
"Panzerreich" (2005)
1. A Sudden Wave Of Chaos 2. Wrath From The Northern Sky 3. Des Königs Eigenreich 4. Vinterstorm 5. Every Day That I Wake 6. Through Pagan Fields 7. On Dreadfull Wings 8. Ein Deutsches Wintermärchen
1. A Sudden Wave Of Chaos
Tanks are riding through the night.
Through coldness and chaos in all their might!
Burning fires from the sky -
Screams and cries, millions die!
Surrounded by blood and flesh,
Some are wounded most are dead.
Do you like the taste of war?
Sattle your tank and meet the battle.
Soldiers dying! Women crying!
Krig Is Live!!!
2. Wrath From The Northern Sky
Behold the majestic beauty of the frozen world.
The landscape is - so mighty and untouched.
Ghastly storms guard the winter reign!
See upon the arctic view.
The Tide is so clear.
The Tide is so bleak.
Gathering winds save the realm.
Black waves of damnation cover the horizon.
Demonic Hordes - Haunting clouds.
Fear our mystic twillight!
Pride and glory for the northern sky!
3. Des Königs Eigenreich
Wo Chaos regiert;
Wo Dunkelheit herrscht;
Wo Einsamkeit jegliches Leben zerstört;
Verbrannt ist die Erde;
Verfault ist der Wald;
Zerstört sind die Dörfer - voll Kummer und Leid;
In diesem verwunschenem Land herrscht ein König,
voll' Hass und Wut sitzt er auf sein' Thron.
Nur Krieg und Zerstörung sieht man in sein' Augen,
nur Blut und Leiden - das ist sein Lohn!
Ein Vater und sein Knabe - reiten auf hohem Ross;
Woll'n sehn des Königs Anlitz;
Woll'n zu des Königs Schloss;
Sie wollen für ihn spielen - die schönsten Melodien;
Sie wollen für ihn singen - das er sein Hass verliert!
"Der Gestank des Lebens zieht durch meine Felder...seht!
Sie kommen um mich zu holen!
Sattelt die Pferde - durch dunkles Gewässer -
zieh'n wir voran und bringen den Tod!
So treffen sich alle in finsterer Nacht, inmitten von Sümpfen und eisiger Pracht
"Wir kamen um Hoffnung und Frieden zu bringen,
legt nieder die Waffen - wir woll'n für euch singen..."
Da schlug der Greis die Saiten, er schlug sie wundervoll,
dass reicher, immer reicher der Klang zum Ohre schwoll.
Dann strömte himmlisch helle des Jünglings Stimme vor,
des Alten sang dazwischen wie dumpfer Geisterchor.
"Seit still und beugt euch - kniet nieder vor mir!
Ich werd' euch schlachten wie dreckiges Vieh!
Eure Namen werden vergessen, in ewge Nacht getaucht,
euer letztes Röcheln wie in leere Luft verhaucht!"
Wo Chaos regiert;
Wo Dunkelheit herrscht;
Wo Einsamkeit jegliches Leben zerstört!
4. Vinterstorm
-for oss domedag
-forat vi evig leve
Oyen fra is se de odeleggelse.
Den Kry og de makt - lengst fortids.
Ingen xrefrykt - for den Morke!
-vi vente dine Helvete
5. Every Day That I Wake
Every day that I wake,
In this walls I call home,
I would like to dream on,
Than to be so alone.
There are people outhere,
Through the door I hear sounds,
But they hardly come in,
I would die to be found.
I sit in here,
Can't do a thing,
They can not hear,
My whispering,
At noon they come,
Give me my pill,
I can't resist, I never will.
Do you know why I'm here,
Cant remember before,
Was I born in this cell?
None and nothing is shure.
I am bound to the wall,
Cannot look to outside,
If an outside is there,
Or just more twisted sights.
My own mind is my cage,
And the frontiers are set,
I can't break through the wire,
Cant break out of my head.
I can
Not fight
I can not run away
I think
I will
Not leave till judgement day.
Out of a corner of my consciusness does speak
The voice that I hear when I'm sad.
Next time they get in
Then you will tear your chains,
And you will make them regret.
I pretend this words mean nothing to me,
But in most cases I gladly agree.
Often it seems like the very best choice,
To do what I'm told, to follow the voice.
I pretend...
My own mind is my cage,
And the frontiers are set,
I can't break through the wire,
Cant break out of my head.
I can
Not fight
I can not run away
I think
I will
Not leave till judgement day.
Out a corner of my consciusness does speak
The voice that I hear when I'm sad.
Next time they get in
Then you will tear your chains,
And you will make them regret.
I pretend this words mean nothing to me,
But in most cases I gladly agree.
Often it seems like the very best choice,
To do what I'm told, to follow the voice.
I smell something new, exciting it is,
Could be a new nurse, oh yeah there she is,
This time I give up I cannot resist,
I break from my wall and give her a kiss.
6. Through Pagan Fields
Thor - my spirit will follow you!
I enter the gates to the mountain with you!
War-crys will be hunt the sleep of thoose who
never seen what pain could be...
The sky turns red in Thors embrace!
The sun turns black in his pure hate!
Benediction of blood - for all his glory;
Wall of corpses - for all his might;
Nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide.
The thunder will come down to take your life.
We kill your family and rape your daughters,
punish the fate and burn down the churches!
Rise from the north!
Rise from the sea!
Prepare for the gathering!
...Heaven Shall Burn...
7. On Dreadfull Wings
War-crys haunt my sleep.
I feel a presence in my mind.
The wind whispers names of forgotten times.
The moonlight shines bright - and so my eyes.
The Wolf of the eternal fire comes nearer...Raknaröck!
Take the impure flesh!
Take the tortured souls!
Take the cursed hearts!
Lost in a world of despair. Far away from the sunlight.
Fade away - into silent embrace. Rising up from the flames!
"And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
And his name that sat on him was death.
And hell followed with him.
And power was given unto them over
the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death,
and with the beast of the earth!"
Summoning screams insist from the forbit forest.
A fog of war cover the cursed fields.
The river is just a bleeding tear.
Now solitude lead trough the leavless hall.
So it was written and so it shall be done.
Valhallas disintegration has started long ago!
8. Ein Deutsches Wintermärchen
Schließ' deine Augen und vertraue mir...
spüre die Macht die dich durchdringt;
Trinke aus dem Kelch und folge dem
Pfad des Schreckens!
Reinig' deinen Körper mit meiner Glut!
Wasche deine Seele in meinem Blut!
Folge mir und du wirst ewig Leben geniessen...
Vertraue mir und ich zeige dir den Weg;
Vergessenes wird neu erbaut;
Lege ab dein reines Fleisch!
Never dead but forever dying.
And forever you will dwell in darkness