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"Pentagram" (1990)

1. Intro (Wreck)
2. Rotten Dogs
3. Mephistopheles
4. Metal Not Dead
5. Astharoth
6. Bloody Guillotine
7. Power Stage
8. Dimensions Of Death
9. Pentagram
10. Deceptive Balls
11. Los Magandos

1. Intro (Wreck)

2. Rotten Dogs

i will lead the way
secret in the dark
something i must say
knighted by a spark

you called my name
into our flame
time after time
end of the line

rotten dogs x2

3. Mephistopheles

4. Metal Not Dead

5. Astharoth

6. Bloody Guillotine

7. Power Stage

8. Dimensions Of Death

9. Pentagram

10. Deceptive Balls

11. Los Magandos


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# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 

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