
"Cluain Tarbh" (2005)
1. An Tús 2. Winds of One Thousand Winters 3. The Serpent and the Black Lake 4. Cluain Tarbh 5. I Am The Wench's Bane 6. The Man All Hate to Love 7. Pauper of Souls 8. Realms of Insanity
1. An Tús
2. Winds of One Thousand Winters
Clouds darken and dampen My spirit
As My brow bows low
While My eyes see only earth,
The engraining of furrows on My soul.
Feels as though the winds of
one thousand winters
Have hacked away whatever life existed
Within My now battered link
To the world of Donn.
He calls -
But not for Me to follow.
He calls out -
Storms of support for My cause
He calls out storms -
Which feed But dying embers
That grow slowly from the ash
Which had threatened to engulf
And rise -
Rise to flames
Which burn -
Which burn the dead wood.
Onward, yes onward comes the
bellowing cries
Which resounds through the hills
As the stag roars in triumph.
Once again he will rise, a Rí of the South,
And with him will rise the hope of the Gael.
Embrace the new with purpose and vigour
Revive the old and condemn Gall Glassa.
3. The Serpent and the Black Lake
A vast dark expanse of cold silent wave
Stretches between us, bleak and miserable.
It mocks Me, taunts Me,
reminding Me of My failure
Away you stand, far from Me.
Alone on a barren mount, fearful and majestic
Your head white as the snow which rests on the grass.
Dark crevasses carved deep run cold with icy tears
Fallen from Heaven.
Caithin a mbeidhmíd le chéile?
You stay silent yet beckon to Me
Gan frithbheart leanaim
Leaving Me behind
ÉirÃlonn na h-uisceanna fuara
And attempt to drown me
Ach is cuma liom
Because further I wade into the gloom.
I await too late. A serpent black and terrifying
Swallows Me in His fierce jaws of eternal torture
And endless suffering.
4. Cluain Tarbh
Flying went the Ficheal Board as Mael Mórdha entered a rage
At the sons of the Boróimhe for the taunts which they spake
About deeds past of which they scarcely knew,
Mighty was the fury into which the King flew.
Back, back, back he rode, from the High King's Dún, Brían's messenger with peace offering had his skull clove in two. The sea between Laighean and the Lochlannaigh host Grew thick with their dragonboats fierce as Sitric Norse King of Dubh Linn summoned a great host.
With Gormfhlaith, Mórdha's sister, as the main bait, The Norsemen flocked from the Shetlands, Hebrides and Orkneys. The holy land of Mannanán, halfway across the sea, From Cornwall, Flanders and Normandy, they came for the melée.
Brían on hearing of invaders many gathered his clanns and headed east.
At Cluain Tarbh they did assemble and prepared for great slaughter.
Flying the banner of the raven black the Lochlannaigh host did attack; Victory prophecised on that day: Good Friday 1014.
Gael fought Viking fought Viking fought Gael as their weapons drank their fill, The tide was turning against Ború 'til Mael Seachlainn arrived with forces new. D'eitilt an Mórrigán trasna Cluain Tarbh, the warriors of Wodea turned and fled.
The Boróimhe forces led great slughter. Mannanán took their longships. The sea turned red.
Brodar came from Man seeking Brían's wife, Brodar fled the battle taking Brían's life. He fought a bloody fight at the edge of Tomar's wood, Cutting the High King down in his tent: Brían's Shieldgeld then slew Brodar too.
Many men went to Valhalla, still more to Donn's cave. Though the power of the Lochlannaigh was broken on that day. Did die the kings of Orkney, Hebrides and Man, So too did die Mael Mórdha, did the sons of Brían's clann. The Kingship of Ériu did revert to the King of old, Mael Seachlainn returned to Tara to reclaim its halls as his own.
5. I Am The Wench's Bane
6. The Man All Hate to Love
7. Pauper of Souls
From black hills I descend,
A barbarous Man.
A wolf amid sheep
Amongst humanity's... finest.
Floundering like Rats
Blind in the daylight
They crawl and scrabble
O'er the scraps of mistruth and myth.
Far better to be of faith
Black and Barbarous
Than of no faith at all,
A wolf alone on a hillside deserted
Than one of a flock... faceless.
Miserable wretches,
Swamped with a faceless grey
They huddle cold and doomed,
Doomed to die despite Death's guiding hand.
From black hills I descend,
A barbarous Man.
A wolf amid sheep
Amongst humanity's finest.
Far better to be of faith Black and Barbarous
Than one of a flock...
... Destined to die
A pauper of life's riches
Destined to die
A pauper of Souls.
8. Realms of Insanity
Awaiting My time as a champion
before the war
Apprehensive and tense.
Secrecy shrouds the opponent graceful
As She rises to the shadows.
Courteous she bows and removes her
hooded cloak
And My will is defeated.
Spellbound by her I await the
punishment due
for defiance...
And thus it begins.
Bathed in shadows am I
The burning celeste in sky
Strives to complete its cyclical journey
Followed finally by night.
Bathed in shimmering light is She
She banishes My shadows
I lay roasting in the daylight.
At the dying time of day
Into the same arena of thought
We did stray. Agus Mise dóite
In my grasp I could feel Her...
Ní h-anbhann ach lúbach
'Gus a samhail ag lion mo cheann
Do na Realms of Insanity
Her evensong appeared to break
From serenity to winter gale
as control She took.