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"Metamorphine" (2002 Demo)

1. The Continuaton of Endlessness
2. Postmortal Ignorance
3. A Betrayal Beyond

1. The Continuaton of Endlessness

The Continuation of Endlessness

Green eyed one,
Baptized in the lifesblood of existence,
I float beyond the shadow of life.
I am the grotesque bastion of the profane saviour
I embody the trembling sensation that surround the deeds of man
I wear the masque that hides all answers

Keep them from them, oppress them through ignorance

Dancing within illegible patterns,
Drifting throughout the unspoken.
Find the pathways to perfection,
Burn them all down.

Naked to the world
Covered by planets of pain
Your light is fading
Sanity tearing existence apart

Stillborn from the womb of eternal salvation�

Fragmented mirror
Distorted illusions
Shattered glass
Perverted confusions

Reflecting the sane... The shadow profane...
The book has allready been written
Absorbing the unforgiven fact with a cry
Rejecting the truth, Refusing the lie

Fragmented mirror
Distorted illusions
Shattered glass
Perverted confusions

Stillborn from the womb of eternal salvation�

2. Postmortal Ignorance

Postmortal Ignorance

Delve into the horrid horizons
obtain the gifts that lie beneath
And conquer the storms beyond
I Laugh at oblivion

...And gaze past the shell of perfection
I seep through the fabric of fiction.

Run away from these perverted creatures
Throw away the gifts you have received

The oracle of hidden neurosis
gazes throughout the never discovered
with no means of measuring
this cruel misperception upholds
I seek no answers that do not produce a query
I do not wish to know, what never will manifest

Protruding from these mutated concepts
stands a solitary, precious sphere of light

This world vomits
benevolent malignancy
this world vomits
magnificent demise
this world vomits
a fabulous downfall

The oracle of hidden psycosis
echoes throughout the never existant
with no means of dying
this cruel misperception kills
I seek questions with no answers
I do know, what never will be revealed

Evil is the canvas, not the hand that manipulates the brush

The future is gray, shrouded in shadows
Hiding in the mist of your dreams

3. A Betrayal Beyond


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