
"Rebel You Love to Hate" (2003)
1. Wigga 2. Rebel You Love to Hate 3. Making Friends is Fun 4. De men of Stein 5. Rage Against the Mac Machine 6. Get Ready 7. Ass-Ghanistan 8. He's Dead Jim 9. Get Ready (Almost Live Kinda)
1. Wigga
White dude why you gotta say sup
Why you bragging like you bust shit up
Jump, jump, jump around shake that booty get down
White dudes can't jump or dance
Especially when their butt is hanging outta their pants
Now what the hell is that all about
Here's a big boot to the ass hanging out
So you think you're a gangsta
More like a little white suburban pranksta
Tagging up the walls, rolling with the homies
Now you think you're a hoodie
You saw Colors and you got a woody
Then thought up the master plan
Gonna write a rap song and sell it to the white man
I remember when phat was spelled with an F
I remember if you couldn't hear you were deaf
I remember when you were where you were from
And not what you saw on the television son
Wigga wigga - white boy
Wigga wigga - gangsta wanna be
Wigga wigga - white boy your pants are falling down
Could you find them any bigger
All the wiggas in the house say sup - SUP!
Will the wiggas in the house stand up - white boy
Please stand up, please stand up, pull your pants up, will you pull your pants up
Bustin out your funky freash tommys
Looking real dip in the hood thanks to mommy
Pull your hood up - twist your hat crooked
pull your hood up, boy you look stupid
You want that rap look, so you duped it, you duped it
You want that rap sound, so you looped it, you looped it
Pull your hood up - twist your hat crooked
pull your hood up, boy you look stupid
Hey white boy, can't you find the beat
You ain't street, you're trippin on your own feet
Pull your hood up - twist your hat crooked
pull your hood up, boy you look stupid
So you want to live large, Large
Drive fancy cars and hang around with pop stars
Pull your hood up - Pull your hood up
2. Rebel You Love to Hate
As I enter the room it gets silent!
my identity by itself causes violence
it must be the rebel in me
walking a line that's plain enough to see
don't step up, step off
cause my deadly bite will rip your head off
why even sweat, never let it bother
I inherited Pride from my Father
who I am, is what I choose
and that's the way it is.
It's who I am, it's how I live
you think for a second that I care what you think
If I look into your eyes son, you better not blink
The rebel you love to hate!
The rhythm the rebel the music will level
hitting you hard like a ten ton shovel
I got pounds, so understand
I got pounds, and the Master plan
Taking out punks with the back of my hand
Makin' a point and takin' a stand
like 2 pac - your gonna get popped
your ass I'm gonna rock, you're gonna get dropped
don't care what you think - cause I wear the ring
don't care what you think - Not a damn thing
don't care what you think - my shit don't stink
If I look into your eyes son, you better not blink
Hardcore - hard to the core
The rhythm of the rebel makes you want more
So listen to the sound of the underground
3. Making Friends is Fun
Criticize our country - kick us when we're down!
criticize our military movements on the ground
You think that we're a joke - Here's something to quote
Shove your turban in your trap or I'm gonna kill your goat
you want to be a martyr - we're happy to oblige
you want to be a victim - of a system that divides
you want to be a hero - then we're gonna collide
you want to go to paradise - we'll pay for the ride
scream about atrocities - our country has perpetrated
scream about the policies - about to be implimated...
scream about alliances - our country has affiliated
scream about poor villages - about to be incinerated...
Say we are the terrorists - that we are to blame
that it might as well have been us piloting those planes
we brought it on ourselves - so you fuckin' say
Here's a couple of daisy cutters - have a nice fuckin' day
scream about atrocities - our country has perpetrated
scream about the policies - about to be implimated
scream about alliances - our country has affiliated...
scream about poor villages - about to be incinerated
why don't you pack your tent and leave the states
since it pains you so much to watch their fate
here's your 10 million back shove it up your fuckin' Saudi ass
getting rich on our democracy, Riding on our freedom's back
...... Making friends is FUN
Criticize our country - kick us when we're down!
criticize our military movements on the ground
You think that we're a joke - Here's something to quote
Shove your turban in your trap or I'm gonna kill your goat
Complain about our Country - as coalitions build
With the UN as your soap box - and your pockets filled with bills
I got soem news for you as you're drilling in the sand
The guilt is on your face the blood is on your fucking hands
scream about atrocities - our country has perpetrated...
scream about the policies - about to be implemented
scream about alliances - our country has affiliated...
scream about poor villages - about to be incinerated
Scream about humanity - America's insanity
You're always kissing our ass when we're handing out our cash
why don't you pack your tent and leave the states
since it pains you so much to watch their fate
here's your 10 million back shove it up your fuckin' Saudi ass
getting rich on our democracy, riding on our freedom's back
...... Making friends is FUN
4. De men of Stein
Neo-fascist fashion queens prepare for techno war
Dance around in rubber pants goose step on the dance floor
DJ's spin a lethal mix, Hypnotizing neon lights
Wearing proud the Iron Cross
Dance around like Devo
Dance around like Devo
Thumping, Pumping, Slamming
Slamming you right off your feet
When they come to shine
Tighten your pants in fear
... Ram - The men of stein
You must know the enemy
Destroy all the non-believers
Drive them down onto their knees
Ein - two - tres - GO
Dance around like Devo
Dance around like Devo
When they come to shine
Tighten your pants in fear
... Ram - The men of stein
Techno rules the world - Techno is the new reich
Techno rules the world - techno rules the world tonight
When they come to shine
Tighten your pants in fear
... Ram - The men of stein
5. Rage Against the Mac Machine
Living in a country - where freedom is provided
Where scumbags burn the flag - and GOD is not recited
blame society and the generations past
but your principals get lost when it comes to cash
drivin' down the streets of gold - for which you've never fought
hyping everyone to fight for your cause
blaming everyone for indians that fell
as the checks come rollin' in and the t-shirts start to sell
Rage - against - the mac machine
cashin' in - sell out hypocrites!
corporation dollars fund your benefits
as they press up all your records - and buy your k-rock hits
you fuckin' hypocrites
You want to free Tibet because you say Tibet's got it bad
fuck you, fuck Tibet, fuck your fans
move there if you feel so sad
raise a lot of cash - and ship it to Tibet
you hypocrites did you forget
there's people starving in your own backyard
complain about the world - it's hatred and it's strife
complain about the world - toxic waste, pollution, loss of life
complain about the world - your anger is a message
a west coast liberal, douchebag, dickhead
millionaire's perspective
Rage - against - the mac machine
cashin' in - sell out hypocrites!
corporation dollars fund your benefits
as they press up all your records - and buy your k-rock hits
Freedom - isn't free
Freedom - isn't free
Rage Against Freedom why do you Rage Against Freedom
Rage - against - the mac machine
cashin' in - sell out hypocrites!
corporation dollars fund your benefits
as they press up all your records - and buy your k-rock hits
6. Get Ready
Someone call for the doctor
Got your cure on the tip of my tongue
Call me God of Thunder
You wanted the best so here I come
We hit the stage play all the hits
The place is packed, there's nowhere to sit
You scream for more, we rock the crowd
Let's hear it!!! Shout it out loud
Are you ready?
So get Ready - Get Ready
Turn it up make it hotter than hell
The army's here let's hear you all yell
You love it loud we love it loud too
Let me hear you! Do IT!
Are you ready?
So get Ready - Get Ready
7. Ass-Ghanistan
You stare and hold your breath, as a sleeping giant awakes
wondering what you got yourself into,
gonna drown in our military wake
got a few tomahawk cruise missiles on the way
better kick your donkey into high gear
cause your gonna meet Allah today
So, pile up the sand
around the caves where you hide
here's a little more TNT
to lift your spirits high
You wanna go to Paradise
We'll send you on the way
A world stands united - united
And ready to de-liver your fate
So, you think it's HOT? in the desert where you make your stand
gonna turn that desert into glass when we nuke ASSGHANSITAN
Some fuckin' Jihad, you said the blood will flow like a river
But what you didn't tell us is the blood is yours
from the ass-kicking that we delivered
So, pile up the sand
around the caves where you hide
here's a little more TNT
to lift your spirits high
You wanna go to Paradise
We'll send you on the way
A world stands united - united
And ready to de-liver your fate
we'll show you the real meaning of faith
and watch you camels d-cint-ter-grate
your asses we will o-blit-ter-rate
8. He's Dead Jim
Please don't beam me down with Kirk, McCoy and Spock
cause if you do, I know that I'll be dead by 1 o'clock
Maybe I'll be vaporized or crushed beneath some granite
Bones will look at Jim and say I'm just a doctor Dammit!
I'm an extra - on Star Trek
It's my break - on TV
the fourth man in the landing crew
It's the last you'll see of me
Thy didn't ask me if I wanted to go
and if they did - I would have told them NO
Just because my shirt is red this doesn't have to be
Everytime they beam down four they only beam back three
I'm an extra - on Star Trek
It's my break - on TV
the fourth man in the landing crew
It's the last you'll see of me
So when they need men to beam down, don't be a volunteer
Just stay up at the helm and help Sulu steer
The Enterprise is much more fun when Scotty runs the crew
So you beam down - I'll stay aboard and have some tribal stew
I'm an extra - on Star Trek
It's my break - on TV
the fourth man in the landing crew
It's the last you'll see of me!
9. Get Ready (Almost Live Kinda)
Someone call for the doctor
Got your cure on the tip of my tongue
Call me God of Thunder
You wanted the best so here I come
We hit the stage play all the hits
The place is packed, there's nowhere to sit
You scream for more, we rock the crowd
Let's hear it!!! Shout it out loud
Are you ready?
So get Ready - Get Ready
Turn it up make it hotter than hell
The army's here let's hear you all yell
You love it loud we love it loud too
Let me hear you! Do IT!
Are you ready?
So get Ready - Get Ready