
"Bestial Soul" (2005 Demo)
1. Fall of Christian Hegemony 2. Antichrist Age 3. Demoniczna Wedrowka Potepionych Dusz 4. Darkness Harbinger
1. Fall of Christian Hegemony
In the frosty forest primeval secret preservetl
The crypt where I spent another night in solitude.
I open my eyes,
Darkness embraces my body
Awaken as an immortal
Wolves announce my return.
The time has come...
Driven by the winter glades
In the fullmoon glow
I walk the forgotten paths.
Born from the ancient magic,
I am the destruction of Christ herds.
Leading the shadow armies
Armed with hell-torged weapons
We will strike with crushing power.
Screams of dying will be our nourishment
Your end has come, prepare for death!
The war we started
Will end the age of the cross,
The cult of Jewish God.
Temples will be turned to ruins
Decrepit old man in white robes
Sitting in his noble throne
Will be pierced with sword.
The heart of squalid faith,
will be turned to ashes.
The skies were pierced
By fiery thunderbolts
The blood rain fell on the soil.
Again, I hid in my tomb
Among great trees,
And I will rise again
In the land free from Christian hegemony...
2. Antichrist Age
Ancient knowledge in thoughts enchanted
The Fallen One wanders among mankind
Under the Dome of Stars guiding the path
Unnamed secrets not yet revealed.
Look into the abyss, iry night embrace the body
For thousand years forgotten
Betrayed by the one, who in firmament died
The One who saw the death of Christ
The One who changed the law of lies
Comes...steered by Hatred, carrying plague.
Wall of Scourge behind Him,
Time to harvest, to retake the heritage!
...And so, he stood in front of Him,
One from the false prophet's disciples
Frock's black stained with blood
Hesitanfly holding the cross
Fire of truth digesting his eyes
Breathless, he falls on his kness-
Announcing the Blood Art.
Arckangel's wings spread in the wind
Holding their leader beheaded corpse.
Set god's asylums on fire!
Burn the shelters of the weak!
This is the age of darkness
This is the age of Antichrist!
3. Demoniczna Wedrowka Potepionych Dusz
Fasy skryte w zmierzchu fona w mgle
demoniczny zywot prowadze, pelen chlodu, nienawisci,
to jest moje sanktuarium mizantropii
przez korony drzew przedziera sie ksiezyra blask
jestem poza czasem, posrod magii starozytnej
uslysz harmonie drzew pradawnych.
majacych porzatek przed istnieniem hebrajskich mitow
zanurz sie w nieskonczonej grzesznej madrosci
piekielnym oltarzu szalenstwa...
w zieujie white wlorznie ze skalpami wrogow,
majacych za przewodnik dekalog pelen klamstw
chmury burzowe wezbraly sie na niebie
czuje smak deszczu splywajacy po mym ciele,
wymieszany z krwia tyck ktorzy probowali skalar nieswieta ziemie
jestem zwierzeciem, demoniczym cieniem
skrzydla nocy rozposcieram dumnie
trwajar w wiecznej bezludnej krainie
gdzie koscista wiedzma czyrchajara
na pograniczu zycia zatarza kolo czasu
sierpem jak smola czarnym
konczy i zaczyna si? dusz potepionych wedrowka...
...konczy i zaczyna sie dusz potepionych wedrowka...
4. Darkness Harbinger