
"Decline of the West" (2006)
1. Counter-Initiation (instrumental) 2. Decline of the West 3. Illuminati 4. The Fall 5. The Great Noontide (instrumental) 6. Sunwheel 7. Out of Space - Above Time 8. Dresden 9. Dialectics of Extinction 10. Y (instrumental) 11. Thule (instrumental)
1. Counter-Initiation (instrumental)
2. Decline of the West
"Further in the future afar I behold
The twilight of the gods who gave victory".
Let the night falls
As western man lives his last days
Oblivious of his decay
When the Northern Light fades
And the Shadow from the South advances
Release the forces of chaos
To rush the end of this dying age
And the masses who live like cattle
Restless beings with aimless lives
Who’ll find their final rest
In the depths of Hades Eternal
Tradition will guide our way
Through this age of growing strife
When the Godlike are defeated
And the Black Goddess reigns supreme
A whole world dies before us
Purify it
The fools at last can see it
But it’s too late to stop the rising wave
The rebellion of slaves
The loss of Tradition
The rule of Leviathan
Demonic cult of money
Collective slavery in a materialistic way of life
Unleash the great pandemonium
Elemental powers totally out of control
Modern decadent civilization soon to be wiped out
As the drums of war beat louder
Shiva’s thunderous dance begins
A Requiem for a world doomed
To perish in violent destruction
All things come and go
Under the laws of the Cosmic Order
One age dies
Another dawns
So the Eternal Cycle goes on
Mundus Modernus
Requiescat in pacem
Purified by fire we follow the Way to the North again
Riding the waves as we watch
Saturn wakes to be crowned the king of the New Age
We need first to bein a state of chaos
To become a shinning star
Human condition must be overcome
A bridge towards the Overman
A new cycle opens before us
A new Saeculum
Requiescat in pacem
3. Illuminati
"By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner,
A nd by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames."
Adam Weishaupt
Say the password to enter
My poor candidate veiled in darkness
Say the words to enter the Temple
Come brother be born again
Swear to keep our secrecy
Come join the Dark Force
As a new time approaches
Let the world know our strength
Coming from the dark
A hideous hidden conspiracy
Nothing to regret
Destroying traditions of centuries
Our Craft is to bring
A New Order to this Earth
From the ashes of the ancient secret societies
Counter-initiation to achieve
Global power through world subversion
Knights of Hiram
Inciting revolutions across the planet
First the Great Terror
Then the bloody Red Tide
All the while watched by
The All Seeing Eye
Demonic powers moving underground
The rule of money
And its slaves
Modern man – a subhuman beast
A wretched, mindless and soulless pariah
The tyranny of the masses
The deception of democracy
And the All Seeing Eye
Our Craft is now complete
A world of slaves bow to our feet
Material dominion over the planet
In the name of the Great Architect, the Demiurge
Lords of Kali Yuga
4. The Fall
"Nothing resembles physical love more than death".
C. Mauclair
A death experience
Rapture and pain
A secret chamber
Our artificial paradise
A deafening silence
In joy we fly
Going up the high spheres
Far beyond the starry sky
Raising the flames
To the heights of heaven
See the lights beginning to sprawl
An eternal moment
But then we start to fall
A crushing passion
Tearing your velvet heart
A burning fire
So delicious it hurts
A feeling of agony
The only true love
Transcendence in your eyes
Dissolution in your embrace
A perfect fusion
My life is inside yours
A magnetic union
The Androgynous’s return
Through Her eyes I gaze
Life Eternal
As we rise above the clouds to meet
In Venus’s sacred shrine
To the Sun we go
To burn our wings
We steal the fire of the Gods
To become immortals
And like Lucifer we will fall
A state of death
As the sky opens
Nowhere here you’ll find me
My spirit is now ready to fly
Free from this cage
Raising the flames
To the heights of heaven
Hear the Gods begin to call
An eternal moment
But then we start to fall
To the Sun we go
To burn our wings
We become immortals
And like Lucifer we will fall
5. The Great Noontide (instrumental)
6. Sunwheel
"Neither by land nor by water will you find the road to the land of the Hyperboreans."
The Serpent of Knowledge has opened my eyes
And gave birth to a new Golden Age
The Arctic Cross, the Sacred Polar Island
The return of the King from Avalon
To reestablish His World Imperium
The Sign of the Sun spinning forever...forever and ever
The Way of the Gods
Religion of Fire
Carry the Sign with you
Angel of Light wake again
And bring us a new paradise
Beyond the fog and the ice
To the North we go
To the Land of the Hyperboreans
Typhon against Apollo - This Cosmic Battle is also within us
The Aryan Myth
Back to the times when the Gods walked on Earth
When you look up to the sky
Look for the Pole Star
The Axis around which
The whole universe moves in perfect harmony
The Way of the Gods
Religion of Fire
Carry the Sign with you
Angel of Light wake again
And bring us a new paradise
Beyond the North Wind
Our spiritual quest
"The middle is everywhere;
Crooked is the path of eternity..."
" Beyond the North, beyond the ice, beyond death –
Our happiness, our life..." (Friedrich Nietzsche)
The Way of the Gods
Religion of Fire
Carry the Sign with you
Angel of Light wake again
And bring us a new paradise
Beyond death and darkness
To the North we go
To the Land of the Hyperboreans
7. Out of Space - Above Time
"When justice is crushed, when evil rules supreme, then I come.
For the protection of the good, for the destruction of the evil-doers,
For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness,
I am born in age after age."
(Bhagavad-Gita 4.7-8)
Come with me and dream
For aeons waiting for the day
When the Old Ones return
And the hammer of the Gods
Shall crush the Legions of Hades
And their star will fall
Never to rise again
Out of Space - Above Time
Wash away this impurity
For the New Age that comes
And the day will dawn
When some be free
For them the Black Sun will rise
They'll never die again
Future belongs to us
Those who follow the Solar Path
No revolutions before the time
The wise will prepare
Another turn on the wheel
And the White Gods's return
In the Great Noontide
To make the Myth come true
Out of Space - Above Time
For the One Who comes
8. Dresden
"History is written by the winners."
Alex Haley
We won’t forget that fateful night
A sea of flames was the only sight
Firebombs being dropped endlessly
Thousands of refugees running desperately
Remember all the panic and terror
Of human targets amongst the ruins
And never forget the screams of pain
Of those who died in the flames
How could they escape that living hell?
Fiery death descending from the sky
Innocent victims in a war of madness
Sacrificed in the real Holocaust
Remember the former greatness
Now crumbling down in desolation
Whole cities devastated
No way to stop this mass extermination
Amongst destruction and chaos
Our faith remains unbroken
We’re like phoenix rising
From the ashes of death
9. Dialectics of Extinction
"Vincit omnia Veritas".
Renné Guénon
What happens when a people decides to sacrifice themselves?
Why would they give up their lives in the hands of their foes?
Red is the last sun that dies
To a culture in dissolution
Civilizations rise and fall
Is ours the next one to die?
Slaves to the system
Behaving like ants
Running around and round
Giants of concrete
Silent witnesses in a world in ruins
The myth of progress
A new opium for the masses
Spiritual decay as the deepest cause
For the fall of the West
Solar Path will lead some to
The eternally bright house of the Olympians
A rainbow bridge towards the Sun
Forever free from the embrace of the Mother
But for most men ashes are the only seeds
Scattered in their hopeless ways
They are but living shadows
Plunging into oblivion
Disintegration is the destiny
Of the millions who still wait in vain for their messiah
Pray to your messiah
As the dark clouds gather around you
Slaves to the system
Behaving like ants
Running around and round
Giants of concrete
Silent witnesses in a world in ruins
Go ahead and be proud of your conquests, your profits, your democracies
A new tree will grow out of your collapse
A meaningless existence
A selfish freedom that means nothing
New Age cults
For desperate people lost in their confusion
Empty philosophies
And modern ideals dying one by one
Say goodbye to your comfortable lives
Your world falls around you
Amongst the ruins we stand
Men born out of time
Gazing at Eternity
As we cross the bridge
10. Y (instrumental)
11. Thule (instrumental)