
"Resurrection" (1998 Demo)
1. Incomprehensible 2. Another Step Into... 3. Beg For Mercy 4. The Dusk 5. Lost 6. Resurrection
1. Incomprehensible
all this thoughts are from my mind
are you also in my world
I'm gonna take them with me
to the splendid dream
don't you think this mad
help yoursel for I'll kill your goodness
and you will always see
your face in a broken mirror
I have a gift for you
that's a trip to my wonderland
you'll see what it means
to be my fuckin' guest
don't think that I don't know
what I'm talking about
all this thoughts are from my mind
are you also in my world
help yourself or I'll kill your goodness
and you'll see your crooked face
you are sitting in an empty room
cold walls - white - and nobody else
you had different visions of this place
loneliness - quiet - laughty nightfly
incredible darkness as a cover of the night
makes your fear the biggest
you are looking for a warm corner
in order to hide there
there is no espcape - from my vision
I'm the creator - of this perfomance
all this sick thoughts - come from dirty mind
help yourself or I will kill you
2. Another Step Into...
lips lie with variable rhythm
rapture of conscience worths little
as a day with a night as a night with a day
your soul is lost forever
lost in cards game
even fifth ace didn't help
don't stop blood on father's hand
wipe the lips when you cut his hand
do you believe in what says the poisonous snake
another step into the abyss
you can't escape from here
who you are - I was - who I am - you will be
as day with a night
as a night with a day infected by harmony
your soul is lost forever
endless defeat of fourth instant part
between death and birth is constant pain
supplant logic of five kings existence
your soul is lost forever
lips lie with variable rhythm
rapture of conscience worths little
as a day with a night as a night with a day
who you are - I was - who I am- you'll be
your soul is lost forever
lost in cards game
even fifth ace didn't help
who I am - you will - who you are - I was
silence snatched by power
collapse and broken temple
as a day with a night - life and death
infected by harmony
your soul is lost forever!!!
3. Beg For Mercy
burn an eye on the sky
beg for mercy lying
in front of mother of perfomance feet
in glare of sun
you still think you're free
tearing threads of your ideals
inside the tear
they tare from thee by big dead eyes
at art's face
look - up - at cut strings
of the cross ruled by a wrong hand
making grotesque motions
you are dancing and falling down
between hate and love
another man is dying
and your tears are falling down
and deeper and deeper...
you've never been so deep
you've never falling so low
burn an eye on the sky
beg for mercy lying
in front of mmother of performance feet
in glare of sun
you've never been so deep
you've never falling so low
so deep so low
4. The Dusk
when the sun became flooded
in the sea of tears
I was standing on the cliff
crossing my arms
with despair glancing
at the blue sky
the last time - living in fear
and the dark - since now
acid rains will come
in crash of waves
acid rains will canker
my flesh to the bones
my eyes will never see
the flash of light
I'm too weak to die
have no faith to rise
whena the sun becomes flooded
in the sea of blood
waves wash the line of my suffering
and the edge of my sadness
on the sinful coast
they will hunt for me - i know
I will let them taste the dusk
now I'm guilty
now I'm motionless
now I'm guilty
now I'm divided
5. Lost
tiny sign of my life
somewhere away
or deep inside
at the bottom of my soul
begging for life
on my knees I crawl
sparkle in darkness
when it's so cold
dying and shrinking
I feel so small
none of you can see
my hidden pain
now I'm dying
as I live in vain
never - ending journey
countless miles
twisted paths
on which I lost my life
sparkle in darkness
when it's so cold
dying and shrinking
I feel so small
drowning deeper
in sands of time
i see you all
just passing by
6. Resurrection
have you been there
where our father's thoughts
plaited with
our mother's glances
somewhere on the top
where I try to climb up
the creaking stairs
were you there safe
now - the fog of my existence
feet over the earth
I gather my strength
to tear my sinews and cut my skin
for you
to swallow my worthless blood
I engrave the most awful dream
on your memory
what was my martyrs life
it's the first time
when consciousness
is heavier than flesh