
"Suicide Spectrum" (2004 Demo)
1. Arkana Umierania 2. Cut Nails 3. Ostatni Zastrzyk 4. Korytarze Nienawi¶ci 5. Zag³ada Królestwa 6. Mists of Nakedness 7. Echo of Lust 8. Panzer Division Marduk (Marduk cover)
1. Arkana Umierania
2. Cut Nails
Dead eyes look for in a distance
Pierce passionately the death.
With needles of pain shrouded forever
Desiveous continual development.
They will uncover your time look deep inside.
They will sink your glaving
You don't want to live any more.
Unwished dread emerges on your hands.
You look at it
His colour changes everythink in madness
Hiddenly dead nails are cuting you
And below them-intense wild.
You will never blur the trace
The trace of sheded blood
The time is decaying
My life is dying
The fear intensifies in hands
Her fingers are clenching.
Fingers signed with cut nails.
In mirror they will not see them any more
Bloodlogged they are ultimately joining together.
At last the arm falls down without enthusiasm.
Fulfilled by it's master.
3. Ostatni Zastrzyk
4. Korytarze Nienawi¶ci
5. Zag³ada Królestwa
Rozerwany na pó³ snopem ¶wiat³a
Oznaczony rozgrzanym metalem
Wznoszê oczy swe ku górze
Z pogard± spogl±daj±c w ¼renice jego
Me wykrzywione wargi krzycz±
Ma zaci¶niêta piê¶æ grozi
Za mn± i przede mn± gdziekolwiek zwrócê
Sw± twarz t³um potêpionych
Przyodziali nas w czarne szaty
By wiedzieæ na kim siê m¶ciæ
Nadali nam pod³e imiona by móc
Drwiæ z nas
Skazali nas na potêpienie odczytuj±c znamiê
Jakie nam sami sprawili
Jam jest Ten który by³ jest i bêdzie
Jam przywódc± rewolty
Jam sprawujê w³adzê tutaj...
Dok±d ty nie siêgasz ,TY który swym pustym
Wzrokiem unikasz tego miejsca, sk±d sam
Przyszed³e¶, gdziem ciê w kolebce koleba³
Delikatnie pieszcz±c twe ¶niade lico
Wygnany i opuszczony, zdradzony czekam na...
Czas w którym siê wype³ni ma zemsta
Twe dni policzone
Twa w³adza odebrana
Twe królestwo zniszczone
Wielka nawa³nica potê¿ny potop jaki zgotujê
Tobie bêdzie m± odpowiedzi±
na wszelkie z³o jakie¶ mi uczyni³
Niech zgasn± nadziei p³omienie
Dla tych którzy nie dla nas lecz przeciw
Nam ukuli swe miecze.
6. Mists of Nakedness
7. Echo of Lust
8. Panzer Division Marduk (Marduk cover)
Black, fearsome and grim and mighty
Panzer division Marduk rolls over enemy land
Striking hard and fast against your lines
We blow your fortress into sand
The victory is Satan's but the battle is ours
We avenge you for centuries of rape, murder and theft
Behold the power of our killing machine
There'll be nothing but dust when the vultures have left
Forged in the essence of the unholy flames
By the first angel once fallen from the skies
The war hounds of hell can't be stopped on our march
To extinguish the goodness and lies
Panzer division Marduk continues its triumphant crusade
Against christianity and your worthless humanity