
"The Fourth Evil Calling From The Abyss" (2000 Best of/Compilation)
1. Dethroning Nazarenus 2. Woman of a Thousand Mens' Dreams 3. The Evil One Invades the Earthly Paradise 4. The Supreme Power of Human Suffering 5. Superstitious Predictions of Misfortune 6. A Plague Spreads in the Earthly Paradise 7. Beelzebuth 8. Demystifier 9. Celebrate Antichrist Coming 10. The So-Called God Abandons the Earthly Paradise 11. Mystifier 12. Possession 13. Christian Proscription 14. Cursed Excruciation 15. Fierceness 16. Six Celestial Desires of a Virgin 17. The Almighty Satanas 18. Satan's Aberrations 19. Sataniac Lust (Sarcófago cover) 20. Leather and Metal (Poison cover)
1. Dethroning Nazarenus
The pale figure of the holy bastard bleeding on the cross
It is the root of all evil. Is suffering the joy of life?
A false martyr paying for our sins
I can't make any apology for the crucified
I'm an immortal enemy of the liars' dream
What does the cross mean?
Is it just a pipedream?
I doubt its miracles and its words of salvation
A wolf in sheep's skin
Don't judge me for my sins
It isn't worthy of my consternation
Don't molest my brain
Resurrect to die
Suffer in my name
It was blamed to die
I have found hundreds of lies
Reading the book of lies
Suffering and martyrdom are words I scratch out from my mind
2. Woman of a Thousand Mens' Dreams
From my hallucinations, thou hath fallen
Bright like a falling star
Born from men's rib or from men's dream
Come out second universe's being
You don't have my consent to taste my feast
I will resist
Woman of a thousand men's dreams
As a serpent twisting in delight
Be enchanted with my tricks
You won't resist
Woman of a thousand men's dreams
Men's dreams' daughter seduces me and refuses me
I am just one more character on thy game
I don't know if I am living a nightmare or just a dream
Come ahead untamable being
Mother Witch
Every night on pagan rites
Thou hath been a delight for my eyes
Mother Lust
Who gave birth of my desires
Thou hath put my semen burning as fire
If sex is the consequence of my sins
Don't forgive me for my sins
3. The Evil One Invades the Earthly Paradise
4. The Supreme Power of Human Suffering
5. Superstitious Predictions of Misfortune
6. A Plague Spreads in the Earthly Paradise
7. Beelzebuth
8. Demystifier
9. Celebrate Antichrist Coming
10. The So-Called God Abandons the Earthly Paradise
11. Mystifier
12. Possession
13. Christian Proscription
14. Cursed Excruciation
15. Fierceness
16. Six Celestial Desires of a Virgin
17. The Almighty Satanas
18. Satan's Aberrations
19. Sataniac Lust (Sarcófago cover)
(Sarcofago cover)
The night is cold
and the sky is without light
only a darkned moon
will be the witness in this night
First hymnes are heard
the invocation starts
with love they call
lord's presence is the harvest
The sacrifice is done
a innocent virgin is dead
bodies start to fuck
total orgasm is consumed
The dead virgin
now is fucked
sodomy in this night
necromancy is complete
Pleasure and delight
satanic lust
20. Leather and Metal (Poison cover)
(Poison cover)
Destroyed our dream
The castle of sand
The evolution of the nature
Broken our spell
What a hell
The legion come to sight on the horizon
The fire in our hearts is burning
The axes rise
In an angry tone
The human spirit shouts
We are why for leather and metal
We are warriors ready to fight
We are why for leather and metal
We are gods in every cold night
Cowards, stand up to fight
Thou hast the right
Write thy own fate
Listen to the cry of the dead
Justice is echoing on the air
The moon is the only witness
The fire in our hearts is burning
The axes rise
In an angry tone
The human spirit shouts
We are why for leather and metal
We are warriors ready to fight
We are why for leather and metal
We are gods in every cold night