
"Indulgence" (2001 Demo)
1. Post Mortal Rape 2. Contuinity of Species 3. In Love 4. Shameful Intercourse 5. The Quest for Happiness 6. Innocence I defiled 7. Brutal Judgement
1. Post Mortal Rape
Fast precise entry
Into festering asphyxiated cunt
Six feet under ground
Yeah! Orifice torn apart
Black stinking pus leaking out
Genitals stuffed with animals
Leaping frogs thrust inside you
Rotting uterus eaten by rats
Degenerated men have come
Armed in spades to dig you out
And baptise you with sperm and blood
Post mortally embalmed
Shivering with ecstasy
They break bones mercilessly
Raped in grave, laughed at
Defiled and torn apart
With no reverence nor justice
Left to rot and spit at
2. Contuinity of Species
I live my double life
The unknown tantalises me
A shopkeeper turning into a terrifying surgeon
Brain pastry’s more palatable
Than the subtlest piece of veal
Human flesh’s eating less sound
Than dead animals’ consumption
Mankind suffers from the chronic overpopulation
I heal my race shortening its pain
Your memories will remain
Nourishing my body
Neurones from your brain
Running through my liver
I crush your fucking skull
Drenched veins stimulate my senses
My lustful tongue
Licking your brain tissue
3. In Love
My quests effect in my victims’ mutilation
Men, women, children and infants
Each of them so longed to be loved
In a unique way
Now it’s your turn 7-year-old, yet beheaded
Larynx sticking out of your cut-off-inverted head
Is titillating my testicles and anus
I’m choking on the snot
I’m splitting your guts
Spleen’s leaking slowly
Smell of your innards drives me hot
Your substance with a rusty poker I explore
I masturbate with your large intestine
Undigested remnants mixed with my semen
Ejaculation, mutilation and pain
No one knows you’ve been here
I hush up my atrocities
Your blood will be poured to lavatory
And your remains will be cooked and eaten
4. Shameful Intercourse
I share my gusto with the dead
The touch of her cold body invites me
To spread wide her pale livid legs
I lick her stiff clitoris
And put my penis into
Her stinking moulded flesh
Our play’s broken with undertaker’s footsteps
I flee unnoticed and head for cemetery
I find middle-aged woman’s recent grave
And unbury her half-eaten-by-worms flesh
I feel like making love with the dead
Fucking her festering anus
I feel the swarm is creeping me
A minute then I ejaculate
Maggots biting my cock and entering my ass
The gift of life set inside
Of her decaying innards
I’m satisfied for 4 days straight
I’ll come back
To shag you where you once had a chest
5. The Quest for Happiness
Money, fame, power and women;
Inner peace, redemption and paradise
Mankind heads for its goals
Ages of war, degenerated institutions
My recipe for happiness
Is inside and beyond me
It was conceived in my sick mind
I denied morality
Transfixing your left knee with a huge pick axe
I’m you god – your life in my hands
Your yelling and dismay are my thrill
I tongue your nipples and grind them with pliers
I stab your forehead staring as it’s dripping with blood
No stigmata – non-divine reality
Insane and suffering into convulsions
Yet feeling as I’m nailing your shoulder-blade
Warm human flesh studded with nails
Your mutilated and defiled body
Going beyond the boundaries
Approaching people, even...
No reason to obey rules
Regardless of what they say
Pain and mutilation
Are my way to reach my bliss and happiness
6. Innocence I defiled
My heart’s beating faster
My thoughts are in a whirl
When I follow them
Holding sharpened knife
Thrust in bushes
Facing my lust and anger
Blunt blade is mutilating their throats
As they hopelessly beg for mercy
As I commit those horrifying crimes
Undoing his trousers
Cutting off his genitals
Inserting his cock into her mouth
The only one blowjob he’s been ever given
My penis erected and wet
As I push the knife into her rectum
Blood-wet vulva in boy’s mouth
The fellatio they will never forget
I orgasm inserting my genitals
Into pulsating hole
Emasculated gouged crotch
7. Brutal Judgement
Combat boots relentlessly kicking your head
Hard beating smashing your eyesore face
Clubbing your kidneys and crotch
Hacking up with a cleaver
Your legs and hands
Pierced with a rusty fork thrusting within
Excruciating pain
No chance to beg for mercy
Devour your cut-off tongue
With scalpel I split your guts
I throw them along pavement
Your gouged eyes are staring at this
Whipping you with ripped backbone
Brain dropped into a dustbin
Pissing into eye sockets
On your genitals rats are gnawing