
"The Eternal Soul" (2004)
1. Memories 2. The ancient Lord 3. The most part of the men 4. Arthur 5. Celtic lands 6. Babylon fire 7. The gray outside 8. Romans and Celts 9. The soldier and the sky 10. Fairies 11. Winter
1. Memories
2. The ancient Lord
My little lady, in your dark eyes
There is the key,
But I've been around too long
To still be able to see.
Soon the night will take back another day,
Where is my time running away?
I had a cloak
The day I came here.
It wasn't a great thing,
old, worn and dirty too.
But full of memories, yes,
And lots of dreams.
It just got lost a day in Spring,
It simply vanished in the morning mist.
I had a crown
The day I came here,
I had power and glory
If I am not wrong
Soon the night will take back another day,
Where is my time running away?
I wonder how many things
I've lost in these years.
Forgotten, abandoned, betrayed,
Or simply left behind.
Springs, Summers, nights and days,
Give me back another chance, I would love to waste it too.
My little lady, in your dark eyes
There is the key,
But I've been around too long
To still be able to see.
3. The most part of the men
Hard Biante hammered the chisel
Hard beating the rock
Of the Seven he was the wisest one
He fixed his loneliness in the stone.
I was walking the ruins of Greece,
Some centuries gone,
Young and strong, can this be a fault?
I read the word, they got my heart.
The most part of the men are bad
So he wrote that day
Lonely I crossed life,
Stealing love from women,
careful not to trust a man
Every thing I said,
nothing but a lie.
Always those words
Bouncing in my mind:
"Most of the men are bad"
So he wrote that day
But youth goes away
little remains of
The pride of man.
Sink in deep water,
One offered a hand.
There was no time to think
I grabbed it and prayed.
It was very simple,
Nothing really to say.
Wise is the man who doesn't trust
But clever the one who's got a friend.
4. Arthur
I have memories,
Not so much more, the hills of Avalon
Places, people, voices,
And blood on my hands.
Someone has said that
they were heroes,
So many songs have been
Written 'bout them.
But they were just
brothers to me,
together we defended
our right to be.
Yes, the Saxons were invaders,
But I wonder sometimes,
When the shadows grow longer,
Who decides our roles in this game.
Just one thing
I'll never forget,
Guinevere's beauty,
Her painful betrayal.
But maybe is my age
Or the time passed by
I can't hate anymore,
I just wonder why.
Tomorrow will be my last war, my own son against me
The old mage said I cannot die, but mages are just words and lie.
Solo guitar
Tomorrow will be my last war, my own son against me
I wish I could run away, I wish I could lie and sleep.
Just one thing
I'll never forget,
Guinevere's beauty,
Her painful betrayal.
But maybe is my age
Or the time passed by
I can't hate anymore
I just wonder why.
5. Celtic lands
Grows the mist from Gougane Barra
My steps are silent, my heart is heavy
Water like a mirror of a restless sky
Kings and knights, have passed from here
Dirty and savage, noble and brave.
Where is the dust
That was theirs bones?
Where are the voices
Lost and gone?
Scholars and saints
Have walked here
Searching for peace
Between the wind and rain.
Where is the memory
Of their lonely thoughs?
Where is the book
That noone ever wrote?
No one remembers the names anymore
No one can read the stones.
They just lay
Dreaming of the sun
Keeping poor memories
Of hunger and pain.
Water like a mirror of a restless sky
Wind murmuring of forgotten days
An old woman
Used to bring the flowers
But now she's gone
Somewhere in the rain and now,
The little graveyard
Enjoys the deepest peace
But for the rabbits
That jump between the trees
This is the country
Where grass is always green
When the rocks and men are
shaped by wind and waves.
Sitting on the cliff
You will feel the pain
Standing like the stones
Between wind and rain.
Water like a mirror of a restless sky
Wind murmuring of forgotten days.
6. Babylon fire
Walking through burning Babylon,
The mighty walls
Slaughtered for my own glory
Soldiers raiding open temples.
I am the conqueror, emperor and king, hand of destiny,
Will of the gods, famine everywhere
Fire, death and screams.
Corpses laying on the roads, throughout the city
With The marble bodies of their fallen gods.
My glorious army, that cannot loose, will bring my name
On any road, in any house
where there is still gold to steal.
Oh great king
Master of justice
The rebel city
Has finally been freed.
Their blasphemed lord
Hides in the desert,
Tonight you'll have
His head on a pike for you.
Burns Babylon
For the greed of a man
Burns Babylon
For the sins of a man
Beautiful girls in chains,
And so much gold!
Burns the city,
On a pyre of wine.
Their noble beauty
Sold for a copper coin.
Burns the city,
On a pyre of wine.
Walking through burning Babylon
I see my glory
In every drop of blood That marks
its roads of stone.
Walking through burning Babylon
Exultant soldiers hail my name
Hundreds of desperate lives in chains ,
And too many eyes on me.
7. The gray outside
Her body lies close to me,
I smell her scent, I feel the heat.
Nothing else matters, nothing around.
I must admit I've some faults,
Mistrusting, silent, even unfair.
My road goes far, but I don't know where.
Hence, I still can't explain
why one day she simply decided to stay.
Now she smiles in her dreams and the world
stops spinning around,
while its pain turns into music.
Meeting her was a coincidence, "luck" if you prefer,
a thing that can just happen in a day of despair.
But all this can't explain
why one day she simply decided to stay.
There is a war outside this room, I
cannot hide, nor pretend not to see.
It doesn't scare me too much,
what I can't manage alone is all that gray.
8. Romans and Celts
A battle in the night is just
Sparks of metal over metal,
Curses, screams and smell of fear.
And ghostly white light
From indifferent stars above,
Looking at scared men running around.
Celts and Romans
Different ways to curse,
But same shiny colour of blood
Same smell of fear.
I can't see the river
I know the water's red.
I can't see my enemy
But I know he's around me.
Blood on my eyes,
Blood in the mouth.
I don't fight for glory,
Nor for an emperor sitting so far away.
Now I fight for my life,
And no reason is better.
I only kill to survive,
Just to see another day.
Brothers and citizens,
Sons of the Empire,
Let's close the ranks,
Let's raise the spears.
Let's show these savages
The Legion strength.
Let's bring our laws
In these forgotten lands.
Back to Rome
We will have glory
Women and wine,
More than you dream,
To rest our bones,
To heal any wound.
Let's close the ranks,
Let's raise the spears.
Solo guitar
These little men
Come from the south
They have dark skin
And women clothes
But when they fight,
They fight like devils.
They want our lands,
The holy forests,
The ancient oaks
And the snowy fields.
If gods have planned
Our defeat tonight
Let it be, but
They will pay
The highest price
For each one of our lives.
Brothers and citizens,
Sons of the Empire,
Let's close the ranks,
Let's raise the spears.
Let's show these savages
The Legion strength.
Let's bring our laws
In these forgotten lands.
Back to Rome
We will have glory
Women and wine,
More than you dream,
To rest our bones,
To heal any wound.
Let's close the ranks,
Let's raise the spears.
Celts and Romans different
Voices, but same colour
Of blood, same smell of fear.
9. The soldier and the sky
Strikes the pain
Deep is the wound
Heavy the armor
Painful the breath.
Far feels the battle
Far are the screams
pumps tired the heart
burning blood in the veins
God of the darkness,
God, warrior God!
I sacrificed the lamb
I burned the incense
The priests of Toth
Assured me of glory
So, which was the fault
That signed my fate?
Where was the hand
bringer of glory?
Where were power and luck?
He looks at the sky and shines
far in the emptiness...
Sky, empty sky, laughing at me ,
That day I paid with gold, for your protection.
Deep in the temple of the Dark One.
For hours the priests they prayed for me
But where was his hand?
Runs the river.
But where was his sword?
Blows the wind.
Sky, empty sky, laughing at me
That day I paid with gold, for your protection.
Sky empty sky, darker than ever
Today blood and pain are the price of my faith.
10. Fairies
Fairies of the south
Boogies of the north
Here tonight once again
Between the stones
Between the chains
Puck on this side
Oberon there
Dancing the wind
Swimming the lakes
Everyone will come
Here tonight, once again.
We need a hero
Someone for a quest
World has been quiet
And now needs a fest
Faeries and Elves
Goblins and Ghosts
Bring ancient scrolls
Potions and spells
But keep the dragons
Down in their cells
Magic, for this old sad world
Let's give the men something to sing.
Morgan Le Fey
(Oh Morgan, my love)
this world is boring sad on his own
Another Arthur is not going to be born
since the Pendragon is lost and gone
Let's give the men something to sing.
Morgan Le Fey
(Oh Morgan, my love)
You sit on that chair has been empty too long
Since Myrddin still sleeps, Brocelandie is quiet and
Vivien won't come, tonight.
Vivien won't come tonight.
Vivien won't come tonight.
Vivien won't come tonight.
Vivien won't come tonight.
11. Winter
Winter has come, and maybe it was time,
leafless trees standing around my house.
Burns the fire, down in the stony hall
where my fathers used to sit.
Falls the rain
on empty fields
where the hares prepare to sleep
Winter is knocking at my door,
but it's a strong one and it will resist.
Still the moment has come to hold
what I love the most.
Covers the snow
the stormy mountains
where the game hides from the wolves.
I don't need another season.
I don't need another season.
Just more time to hold her on my chest,
look at the birds flying to the west.