
"Genesis of A Satanic Race" (2005)
1. Intro 2. Birth Of The Unconquerable One 3. Oh Horror 4. Storming Under Steel 5. Genocide Bitch 6. Spear Of Destiny 7. Hymn To The Exhiled 8. Iron Warfare 9. On Beyond Andromeda Part II 10. Portal To Cygnus 11. Nazi Occult Metal (Spear Of Longinus Cover)
1. Intro
2. Birth Of The Unconquerable One
Spawned from the decimated ruins
Of forgotten glory before fall
The cancerous malignancies that corrupted
The last great epoch of Luciferie light
Spurning and spiting the mediocrity
Forging a paradigm to set forth eternity
A superior Dynasty is constructed
Destined to father a fierce spirit
Overcoming the atrophy, carcinogenie decay
The Aryan beast atop the plateau manacing
Dominating subjugating the submissive
Re-evaluating, re-assessing, re-configuring
Envisage the avatarie crusade
Prophesizing, philosophising the new regime
Embrace the Faustian motive
Conquering, forging, creating a spectacle of grandeur
Birth of the unconquerable one
Creator of the new order
Undefiled wisdom spoken from noble pallet
Echoes through the columns of effigies
Reaping gory upon glory
Triumphant ziggurats spiralling, culminating upwards
Storming the penetrable gates of heaven
Piercing the insipid heart of Jehovah
Militantly, diligently upholding superior ethies
Divine shadow cascades from impressive monuments
Uncompromising, the unconquerable one postulates
Even posthumously will govern superior intellects
Nobility derived from gallant ancestry
Fulfilling prophetic destiny
Genesis of conquering dynasty
Creation of Spartan timarchy
Aspiring for the intangible
Racing onwards, towards the vision
What was vague in the distance
Now has materialized into reality
Obliteration of the superfluous
Annihilation of the mundane
Resurrection of the strength
Ascension to deification
The unconquerable ones silhouette
Eclipsing the undying sun
As hold the testimony to bear witness
The pinnacle of power and undaunting beaty
3. Oh Horror
4. Storming Under Steel
Elements ripped asunder
My nostrils fill with blood
My lungs with black smoke
Deafening pain torments my ears
Explosions pound the skies
Obliteration is inevitable
Death, terror, annihilation
My blood boils with rage
Unstoppable tearing the skies
Peril of mankind as angels fall
Crawling through sickly mud and barbed wire
A yellow cloud races towards me
Choking on the gasses of death
Both man and beast collapses slowly
Iron warriors storm forward into the fire
Unholy butchery of mortal pigs
Slaughter after slaughter, never ending
And the yellow cloud races onwards
Louder and louder
Bombs ripping my ears
Gas and smoke burns my eyes
My lungs begin to bleed
Asphyxiating on my own blood
And the war becomes silent
5. Genocide Bitch
6. Spear Of Destiny
Since the fall of Atlantis
The divine bloodline races onward
Fulfilling celestial prophecy
The elite archetype within my grasp
Storm gods hurtle thunderbolts from mountain tops
The supeross descending, promethean gift
Atomic age ever enlightening
Evoking hyperborean memories
The Avatar envisaged an unstoppable force
Commanding an empire superiority
With holy fanec purifying the unclean
Washing hand of pestilent and disease
Systematic annihilation an absolute solution
Rationality dictated severe command of action
Not the voice of a so called
Delusional and hysterical tyrant
Posthumously the avatar weeps
Sons of Atlantis wait for the next epoch
Under the raised banners of eternal glory
The spear will dictate our destiny
Hurtled through time into Jehovah’s heart
The spear is archetype of noble blood
Hyperborean destiny is absolute
The cosmos will be ours!
7. Hymn To The Exhiled
8. Iron Warfare
Addicts of mechanisation envisaged new military philosophy
A mechanical force, the mailed fist, iron warfare
Infantry armies subordinated to new modern weapons
A mechanical force, the mailed fist, iron warfare
Armoured rivals clash under heavy fire
Sewing seeds of destruction
Crushed under the treads of panzers
Fell the wrath of mechanisation
Hammering down new laws in warfare
Dawn of a new age has begun
Era of cold hard steel
Funeral bell is rung
And terror strikes from the skies
Deadly screams of stukas cry
Bombs fall from heaven above
Heavy tears of iron weep
Sons of the swastika roll forward
Into battle, conquest for glory
The mailed fist strikes hard
A blow never to be forgotten
Addicts of mechanisation envisaged new military philosophy
A mechanical force, the mailed fist, iron warfare
Infantry armies subordinated to new modern weapons
A mechanical force, the mailed fist, iron warfare
A continent forever scarred
Ugly wounds cut from genius vision
Iron warfare rules the earth
Barbed wire fields a lonely testimony
9. On Beyond Andromeda Part II
10. Portal To Cygnus
Apocalyptic revelations of Ragnarock is here
Fenerir devour the eclipsing sun
Invincible Sol Invictus obscured by Nanna
Impaled goddess sets forth the darkness
Under the sigil of Satan the noble sons
Set forth to conquer the macrocosm
Inherent in their Nordic blood
Children of the cosmos trace their roots
Father of our blood where are you?
Offspring of Atlantis gather
Nergal, Mastabarry, the red star
The Eydonian portal is the key
Eygnus I-1 beyond Sirus
Transcending corporeal consciousness
Hallucinogenie clairvoyance
Our ancestors abandoned the Dog Star
On beyond Andromeda the wormhole
Gateway to unanswered questions
Esoteric knowledge guides the blind
Yet all seeing third eye
The grail, the spear, key to the portal
The red planet opens the heavens
Father of our race we seek
The Aryan hand will touch the true face of god!
11. Nazi Occult Metal (Spear Of Longinus Cover)
Parvulesco I
Soldiers already lost in a war that becomes
Ever more total, ever more occult
We bear at the very edges of this world
The spiritual arms and the most enigmatic
Destiny of military honours
From the beyond: in the ranks both visible and invisible
Of the Black Order to which we belong
Those whom death has struck down
March on side by side with those who are still standing
Hitler II
When our party consisted of only seven men
It already had two principles
Firstly, it wanted to be a party with a true ideology
And it wanted to be the one and only power in Germany
This racially best of the German nation courageously demanded
To be the leaders of the country and the people
Whoever feels he is the carrier of the best blood
And has consciously used this blood to guide the nation
Will face this leadership and will not renounce it
This is the selectring ground for German political leaders
Its doctrine will be the unchangable
Its organisation will be hard as steel...
But its tactics will be flexible
Its total image, however will be like that of a holy order
It is our wish
That this state shall endure for thousands of years
We are happy to know that the future belongs to us
Long live National Socialism
Long live Germany
Hess III
The party is Hitler
Hiter is the party
Germany is Hitler
Hitler, SIEG HEIL!!!