"Pain Mastery" (2006 Demo)
1. Tod Ohne Mitleid 2. On An Ancient Throne 3. Pain Mastery
1. Tod Ohne Mitleid
Tod ohne Mitleid
Es gibt zu viel Trauer in der Welt
Kein Plaz fuer einen Gott
Wenn es gaebe wuerde er boese
Wir muessen den Schicksal akzeptieren
Nichts kan uns retten
Auch nicht der Tod weil
Kein Himmel aber nur Dunkelheit
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele,
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele,
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
Hat keine Sinne leben um zu leiden
Die Freude ist ein Utopie
Worin die Idioten glaube
Vertreiber von falschen Warheiten
Und von Woertern eines unwirkliches Gottes
Prediger von falschen Hoffnungen
Gleichgueltig gegen Tatsache...
Es gibt kein!
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele,
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele,
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
Keine Rettung, Kein Gott, Keine Seele
Nur Tod ohne Mitleid
2. On An Ancient Throne
On an Ancient Throne
You push the masses against the blade
Feed and fill our brains with shit
You throw our children in the battle
make us teach them how to fight
Panem et Circenses
To keep our minds away
High there, on an ancient throne
Where you will surely stay
Singing and dancing
On an ancient throne
Singing and dancing
On an ancient throne
Our blood is suffocating us,
while we�re watching TV
We walk and run over the bones and flesh
of our own race
Evolving into nothingness
is what you call progress
You smell and suck our breath away,
while we lay down to rest
And you're still singing and dancing
On an ancient throne
And you're still singing and dancing
On your ancient throne
You despise the smell of blood, but you don�t despise the death
We hail and kill your enemies, and then we kill ourselves
The bloody flag of nowhere, still hanging on his face
While he�s being blown away, giving you some extra space
3. Pain Mastery
Pain Mastery
Your kind of being is next to death
you're destructing the world you live
I see that you like pain
And I will give you more
You ask me sorrow
and that's what you get!
With your selfish on, you've writed your doom
You'll be dead, human race will be no more.
As world lives you'll live too, in sorrow,
and as the world dies... you'll go with it.
You look for sorrow,
thus you've found me!
You ask me sorrow
and that's what you get! Death.
"The world is next to death, what can we do?"
"Nothing, sir"
"Why, in past, we haven't tried to save ourselves?"
"'Cause the human race likes pain"
"There is any way to save us, the dying ones, at this time?"
"Nope, sir"
"So are we going to die? Shall our great race fall down, dead?"
"It shall collapse, as a cold star."