
"Machshevet Habriá (Myths and Conjectures of Creation)" (2005)
1. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Preludium: Invocatio Sub Rosa Mystica 2. Eternal Agony from Vacuum Spirits 3. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype of Being) 4. Proliferous Equilbrium of Fohat 5. Contraction and Dilation of the Cosmic Splenium 6. Pain and Sacrifice of Rativity by Pleasure 7. Rahahs and the Black Sun at South 8. Condemend to Grave of Beginning Era 9. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Epiloguium: Dedicato Sub Rosa Rigra
1. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Preludium: Invocatio Sub Rosa Mystica
2. Eternal Agony from Vacuum Spirits
lyrics: Paullus Moura (Dec'97) / music: Morcrof
As clear as the darkness
Of the inert night that see you
In your cold moribund soul
...Blaze in fire of the my ashes
I don't have life and i don't have death
Await for both in my deserts
When the light will extinguish
Inflame me for the pain of formerly;
In power of creation
I am the bastard son
I'm not nothing, I'm not nobody
Been the eternal and constant vacuum;
I see and live between two worlds
Raise in myself of the nothing i have
Ancient as the as my supreme Lord
Father of Chaos, of Virtue and Sin;
Never will have and will be myself
I'm not nothing,i'm not nobody
I'm don't have soul, I don't have reason;
I'm vacuum of light and darkness
My body is something create
I am nothing inside of the everything
I am the vacuum of the begin
...until the final at the years...please, listen me...
3. Ad Infinitum (Awakening Etheric Archetype of Being)
lyrics: Paullus Moura, May'02 / music: Morcrof
Num, ad infinitum, fermenting the inertness
By himself awakening and fertilize the conscious
Arising in his uterus genitor by desire, the egg
Evoking the first thinking of creation, the being
It's cradle of contraction and dilation
Concentrating his form in the flux coagulate
Through pain and sacrifice after enjoyment the conception
When it burst and raised up as primordial tower
This is the sublime ethereal essence
The pure archetype of reality
The being that ever be, that ever was been
That ever will be, into the elliptical evolution
just awaken and arisen in Num
As the tower of all existence, Amon
'Coz whom is being ever will be
and ever was been, and I am immortal
It's occulted face of truth
The unconsciousness of being
The mysteries of creation
The chaos behind of harmonies
Num, ad infinitum, fermenting the inertness
The cradle of contraction and dilation
Raise up the tower, archetype of reality
Occulted face of truth, mysteries of creation
The being that ever be, that ever was been
That ever will be, Into the elliptical evolution
The truth is prisoner in the past forever
And the return of knowledge ready together up
(Are you believe? What's his truth?)
4. Proliferous Equilbrium of Fohat
lyrics: Paullus Moura (Sep'97) / music: Morcrof
Father of begin, of continuous instants
Descending of Himself, before of the origin
Reaching him to younder end
Everything yourself pertain are double;
On his Balance or Hatchet of Justice
The existent cosmology of Celestial Hierarchy
Among men, Gods and Demons
For search of essence of feelings;
Dry trees in moist swamps
Darkness mirrored through of light
The eternal conscience of the unconsciousness
Inconstant in the constant occult knowledge;
Propagating you frozen fire flaming
Of life alive of Death
And the Death killed in Life
Arise in nothing and everything;
In dubious true and reality
Errant for untruth and honest
Vibrating of principle chaos
No imaginable to mundanes souls;
Up in love and hate
Born the days and nights
At tomorrow that doesn't comes
Therefore the future is abstract;
The hot cold of the Cosmo
The disharmonic Harmony
Reflected the infinite level unity
On the atmospheres of the Vacuum.
5. Contraction and Dilation of the Cosmic Splenium
lyrics: Paullus Moura (May'02) / music: Morcrof
After casual desire, awaken conscious in the Num
Raising up the Amon's tower as existential ellipse
That was introduced his occult cosmic ejaculate for creation
Made the primary life fecundated, wanted to be grow
Nowadays the crucial moment is coming
And the being will out of his splenium
The cycle of creation begin and acclaim for freedom
And the son of incest will complete the act, for be individual
It's prophecy to all descendant, it's reflection to survive
Born to be transformed by ellipse together with all that exist
The forces necessary to exit the son threaten the solitude of vacuum
All fermentation is finished the body and spirit, metamorphose
And the fecundity in her female manifest
For procreate the life, and his occult face
This the first semen in egg splenium
Beginning, no more Num, no more vacuum
Contract and dilate the cosmic uterus, like heart
Exhorting new existence, spiting out the firstborn
Propagating the conscious by attrition of the light
Reflected by neshamot manifested inside another prism
6. Pain and Sacrifice of Rativity by Pleasure
lyrics: Paullus Moura (May'02) / music: Morcrof
Bring the life by pain and sacrifice
Making it the crucial moment of procreation
Opposites to enjoyment dispensed in the body
Tearing the entrails for procreation, to be born
After the cosmic ejaculate, the pleasure that fecundation
Born the primordial being, torn by desire of freedom
From entrails through pain and sacrifice, at elliptical tower
Evoked all bear way, under by elements of each kind
Water, semen and blood incarnate the existence
This is the elemental flux of life, water is Kheper
From the Num creator and the Ank him emanated
Is the first act in the unconscious awakened
Tenuous skin between pain and pleasure
And sacrifice the legacy of desires for procreation
Equilibrium of Fohat evoked to all reign
The essence the keep the continuous existence
It's reflected by human constitution on the mirror
showing us the little part of Neit mysteries
And Amon occulted manifestation, continuing present
Into the unknown truthful, that never will be reveled
7. Rahahs and the Black Sun at South
Was evoked the great power
From etheric Black Sun in South
Extinguishing dominuion of Red Race, and his descendants
Formerly sons of Lemurians at Atlantis;
His invisible darkness shine here
Destined to conclude the creation of elements
And with extinguish of the ancestor cults
Forming the new up with proliferation traditional rest;
Today our blend mystify his baptism
We are semen of flesh and errant spirits
Regented by forces of your influence
And the ashes that begin his concept;
...and the digestion of Earth
Will complete his existential cycle
...and the blood of Earth
Will acclaim revenge against humanity
...and the respiration of Earth
Will burn the archaic culture
...and of his ashes will arise
The new era and new order;
The gloomy epoch at in South
Black Sun, black Moon, dominating us
In the cosmic instants of mundane centuries
Will keep in ellipsis of ours evolutives lines;
On this disgrace reflect the plenitude
For others times of light
Before new cataclysm genocide
...formatting ashes for immortalizer the history...
8. Condemend to Grave of Beginning Era
lyrics: Paullus Moura (May'02) / music: Morcrof
The deepen and constant penetration of the sky
Enjoyment on the clay ground of earth
Sowing the sacred semen on the moist humus
Similar act from elemental cosmic incest
The great mother, female power manifest
Searching the snake for her pleasure, the father
For grow his lover son, the serpent evolution
Let's image of this incest divine to men
Fecundating this sacred egg by profanation
Create the conscious into existence, ethereal body
Penetrated by sun, beloved lover of the mother
Transforming the father by himself brother
Absorb thus mundane semen to form like gods
Formerly spread as the pollens cultivated by species
Make by Devas the conscious in the shadows of the sun
The ethereal bodies under plenitude light of the moon
Bring the life by pain and sacrifice
Making it the crucial moment of procreation
Opposites to enjoyment dispensed in the body
Tearing the entrails for procreation, to be born
Idealized this context in fruit of desire
Coming of formerly spread around body
The semen of pleasure, pain and sacrifice
Destined to grave of his begin existence.
9. Claviculae Angelicae Enochianis / Epiloguium: Dedicato Sub Rosa Rigra