
"Taste the sin" (2005)
1. The curse of love 2. The eye of the pyramid 3. �rni raj 4. Trapped in the nightmare 5. Heavy metal is our religion 6. Sweet sorrow 7. Thermopylai 8. Svoboda 9. No� Strasti 10. The lonely man's revenge
1. The curse of love
Trick or treat?
Game or sin?
You must choose
And find the key
Unlock the doors
Lurk in the dusk
And find the Cross
Of grief and lust
But it won`t help you
To find your girl
But it won`t help you
To find your love ...
It`s the curse of love
The game to break your heart.
It`s the curse of love
The game of blood
( solo: Beny)
Hide and seek
Find or kill!
Play with me
The game of sickness
Curse on you
You can`t escape
You must find me
I have the key
But it won`t help you
To find your girl
But it won`t help you
To find your love ...
It`s the curse of love
The game to break your heart
It`s the curse of love
The game of blood
Trick or treat?
Hide and seek
Play with me
I have the key
Game of sin,
Lust and grief
The Cross of sickness
You will be cursed FOREVER!
( solo:Rok,Beny,Beny&Rok)
2. The eye of the pyramid
As the starlight shines
Into the eye of the pyramid
Gods from the Underground shall rise
From the tombs and coffins
From the darkest holes
They`ll come here to destroy our world
From the ground
They will rise
To the sky
And make us die.
With their swords and axes
With Egyptian signs
They`ll come here to make us all die.
We`ll be nailed to crosses
We`ll be cursed by Gods
Mighty force of Evil will take our souls into the Eye.
From the ground
They will rise
To the sky
And make us die
Neverending madness
From the mighty Eye
Bringers of destruction
The triumph of the Gods!
3. �rni raj
Crna svila prekriva ti oci,
Bolecine �eljno tvoje je srce.
Nestrpna caka� na trenutek vecnosti,
Da si te vzamem in okusim tvojo kri.
Zapri oci, stisni pesti,
Omama bolecine in strasti,
Stisni pesti, zapri oci,
Okusi bolecino, okusi kri!
Ceprav joce�, sli�i se le smeh.
Ceprav joce�, ocitajo ti greh.
Ceprav joce�, sli�i se le smeh.
Umira tvoje srce.
Poni�no na kolenih, prosi� milosti,
A vdana v usodo, spet preda� se mi.
Polna po�elenja se bo� vrnila nazaj,
Vecno si ujeta v najin crni raj.
4. Trapped in the nightmare
Trapped in the nightmare, running in the dark
Cursed in some forest, where evil creatures control my mind
Wolfs and witches and all these lustful beasts
Crawling around me , lurking for my meat
Can`t you hear me!?
I`m screaming loud
Can`t you hear me!?
From this nightmare I want to wake up!
Screaming in the air,but no one hears me
Unleash my spirit from this dream
Trapped in the nightmare,chained to agony
Please break this spell and set me free!
Trees with eyes and stars with wicked smiles
Merciless monsters are tearing me apart
Caught in a circle of this painful fantasy
Begging for mercy,praying to be free.
Can`t you hear me!?
I`m screaming loud
Can`t you hear me!?
From this nightmare I want to wake up!
Screaming in the air,but no one hears me
Unleash my spirit from this dream
Trapped in the nightmare,chained to agony
Please break this spell and set me free!
5. Heavy metal is our religion
Dressed in leather
Dressed in jeans
Heavy Metal
So loud it kills
Longhaired people
In black T-shirts
Raising hands
And banging heads
Heavy Metal is our religion
Heavy Metal is the law
Heavy Metal is our religion
Heavy Metal`s in our blood
( solo:Beny)
People don`t like
The way we live
But we just smile
And have a beer
And if someone tells you
That you must change
Just stand up straight
And proudly say
Heavy Metal is our religion
Heavy Metal is the law
Heavy Metal is our religion
Heavy Metal`s our blood
All we need
Is to have each other
We don`t care
About the others
Ears-ripping guitars
Screaming voice
Pounding drums
Metal noise!!!
6. Sweet sorrow
The man is standing on a mountain
He`s looking at the sky
His eyes are full of tears
His mind is full of empitness
His family has left him
His friends have t ur ned him down
He is all alone now
He talks no more, he just cries
Sweet sorrow ...
The birds are flying above him
Singing him a song
But as he smiles and raises his hand
The birds fly away
So he takes the gun from his pocket
And points it at his head
Last teardrops on his face
As he shoots himself and falls down dead.
Sweet sorrow ...
I`m standing on a mountain
Loking at the sky
My eyes are full of tears
My mind is full of fears ...
7. Thermopylai
At Thermopylai Spartan army proudly stands
Silently waiting for the king's commands
With long hair, beards and scarlet cloaks
Makes the enemy wonder what gods Greece invoked
As soon as Persian army starts to charge
Spartan hoplites begin their deadly march
Marching side by side with pointed spears
Showing no fear as the enemy draws near
Lead by Leonidas, the Spartan king
They fight the battle they can't win
At Thermopylai mighty Spartans fight well
Defending their country give Persians hell
At Thermopylai mighty Spartans finally fall
Fighting for freedom, obeying duty's call
Like raging lions they meet the enemy
The battlefield t ur ns into blood-red sea
They fight fiercely shield against shield
Victory or death is the law they yield
For ho ur s blow after blow is dealt
Twice Persians are successfully repelled
Until Xerxes hears for secret mountain path
Sending the Immortals he unleashes his wrath
As enemy falls upon them all hope dies
To save countrymen and Greece Spartans sacrifice
At Thermopylai mighty Spartans fight well
Defending their country give Persians hell
At Thermopylai mighty Spartans finally fall
Fighting for freedom, obeying duty's call
8. Svoboda
Kje je na� ponos ?
Kje je na� pogum?
Krvava pest, izgubili smo razum.
Kdo je ta Bog ?
Kdo je ta vladar?
Nihce se vec ne spra�uje, nikom ur ni vec mar.
Svoboda-krvav je na� korak.
Svoboda-le kdo bo na� junak?
Svoboda-na oci nam pada mrak.
Svoboda-le kdo bo na� junak?
Temen je na� pogled,
Korak je brez strahu.
Na�e roke so v zraku, prvic vsi smo brez sramu.
Ne vdamo se v usodo,
Vecen bo na� boj.
Krenili smo na dolgo pot-mi se vracamo nazaj!
Svoboda-krvav je na� korak.
Svoboda-le kdo bo na� junak?
Svoboda-na oci nam pada mrak.
Svoboda-le kdo bo na� junak?
Oblaki so prekrili sonce,
temno je nebo.
De�ne kaplje nam pogum vlivajo.
Ko poci grom, razkolje se nebo.
Vemo-ni re�itve, Boga ne bo.
Vsi izgubljeni v ognju tavamo,
V neznosnih bolecinah umiramo.
Pred nami luc, so to le sanje?
Temno nebo, usmili se!
Vse okrog posuto s trupli,
Kot jezera krvi,
A ljubeca je toplina smrti, kot sanje vecnosti ...
Tu skozi do trpecega gre� mesta,
Tu skozi pot gre v vecne bolecine,
Tu skozi k pogubljenim pelje cesta.
Pravicno umel je stvarnik iz vi�ine,
Ustvaril me je silno,brez napake,
V ljubezni pravi,iz vednosti edine.
Pred mano ustvarjene stvari le take
So kakor jaz,ki tu stojim za vecno,
Kdor vstopi�,pusti zunaj upe vsake.
(Dante Alighieri-Bo�anska komedija)
9. No� Strasti
Temna noc se je na mesto spustila,
Gosta megla �e prekriva poti.
Zaspala je kot da bi slutila,
Cudna noc vedno bolj bli�a se ji.
V sosednji sobi njena sestra le�i
In skozi seksualne sanje drvi.
Zbudi se prepotena od glave do pet,
Se odpravi k sestri na drugacen klepet.
�e zadnje sanje, �e zadnji izdih,
Znana senca pribli�uje se ji.
Bled obraz, ognjene oci,
Nevzdr�en krik strasti.
Ko se zbudi pred njo je znan obris,
Pred njo je sestra vsa zardela v obraz.
Ko desnico izvlece iz hlack,
Ni vec ovir, med njima je samo �e strast.
Iz sobe sli�ijo se kriki u�itkov,
Iz sobe se ble�cijo mokre ustnice.
Po sobi odmevi vzdihljajev in krikov,
Vecna bo njuna noc strasti ...
�e zadnje sanje, �e zadnji izdih,
Znana senca pribli�uje se ji.
Bled obraz, ognjene oci,
Nevzdr�en krik strasti.
( solo:Matej,Beny,Rok)
10. The lonely man's revenge
On the top of the mountain he proudly stands
With a sword made of gold in his hands
They killed his loved ones, now he`ll take revenge.
No fear in his eyes as he crosses the edge
The sky above him is t ur ning black
As he rides with hono ur and raises the flag
At nightfall he shoots the arrows of death
On the enemy's place-to announce his attack
Through the waste lands, across the seven seas
He rides with glory to revenge his family
Through the forests, through the shining fields
He rides with hono ur to revenge his stolen dreams
Next morning he finally reaches the stronghold
He sees the cross as he breaks down the gate
The blood is spilled, his heart is cold
He stops at nothing,`till he kills the King
Bodies scattered across the ground
The smell of death from the Underground
He feels no glory, he feels no pride
He`s all alone, with tears he rides...