
"Arghoslent/Der Stürmer/Mudoven" (2005 Split)
1. The Ghosts of Flossenburg 2. Expose 3. Million "Man" March 4. Marked for Genocide
1. The Ghosts of Flossenburg
Damnedest of the damned
Outcast among outcasts
Retreat into your land
A hate-bred maelstrom bloomed
Beneath the survival instinct
Infantile sex regression
Here the root causes of sodomy lie
Damnedest of the damned
Outcasts among outcasts
Sickened sodomites are slain
Ridden of their home and hearth
Into retrogressive phallic worship
Jewish archetypes are found
Beneath the inquisitory zeal of De Mepshe
The curse of Gomorroah'
Sicken sodomites slain
Beneath the survival instinct
Infantile regression
Here the root causes of sodomy lie
The riddance of Assyrites' king
Beholden to the Jewish star
Sickened sodomites are slain
Ridden of their hearth and home
in retrogressive phallic worship
Jewish archeypes are found
Beneath the inquisitory zeal of De Mepshe
For sixty years
The priest curbs not his desire
In sixty lashes
Disciplined by brute force
In Flossenburg was rekindled the past
Human targets in perfect formation in Sachsenhausen
Painfully, red hands shoveled the snow
It is gone...
May homophobia outlive us all
2. Expose
The government is Jewish, it's a well-known fact
The puppetmasters pull and politicians act
It matters not, Republicans or Democrats,
They're all on the strings of the hooknosed rats
Keep your own kind in mind in all that you do
Though you may not see him, he still sees you
Use every chance you get, exposing the Jew
Make no mistake, they're here, all around
Where any kind of money is, that's where they'll be found
They think they're unknown, they think they fit in,
With straightened hair, nosejobs and fair-colored skin
(guitar break)
Expose the ones that you so despise
For their greatest hope is for your demise
This Semite plague with which we are cursed
Won't be our downfall if we cure it first
3. Million "Man" March
One million niggers all around
Two million arms dragged on the ground
Two million lips flapped in the breeze
A million apes out of their trees
I wish I had a bomb
Where was the Klan?
A million "man" march
Without a single man
It's the middle of the day but everything's dark
One million apes loose in the park
Even the liberals cowered in fright
A million "man" march with no men in sight
A day for the coons
Apes on the run
Freed from the zoo
Go get your gun
I wish I had a bomb
Where was the Klan?
A million "man" march
Without a single man
4. Marked for Genocide