
"The Rit Of Individuation" (1997)
1. A Sense-Alization Of Your Own-Not-Owned (Your Own Interior Own) 2. Conquering The Lack Of Relations... The Vague... To Unify 3. An Interior Autonom Structurality (To Protect... To Deceive... Protecting?) 4. The Need (Appearing Yourself Through Into The Other) 5. The Archetypes (Patterns Of Behaveor) 6. The Spirituality Of The Prostitution (Masculin Domination Against Alterity) 7. Celebrating Thee (A Drowing Down The Sun Ritual) 8. Sinagogic Curse
1. A Sense-Alization Of Your Own-Not-Owned (Your Own Interior Own)
Producting greates fascinations
Through erotic phantasms.
The life from itself
Over the conscience.
A life without any sense or rule,
Confouting psychic contents never possessed.
A vital haotic impetus
Hiding a secret intention
The chaos ... of a deep sense,
To a new cosmos.
Without explications
To a nosemnification,
Postulating the secret order
Without any hope or support
And without any protection
To the...
Hid into the nonsense full by significations
Of the anima
Born in a time...of perception
The thoughts of the unconscious,
The cooperation of the opposites
To experience the authonomy of the reason
The symbolic process...
Living the images in images.
The revelation,
The soul profundity's open,
Trinity... the saviour formulae of the totality
The rit of individuation
2. Conquering The Lack Of Relations... The Vague... To Unify
The empirism of a concept, cause...
Not.. "nihil esse intelectu,
Quod non antea fuerit in sensu."
The motive of the couple
The interior self...
Never ever comprehend
Psychic through psychic
Through traditions,
The universal formes.
The feminity htonic part of the soul:
Trough the transcendent products of human spirit
Projections metaphysyc
The divine dualism,
Inherit to imagiantion,
Projecting ... the sames
The religious ideas
Associating the parents
Trough amplification...
...of images.
"Climax a maiori ad minus."
Guelding the bisexuality,
Against the fear,
dubling the bases
To not stop the conexions with instincts.
To keep conextions with archetypal patterns.
3. An Interior Autonom Structurality (To Protect... To Deceive... Protecting?)
Psychologic manifestation to express
The essence of the inner self
Asimilating unconsciounesness the sensorial experiences
Symbolic expresions of the soul's drama
A very powerful projection
In the mirror of the nature
"In your chest there are the stars
Of your destiny".
A close privaly
The origin of bad thoughts
The egocentric subiectivism...
Reflecting the own image,
The real ... hidden trough person
Supressing the personal unconscious
Into a distance without ends,
Of a never-heard determination,
Without any boundary.
To livr the other trough yourself
And by yourself lived through others.
The object of all subjects
Lost in itself, reflecting...
Other beings...
4. The Need (Appearing Yourself Through Into The Other)
Into the discounfourt of your state of mind
Pulsing through thoughts
Forcing a statement...
Of facts,
To reflect.
Your own.
The noncapacity of dealing with yourself,
The need to be replaced, duplicated,
To admire your own into other,
To project yourself, to exteriorate.
Resolving everything, trough ignorance.
Your own sex.
In other
To disenblow your own sexuality
Destroying the other's.
The need...
5. The Archetypes (Patterns Of Behaveor)
The key... the symbol
Transcedental function,
To confrount the unconscious...
Releasing the imagination,
Through the symbol,
In conscious...the message of the collective unconscious
Deliberate concentration to...
Revealing the comprehension
To integrate the unconscious into the conscience.
The individuation. All
Projection in outside,
Nonhuman simbolization of the collective unconscious
Dream... the regal way to unconscious
To externate...
Forms without contents
Activating the archetypes
Against the reason and volition
Possibilitating a type of action or attitude.
Producting spiritual forms
By dreams ... spontaneous productions of the psychic,
Pure productions of the nature...
By active imagination,
The phantasm of intentional concentration
Confrounting the other way
To comprehend conscious.
Coming from everywhere and everywhen
Outside through inside...
6. The Spirituality Of The Prostitution (Masculin Domination Against Alterity)
Hounting down the strrets
Hunting object-mens
Without any interest but money.
Realising the imaginar complication of exchange.
The object...an indestructible alliance of,
a sex without anything but financiar existence.
Without an interior sex,
Hounting universally and attemporally
In evry potential lover...as a model
"How could a women to have a penis?"
Through prostitution...
Cancelling the question of alterity,
Through not-deal with reality...
...nothing but sex, but rather neutral than ambivalent.
Disgust ... seeing the real situation
revealing the real image of anatomic conditions,
The disgust against the own sex.
Paying to go at the extreme of the selfishness,
To find the ultimate indiference against the other,
through self forgetting.
The minimal satisfaction...ejaculation orgasm's!
A codificate relation,
Sending away the misterious feminin sexuation
Fascinating and calming... through calculation
A contract agains the Theory of feminin wishes,
Against all that excell masculin voluptuousness.
The deream and also the obssession...
A frigidity to relase his own...
A manipulation who oposse, to feel the satisfaction
The haugh of a suprassing obstacle,
A new Messia to sacrifice himself to set free,
forever from the difference between sexes.
Confrounting everytime the own image,
Without any posibility of reduction,
Soiling the female sex, the non-capacity
Of dealing with their own...
A machine who makes the same from the other,
The own from all the others.
The wish to annex the things of an unknown body
To his own sexuality,
The returns to itself though female body, the fundamental homosexuality
Of the prostitution ritual.
Paying to abdiacate from it's own masculinity,
To stop the erotism from its active character,
to populate with reality the own erotic phantasm
To make yourself the MASTER.
7. Celebrating Thee (A Drowing Down The Sun Ritual)
Blessed be the feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed by the knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be the phallus, without which we would not be.
Blessed be the brest, formed in strenght.
Blessed be the lips, that shall utter the sacred names.
Deep calls on height, the Golddes on the God,
On him who is the flame that quickens her;
That and she may seize the silver reins
And ride as the twin-horses chariot.
Let the hammer strike the anvil,
Let the lighting touch the earth,
Let the Lance esoul the Grail,
Let the magic come to birth.
In her name do I ivoke thee,
Mighty Father of us all.
Lugh, Pan, Belin, Herne, Cernunnos-
Come answer my call!
Descend, I pray thee, in thy servant and priest.
8. Sinagogic Curse
Ex sententia Domini Dominorum
sit in anthemate (cherem),
in utraque domo indici,
superorum sc. et Inferorum
in athemate item Sanctorum excelsorum,
(in anathemate Seraphin et Ophanim),
in anathemate denique totius ecclesiae
maximorum et minimorum.
"It has recently come to our attention, not without bitter
sorrow, that in some parts of northern Germany...many persons
of the Catholic Faith, have abused themselves with devils, incubi
and succubi, and by their incantations, spells, conjurations,
and other accurssed superstitions and horrind charms, enormites
and offences, destroy the offspring of women and the young of cattle,
blast and eradicate the fruits of the earth, the gapes of the wine
and fruits of trees. Nay, men and women, beasts of burden,
herd beasts, as well as animals of other kinds; also vinyards,
orchards, meadows, pastures, corn, wheat, and other cereals of the earth."
The papal Bull issued December 5, by Pape Inocent VIII.
Domus ejus habitaculum dracorum,
caliginosum fiat sidus ejus in nubibus,
sit in indignationem, iram et excandescentiam;
cadaver ejus objiciatur feris et serpentibus,
Laetentur super ipso hostes adversarii.