
"Power, Pain & Passion - Ten Years 1990 - 2000" (2002 Best of/Compilation)
1. Human Condition 2. Toxic Shock 3. Death Requiem 4. Martyrs 5. Satan's Doom 6. Hammer Of God (Live) 7. Scrolls Of The Megilloth (Live) 8. Mephibosheth (Live) 9. Buried Into Obscurity 10. Monks Of The High Lord 11. At War With War 12. Illusion Of Life 13. Metal Blessing (Live) 14. Standing At The Door Of Death (Live) 15. Your Life (Live) 16. Grind Planetarium (Live)
1. Human Condition
Wars and famines, A.I.D.S. and broken lives
Drug offenses, damage to bring demise
Bury the dead in their coffins
Mankind is rotting away
Global misconceptions
Lies to steal your life
Lies, wars, hatred, Antichrist
Human condition
It is no superstition
Human condition
In desperate need of God
Privatisation, selling the world away
Abolishing independance
New World Order shall arise
Bury the dead in their coffins
Mankind is rotting away
Cashless world is coming
The beast is on arise
One will rise with false hope
Seeming to solve the crisis
The man of sin, the Antichrist
Bringing the lies of death
Bury the dead in their coffins
Mankind is rotting away
Look in the Bible for answers
Don't accept the false demise
2. Toxic Shock
Over indulgence in substance you require
To settle down, to feel sane, the his is in your mind
Veins pumping, eyes lost, hideous life of pain
It hates you now, the joy is gone, death crime insane.
Drug free body, you must deceide
Drug free body, beware! The toxic shock.
A life of compulsion, excessive in every way
No moderation, more sensation, feelings inside your
Young bodies may take it, but age will tell the toll
Satans plan to kill you young, possession growing
Pain, fear, despair
Hope, it is the other way of life, you can be saved
from the toxic shock, from the pain inside
From a mind of loss, see the cross
Back street hangout, in drains you do await
Body shacking, heart is racing, frantic for you man
More suffering, excessive, ways have killed your mind
You will crawl the gutters of filth to fix your pain
Many will testify, that through the power of God
All is broken, all is clean, God can heal your mind.
Drug free, it can be your way
Simply see that it is done, Christ is there to save.
3. Death Requiem
As they gather at the funeral wake
To speak of good times gone by
The deceased soul learns some more
Revealed reality, the flames of unrest
"Maybe his in his next life"
Sobs ma as the tears roll
Unknowing the eternal destination
As He awaits the judgement throne
"He's at rest now"
The hired celebrant proclaims
He tickles all the ears
While sin is exposed by the Heavenly Host
Silence falls over the crowd
As the casket lowers into the ground
While kneeling in the Heavenlies
Confessing the forsaken Lord of his life
"How can God allow this"
Cries sister in lament
But God had other plans
And revealed what this has meant
You gather what you cast into this straying earth life
While man has his will, the Son paid the price
You turn the flesh back into dust
Saying return to dust you sons of Adam
Lord teach us so to number our days
That we may apply our hearts to wisdom
In order that we avoid the aftermath of separation
Returning to the original purpose of creation
So back on earth men make their claims playing
"Where do they go" games
While up in Heaven the creator cries as people listen
To each other's lies
4. Martyrs
Die for your faith,
die for your faith,
die for your faith,
die for what you believe in
Small group in Cambodia,
gather in the mud brick room,
teachers shares The Word,
then they kneed and pray,
communist soldiers storm the door,
throw the Bible to the floor,
spit upon this book
or you will breath your last
one by one they spit and cry
they're in fear of their lives
a young girl wipes her Jesus dry
shot in the head she dies.
Evil man killing the christians
satan gives him the false abuse,
but as he reads The Bible truth,
he converst to the Christian Faith,
taken to the evil leaders, he is a disgrace
thrown into a slime filled pit,
eaten by rats for his new Faith.
Preaching man in china,
taken from hias family home,
thrown into a prison cell,
for no criminal reason,
rotting and tortured in his fate,
he will not deny his Faith,
he knows the truth of Christian ways,
no brutal force will make him change.
5. Satan's Doom
Behold the one called Lucifer eternally damned
In caverns of despair
His mind infested with hate for you
May every soul of his death be aware
We reject you Satan the prince of hate
You'll pay dearly for the atrocities you've done
Your head will be crushed and vile gore spurt
It'll be all over for all who hate the Son
Choose not to die
Choose after-life
Vengeance is mine saith Almighty God
Whatever you sow you'll reap
Unlimited power is found in Christ
You must arise from your deceptive sleep
Come before the writhing flames
Witness the death of your spell
For Satan is stripped of strength and power
Left helpless to burn forever
Soldiers of hate on the war path to doom
Victims of their decision to deny
Destructive consequences befall the denier
Almighty will reveal to them why
No more sacrifices required
Away with your satanic attire
Wake up mislead children of wrath
Escape the consequence of the fire
Must you prolong this charade of gore
The hands of time in continual movement
The scum of the earth that you call master
Has already been defeated
Behold all this of which we speak
Is genuine warning to those who'll listen
Illusion or fantasy this is neither
Decide for Christ you must hasten
6. Hammer Of God (Live)
Hammer of God,
Crushing the gates of evil
Reigning in Glory,
Satan bows to The Word
Fire, burning, swords, blazing,
Hate, dying, Glory, Raised.
Heads held high,
reflecting God shining
Now the Hammer has fallen
Evil lies, on the anvil
Sparks are flying,
as the Hammer smashing blow. ]
See the sky,
streams of Light breaking forth
Darkness cracked,
as the candle shines
Raised with force,
the Hammer will prevail
Christian ways victorious,
fill us with Your praise.
We are light, spreading Gospel Truth
You just might listen to our ways
Now be converted, feel the blessed heart
Change forever, eternal life
7. Scrolls Of The Megilloth (Live)
Guidance of our intimacy
Holy love is what I see
Direction from the book of life
Song of songs in the Megilloth
Existence of admiration
Man's part of God's creation
Scrolls of the Megilloth
Scrolls of the Megilloth
David's genealogy
A female friend is she
Ruth is a book of love
To overcome difficulties
Boaz, symbolic of Christ
Redeeming His holy Church
Esther, victory of morals
Over conniving racist king
Sovereignty and great courage
Protection of God's people
Taken to captivity
A sense of tragedy
Jeremiah's Lamentation
Grieving for his nation
Destruction is a logical result
Of defying God
A book of philosophy
Frustration absurdity
Everything has a season
Purposed under Heaven
Ecclesiastes, Solomon's searching
Just like your life
8. Mephibosheth (Live)
David made a covenant with Jonathan
A promise of trust, the spilling of blood
Slaughter the heifer, walk between two parts
Off with my head if I break the oath.
Blood covenant
Jonathan died in battle
David, ascend to the throne
Mephibosheth a cripple
Son of Jonathan lost
Left behind as they fled
Oath of death upon David's head
The search went out for Mephibosheth
Caught, imprisoned, cursing rebel
Brought before King David's throne
Thought that death was imminent
David remembers the covenant oath
He'll show kindness to Jonathan's house
Seen as now the son of the king
All that was Saul's would now be his
You are Mephibosheth
David, symbolic of God
Your resisting His throne
The blessing of the blood covenant
Christ died for you, you don't even know
9. Buried Into Obscurity
Ripped off by the the fears of your mind
Buried without release
Christ's love brings healing
False fear erased
Battle of the flesh to overcome your fear
Believe in release, face your fears and win
Unfulfilled in the call of your life
No faith in your cause
Believing the lie that you are nought
Can you ever succeed
Buried into obscurity
Hold your faith power, push your fear down
Beating the fears with your faith
Lifting the holy cause
God can surely use your life
when you're bold in heart
Raised into eternity
Hold your faith power, push your fear down
10. Monks Of The High Lord
We are the order of grinding silence
Leaving the peace as the music subsides
Again impacting with brutal sonics
He will expel the evil of darkness
Essence of silence
Monks of the high Lord
Essence of noise
Monks of the high Lord
Feeling cold from a menacing absence
I'm surrounded by a constant noise
I remember my true religion
I adjourn to your peace in the mist
I see, the beauty and beast
I feel, your power and beat
I know there is a way
Show me, grinding silence
So many people
Caught in a world of noise
Open your mind and see the sound of the quiet
Live in the grinding silence
A life of sheer extremes
Noise and quiet, life, Lord & peace
What do you worship?
Don't worship gods of wood and steel
Finding solace in the light of your word
Breeding life in the heast of silence
Humming a tune of orchestral essence
Meeting with you in the still of creation
11. At War With War
yeah, at war with war
yeah at war with war, no more, at war with war.
they seek his life in vein he will not be
denied, he escapes the clutch of sin to be restored
unto his homeland
They brag the victory, but it comes through love not
hate, see the power comes from the servant who puts
his sword to service
Bridge- Love not your life among us, lay down your
hate for service, the power comes from lifting others,
the weak shall hate mankind. What makes you think
you're powerful, you hate those you see as less but
the more people that you trample, the more you're
bound to trip.
Militias of death, people who hate the black
man...what makes you think you're best? take heed of
victorys in arenas
I have made myself a servant to all, that I
might win all the more, now I do this for the Gospel's
sake that I might partake it with you. To the jews I
am a jew, to those under the law as under the law, to
those without the law as without the law, seeking to
serve, to signify.
12. Illusion Of Life
Can't you see this world's illusions of life
It's not gonna last. You won't survive
We're all destined to the grave
Unless we call upon God to save
us from eternal death.
The illusion of life is that you think you're safe
without the Lord and His saving grace
While you think you've got safety and peace
Your lifes suddenly over no more mercy
Hell awaits you, it's too late.
The things of life is all that seems to be real
But can't you see that in eternity it's just a fantasy
Christ is the reality in Him is eternal life
This world isn't gonna last. It's gonna burn you'd better run fast
Eternity is the reality. Look forward to it with Jesus
Faithfuland true he'll never fail you
He loved you so much that He died for you
The illusion of life tells us to live for today
till the day that we pass away
No thought to prepare for your Maker
Live for God or die with the faker- This world can't save you.
How can you guarantee yourself eternal life
Today you are here and tomorrow you die,
Do you know where you'll go when you've gone
There's only two ways to go, up or dow, You'd better decide.
13. Metal Blessing (Live)
The church of steel,
Standing for God,
Preaching the word
The way of faith,
Breaking the death.
Never afraid.
Metal blessing, blessing
Metal blessing, blessing
Metallic Faith,
Rising in ways,
Not to be beat.
His way of iron,
Searching for wisdom
Gaining his favour
Satan stalking,
Hates the faithful,
Church still standing, in the fight
Steel of thunder, in our footsteps,
As we stamp out, hate from earth
Pounding the walls,
Heeding the call,
Boldly wrought.
Armour of steel,
Quenching the darts, of the evil
14. Standing At The Door Of Death (Live)
I have seen the devil's fires
All around the youth
I have seen the funeral pyres
Too much suicide
Jesus died, blood of christ
Don't heed the lies, of the evil side
Standing at the door of death
I have seen the light of heaven
My eternity
Realise, Christ, paid the price
Don't need to die, without eternal life
15. Your Life (Live)
I see your life
You're going nowhere
I see your life
Are you in despair
Fear comes in the night
Afraid of what comes next
What is this life, what is this mess?
My mispent, recompense
What is hope? My despair
Don't want to raise raise my head
Sleep engulfs my pain
What is my release, purpose for this flesh?
Drugged and lost I come
I hear the music play
They speak my release
The new born life
Hope kills my pain - what is this change?
God has come to me, life infills my veins
My new life, I repeat
This is hope, my new way
I see your life
You're going somewhere
I see your life
You're mind is in His hands
16. Grind Planetarium (Live)
Grind planetarium
Pride, lacerated from my mind
Grind planetarium
New, destroying all that is blind deceit
Bringing forth flesh denial
Stardom farces
Capture those of false arise
Manipulation of other to
Bring about succes
Those of flesh will see you're false
Christian warfare
Kill the stars exalt the cause
Mass exposure
Is what we want but for our Lord
[1 John 2:16; Proverbs 16:18, 29:23; Mark 7:21-23; 1 Timothy 6:9]