarecrow" (1999)
1. Nailing 2. The Naked Scarecrow 3. Possession 4. Blood In My Eyes 5. Jigsaw Mind 6. Triggering 7. Demiurge 8. Satan T'encule 9. Opus Dei 10. Messiah 11. Without 12. Faith ?
1. Nailing
2. The Naked Scarecrow
How can you talk in the name of God, of Jesus ?
You don’t have the right to dictate your vision of the words
Frustrated pigs you’re trusting simple minds with their fear
You want a kingdom of slaves of faith. You’re a profiteer !
All you want is just to command
In the name of what you don’t understand
Bastard you are, you want glory
A human god you want to be
You believe less than your parish
You want them to make you rich
Your cross is a scarecrow to put to flight reflection,
Reason, individual thoughts...
And money from purses !
You use it for your own priviledge
By your speech
When you preach
Come intolerance
Holy fuckin’ Wars !
All you want is just to command
In the name of what you don’t understand
Bastard you are you want glory
A human god you want to be
You believe less than your parish
You want them to make you rich
3. Possession
“They’re not afraid about revolution because they’ve got
the food that we need, they’ve got the technology that we
need, they’ve got the medecine that we need...”
Shame that destruction is alienation
Yes, we all want to destroy the system
But think that’s the reaction they want from us
Shame that revolution means money for them
Solution is the possession
Of what they possess
To be the master, the king
Solution is : POSSESSION
Destroy this world and you’ll rebuild it for them
Do the real revolution, evolution
Possess this world and you can control the system
Evolution in possession
Solution is possession
Of what they possess
To be the master, the king
Solution is : POSSESSION
“They know that capitalism is a parasite. They know there
will be a day when people rise in revolt. They hope for this
cause they don’t know what to do. They want you to make
a revolution so they can be the masters as well.”
You must teach them reality
They must understand misery
4. Blood In My Eyes
I lie on the floor, watching a red sky
There is blood in my eyes, the tears from my heart
Landscape is a shade of grey
Where is the sun ?
Behind these dark clouds, mankind’smoke
My soul is hungry like a stomach, I want to eat the world
I want to feed my human being, I’m starving, let me be !
Mandatory way of life, mortal way of life
I’m not you, not yours, you’re not me, not mine
I lie on the floor, watching a red sky
There is blood in my eyes, the tears from my heart (hurt)
Yaaaarh !
Ah !
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah !
My soul is hungry like a stomach, I want to eat the world
I want to feed my human being, I’m starving, let me be !
Mandatory way of life, mortal way of life
I’m not you, not yours, you’re not me, not mine
You are my cause of death !
My cause of death, you are my cause of death !...
5. Jigsaw Mind
Garbages and remains
Are seeping into my veins
Scoffing slowly my mind
Searching for a truth I’ll never find
I’m just a wreck, a vulgar shape
Yet I would only escape
I would cure my mindache
Fathered by society
It seemed to be a way
To an open door
Now my mind is splitting
The door was closed
Where is reality ?
Why is my life so empty ?
Sinking into endless quicksand
Trapped in a nightmare which never ends
All this time long I was so blind
Now I’m a drifting soul with a jigsaw mind
(The door is closed...)
6. Triggering
Let me kill you
Then I can Kill myself
Welcome to Terminus Land
Clashing the world
Raising hell
In the name
Of the almighty dollar !
Abuse power
For creating a war
Look at my gentle homicide
One bullet
In the head as the brain !
7. Demiurge
I am the god of your existence
I am the lord of your remembrance
I’m the the king of your innocence
I’m the One you must adore
Nevermind if you don’t understand
Why there is war in your land
You listen, I command
I’ve got your fate in my hand
Pray for me the more you can
I’m your savior, you’re just a man
I’m the idol and you the fan
I’m the One you must adore
I decide about your birth day
I dictate the words you say
And in my house for Me you pray
I’m the One you must adore
For me you put down your pants
Your life and death on me depends
Your senses are my lands
I’m the One you must adore
8. Satan T'encule
Pauvre chrétien, esprit faible et manipulé
Tu enfermes ton dieu pour mieux l’adorer
Entre les murs d’un temple, c’est ça le respect ?
Et tu veux prouver ta foi
En priant devant la croix
Où ton idole crevait tout doucement
N’est-ce pas là le signe de la victoire de Satan ?
En voulant prier Dieu tu pries son adversaire
Ton seigneur, loin de toi, n’entend plus tes prières !
Agenouille-toi ! Prosterne-toi !
Lève ton cul que Satan t’encule !
Satan t’encule !
Mais oui c’est bien ton dieu
Si humble et miséricordieux
Celui qu’on appelle “Seigneur Tout Puissant”
Au nom duquel on massacre tant d’innocents
Allez ! Prie ! Repens-toi ! soumets-toi !
Devant tous ces prêtres qui se foutent de toi !
Agenouille-toi ! Prosterne-toi !
Lève ton cul que Satan t’encule !
Satan t’encule !
9. Opus Dei
Soul, reflection vs Alienation
Soul, reason vs Religion
Since I conceived the world before them
I had to pay it throughout my life
I would build, create, imagine
A new magnificient way of life
I had a powerful soul
Opus Dei destructed it all...
Opus Dei
10. Messiah
You want...
A new messiah !
A new messiah !
A new messiah !
New messiah !
New messiah !
New messiah !
Messiah !
Messiah !
Messiah !
You need...(idem)
11. Without
In my darkness I can see your light
And I think about you sitting tight
Have you even existed ?
Is there somewhere a shred ?
Too many questions without...
Answers / Sense
I’m without...
My savior, my brain, my law
I’m without...
You (and me), sex and love
You were my goddess
You “the first”, me “the second”, us “the third”
I’m insane with my faith
I‘ve lost my soul and I’ve lost my head
Now you’re gone
And I drink your blood
I’m so alone
This wine tastes so good
I need you, I need my bottle
I need you... my bottle
Speak to me
Save me or kill me
I’m without...
I’m without...
I’m without... Truth
I’m without... Belief
I’m without... Love
I’m without... Sex
I’m without... Heart
I’m without... Me ?
I’m without... Aim
I’m without... You !
12. Faith ?