
"Further down the nest" (2007 EP)
1. Further Down The Nest I 2. Further Down The Nest II
1. Further Down The Nest I
Lost between the razor traces
Scratched confidence
Found comfort in shadows black
Taking darkness for granted
Left open for what comes unseen:
It's beautiful horror, it's wondrous seeds of doubt
Gazing into the abbys with the intensity of a madman
Desperately awaiting the day it looks back
Lest ye forget the monsters
Transgressing into a frigid soul
Nothing to expect, nothing to suprise
Shattering the precious illusion of potential
Further down the nest
Further down the ID
Cold, inert
Missed the distance, lost the trace
The Lord of Deceit rejoices
2. Further Down The Nest II
I tak sie wlasnie konczy swiat
nie hukiem, ni skomleniem
lecz szumem belkotu slepcow
zapomnialych swego upadku
Oto krew swiata, strumienie Ichor
Strugi cieplej sliny na pyskach Hylikos
Oto istota kielicha z Mateusza
Ksztalty bez formy, cienie bez barwy
Slowa bez znaczen, mozlwiosci bez celu
Promieniejace zycie