
"The Monuments" (1996 Demo)
1. I Couldn´t Thought Of A Better Title 2. The Monuments 3. An Angel With Shit On The Wings 4. The Chicken On The Roast, Statues On The Bridge 5. The Eden Called Hell 6. Imagine... And You Will Be Sorry 7. Not So Literally 8. Your Grinadry 9. The Sea Of Oil Tears
1. I Couldn´t Thought Of A Better Title
The true is who lives in the true
died in the misery.
The true is the oldest hangman
reckless and cruel dearly paid.
The true is a sharp knife
in the hands of a child.
The true is uninvited guest
the red hot metal on a naked body.
The true is fool whome no one
takes seriously.
The true is unwritten death sentence
a bitter tear of regret.
The true is stamped and twisted
hidden or overlooked but not dead.
2. The Monuments
Boiling sun importunate by it´s blaze
hiting the hungry earth
longing for moisture.
Horizont shivers by the hot air
the scent of life is overwhelming
strong and free.
Harmony of sounds, harmony of movements
free and rich long time ago
sober and rare today.
Endless discharge for simple entertainment
for untouched beauty getting lost with dying.
"The Monuments" of ending life
stupidity and cruelty
bleach bones speak out enought,
ask them...ask them...
3. An Angel With Shit On The Wings
He used to be respected
before the time won on him
when he has got in the lead again,
he was a stranger in the world
whome no one understands.
He wanted to be introduced but his hand
given in a good will
was discarded and refused.
He´s watching the looks
his eyes sore and red from tears
drowing in laughs sits on the pissed ground
soothed by an emotional criple.
He cryed with a struggle and walk slowly away
to forget but he didn´t loose the faith
forever pushed around
huddled up with the fear
in a corner of his soul don´t hurt him
he is a part of all of us
he, the angel with a shity wings.
4. The Chicken On The Roast, Statues On The Bridge
Sentenced sitting, going trough my life.
Those human ways full of tears.
We are just pepole, sounds in my ears.
It is you who is laughing what´s your way?
I´ve got a disgusting human factor inside me
I´m just a man and know I´m not alone
We are just people runs trought my head
It´s you who is suprised, is it my way?
You sit in the midnight the rain on your face
You cry over your lost world unable to lift up
On the sweating skin the drops of rain fall
You listen to them guitly, do you know where is your power?
Past, present, future, time
Chicken on the roast
Past, present, future, time
Statues on the bridge
I´ve got a disgusting human factor inside me
I´m just a man and know I´m not alone
We are just people runs trought my head
It´s you who is suprised, is it my way?
The way of distress and pain
The way of love stronger than death
The way of lost illusions and open gates
wounds that bleed and those already healed.
Is it my way?
5. The Eden Called Hell
Dead apple tree not having the fruit
in a poisoning desert where the green is gone.
Rotten snake of sin covered with insect
with no reason to live when the shyness is gone.
Adam´s love changed into disgust
questoningly looking at Eve
eyes full of alienation.
They don´t touch their naked bodies
destroyed by disease handwritting of infection.
So this is our eden the one we desired for
but not many could imagine this.
We live where mother dies by the hand of son
where the lie is the privilege of mighties.
So this is our eden which was built
by the cost of other´s suffering.
We´re making the whip for our backs
We´re becoming the slaves of our eden
which is our hell.
6. Imagine... And You Will Be Sorry
Imagine to be a captive of my privat world
Imagine I´m your nanghty shade
you can´t run away from.
Imagine I am ruling you, don´t you belive?
I am forsing you to read more
and you really do it.
Imagine I can see all that you do
even you pokeing your nose
not knowing where to clean your finger
even how you masturbate
and you deny it in front of your friends.
Imagine that every evening
you see my cruel features,
how I rape your privacy
angryly you are turning in your bed
and look where I´m watching you from.
Imagine I´m touching and kissing your girl
and when you try it I´m sitting in a chair
and cheakily laugh.
Imagine you are on the loo and I see your
funny struggle from the bottom of the seat.
Have you read as far as this?
Why you look so stupid and shake your head?
You think you could write it better......?
7. Not So Literally
Burn out my eyes, releave my worries
So I would not need to see, what is blinding me.
Chope off my legs,
So I would not to chase what I can´t catch.
Cut out my heart, cut it into peaces,
make a soup out of it,
So I could have a believe it was usefull to something.
Castrate me, kill my fertility
So I would not to bring my children here among you.
Kick my brain out of my skull and stamp it in the mudd
So I would not be different and fit among you.
Tie me with chains and hang me by what was left of
my body to expose to everyone and then I will be happy at last.
No stop! I have changed my mind.
8. Your Grinadry
Extrémní hermafrodit,
zohavené lidské tìlo,
na krutý život z lùna ženy vyvrženo.
Pohlavní obojetnost
samec a samice na jednom organismu,
to je dùkaz genetického sadismu - impotence zaruèena!
Your Grinadri - is your life
You Grinadry- you must die - No, Ha, ha, ha...
9. The Sea Of Oil Tears