
"Back of Beyond" (2006)
1. Lunar Cult (intro) 2. Ceâep (Sever) 3. White Angels' Wings 4. Sunset and Sunrise at the Back of Beyond 5. Ãèáåëü Ñâåòëîé Ýïîõè (Gibel svetloi epohi) 6. Eternal Silent Forest of Frost 7. Èñ÷åçàÿ â Áåçäîííîé Ìãëå (Isjezaya v bezdonnoi mgle) 8. Brink of Ruin (Death Whispers)
1. Lunar Cult (intro)
2. Ceâep (Sever)
Ñîëíöå òëååò â ëåäÿíûõ ïåñêàõ,
׸ðíûé âåòåð ñìåðòü íåñ¸ò è ñòðàõ.
Òûñÿ÷ó äîðîã ñíåãîì çàìåëî.
Çäåñü åäèíî âñ¸: è äîáðî, è çëî...
׸ðíîé íî÷üþ âîé íî÷íûõ ãîñòåé,
Øàáàø ñíåæíûõ áóðü.
Âå÷íûé ñîí çåìëè è å¸ ïîêîé
Ñåâåð ñîõðàíè è ìîëèòâó ïîé!
Ñåâåð! Âîçüìè ìåíÿ!
Ñåâåð! Áóäü çëûì è õîëîäíûì!
Äàé ìíå ñèë ìîðîçèòü ìîðÿ,
 öàðñòâå ñíåæíûõ áóðü íà òðîíå
Âîññåäàòü è ïðàâèòü ëüäàìè!
3. White Angels' Wings
White angels' wings, blue angels' blood,
They've fallen like dust.The Twins were slayed
And future came to us...
His army is immortal.
He is an angry Beast.
His crypt is situated in the East
Into the abyss of nocturnal mist.
The sacrifice was great.
He shown the world
Red-violet sky and deadly screaming angels
With burning wings.
He don't afraid any arrows of death...
They flew through the sky,through clouds,
Trough the sun. Angels!
Believe in light,in life?
Slay them, Satan!
White angels' wings, blue angels' blood -
As the frightening tomorrow came to us today.
Cold dust, burning death,
Black future came to us.
It's war...
4. Sunset and Sunrise at the Back of Beyond
5. Ãèáåëü Ñâåòëîé Ýïîõè (Gibel svetloi epohi)
6. Eternal Silent Forest of Frost
Dark, cold, great, mist and mighty forest...
The horizon is black as the blackest night.
Red sky is growing dark.
Darkness comes to the new age, black times!
Frozen trees stay eternally dead, forever dead.
The darkness rules the silent forest.
Cold demons of frost, of eternal sorrow...
Eternal path of sorrow! Eternal path of snow!
Eternal path of sorrow art!
Hear feeble voices of freezing winds.
Dark, cold, great, mist and mighty forest...
...eternal silent forest of frost
7. Èñ÷åçàÿ â Áåçäîííîé Ìãëå (Isjezaya v bezdonnoi mgle)
8. Brink of Ruin (Death Whispers)