
"Impervious Gates Of Heaven" (1996)
1. Intro - Ave Satanas 2. Life After Life 3. Blasted The Church 4. Impervious Gates Of Heaven 5. Welcome To Hell 6. In Memoriam ... 7. The Revenge After Death 8. Outro - In Nomine ...
1. Intro - Ave Satanas
A decided to treat in name of humanity,
more already I can't hurt.
With raging I look like star flaming in remote parts,
which deprive responsibility.
I can't ,as these immense spaces,
rely to my eternity.
Therefore I uncover my darkness
and from it I save to monument.
2. Life After Life
Your soul goes to trip its,
this trip only your sleeping eyes see.
You squeeze one's way trough
the countryside flooding darkness.
another life is over,other comes.
So I welcome you again here among us.
It,what you experienced,nobody from us guess it.
At memories yours over back it is running frost,
One thing howeyer you know,
that death you are never afraid again.
3. Blasted The Church
Crowds of people look at fiercely
there somewhere by grey heaven
and the man of God rubs in nonsenses
in stolid brains chusch shrifts.
It isn't heavy in something to believe,
thrust of all around to acquire.
In brains of people the God to jail
and then just loudly to whistle.
Satan,the ruler of darkness,
all you are aware and know.
Advise me,how the church to break,
and to clean the brain our?
The Church is awful damnation,
poor faith in something,
in it,what for a long time it isn't all therage now,
in the poor God,which is neither.
4. Impervious Gates Of Heaven
I don't know,what it will be futher,
till my candle burns out.
No,that I would fear,
but the best beutiful is to live.
If the God is,so I don't want to know him,
and till this candle burns out,
from the gates of hell I want to laugh him.
I'm not allowed to go there,
where the fires don't burn,
where the God is master
and the saint cross dominates everything.
5. Welcome To Hell
So,like steam above water loses
and your ideals are away.
All in was you believed,from you brain loses out.
Everywhere rules hypocrisy and deception.
Your soul decomposes to two different ego,
from big part God in its kills.
This right way now already goes.
So you here welcom,welcome among us,
helling fires hug you.
So you here welcome,now you are one from among
in depth of heart lock new faith your.
Now comes time,when you will be accept
the prince of darkness to our rows.
You know good what you want,you aren't moved it,
The God decomposes in you and goes from him stench.
6. In Memoriam ...
You don't see the sun to your bed shinning.
You don't see the cross,which is only you.
You don't see a crowd over your grave crying,
to the end of time you stayed all alone ... in coffin.
It is end,your time begin.
Are you fully away and or do you live futher ?
Closing lid in depth below the ground,
you indulge in dead dreaming silently.
And what your soul?If it is actually.
Is it too dead or does go on a pilgrimage to land?
How is is then?I must ask.
How is it then?I want to know the truth.
7. The Revenge After Death
Erect cross,verdict of death.
The sign of the age,water of blood,
for the riches church sweeps.
For ally with devil perishes,
the inquisitor powerful with arm hints.
The light bonfire illuminates,
the flames of death come to life.
You don't know,who is it,
yourself face you are losing
in flames of death cross yourself turn
souls your die,howeyer
the revenge after death swear ....
8. Outro - In Nomine ...