
"Icons Of The Dark" (2003)
1. Blindfolded By Misery 2. Our Age Has Now Begun 3. In Silence 4. Myrk 5. Within The Burning Darkness 6. When We Raised The Sign 7. I Am The Symbolic Torture 8. Nightwinds 9. The Spell
1. Blindfolded By Misery
Flee From Me For I Am
In Thee In Misery
I'll Curse Your Soul In Pain
Alone Insane
Blindfolded You Fall
To Your Kness For You
Will Always Be Unfree
Unloved Life Till Death
Castrated Forever In Darkness
I'll Suffocate Your Will To Be
Your Revenge Is My Blood
Weakness Chains Your Mind
As I Steal Your Soul
Eyes In Darkness Will Forever Be
Blindfolded By Misery
In Your Own Hypocrisy
You Sleep In Your Awake
Life In Damnation You'll Breath
Trapped In My Cold Abyss
Unable To Exist In Normality
Forever In Darkness
Cursed For Thy Soul
Belongs To Me
Im Misery
2. Our Age Has Now Begun
Hail To The King
Of The Underwoeld, Supay!
With Torches We Gather
Towards The Moon
He Has Spoken Through
The Strength That Is War
I Am The Raider
The Glorification Has Sarted!
For Satan We Awake
The Chant
Caligo! Forever Shall Be!
In The Name Of Satan!
Aquilo! Give Us Strength!
As The Kingdom Rises...
Our Age Has Now Begun
Mighty And Horned For Battle
Caligo! Forever Shall Be!
In The Name Of Satan!
Aquilo! Give Us Strength!
To Perfection Our
Souls Have Never Reached
And With Pride
We Faced The Moon
We Have Never Made
The Age Of Glory
Hail Satan!
3. In Silence
4. Myrk
Myrk sál að handan
Galdraþulu þulur
Er kallar á þína sál
Fögur hún birtist
Í giltum loga tælir
Fallinn fangi þú ert
Hlekkjaður fastur
Í hennar nornaseið
Tryllt hún dansar
Sál þín í eldinum brennur
Sá dagur ei kemur
Að hún syrgt þinn dánardag
Hún man þann daginn sem dó
Er svikin í túninu stóð
Uns sólin féll
Í tunglsins blóð
Og myrkrið hana tók
Úr blóðvotri jörð
Lík hennar lá
Svikin ást bar í
Rauðum taumum frá henni rann
Myrk og fögur hún hvílir
Er sólin hnígur himni á
Hennar grátur í vindinum gnauðar
Úr himnum falla hennar tár
Blóðrauður skuggi á enginu hvílir
Líflausum augum
Tunglið og sólin á lautina stara
Um eilíf tár grasið aldrei grær
Með blóðrauðar hendur
Og útbreiddan arm
Ívöl á kinn hvílir
5. Within The Burning Darkness
Under the weeping moon
I lay weakened
With a broken soul
Gazing into the black thin air
And I see the path
Of my future to come
As the visions of my dream
Drown in the blackened cold
Covered with bleeding soars
I curse the stars
Aches like condemned man
Attack my soars
Helpless and cursed
With in the burning darkness
I see my soul drowning
In the prison
Of the blackened cold
As I fight for thee
To free my soul
With in the burning darkness
I hear the whispering
In the wind
I curse the silence
In your words
Therein lies my weakness
6. When We Raised The Sign
7. I Am The Symbolic Torture
8. Nightwinds
9. The Spell