
"Ad Arma" (2004)
1. War Is Coming Soon 2. Bloody Frontline 3. Song For The Enemy 4. Vilkalokiai (Obtest Cover) 5. Children That Will Never More Wake Up 6. Paskutine Naktis
1. War Is Coming Soon
2. Bloody Frontline
Under the gray sky and black flags ov war
Incredible silence reigns in the frontline
Soon the battlefield will be painted with blood
And the life will leave many bodies
The cold fog hides the division
While the drops ov the rain soaks the pale faces
NO TIME for emotions, NO LIFE for the weak
Keep your weapon and deform into a beast!
As s pack ov wolves attack the prey
The soldier reaches and stabs the enemy
Between shoots, explosions ov grenades and screams
The rain blends with blood and mud
The bullets first, the Panzers crack the skulls
Soldiers falling one by one
While the battlefield is adorned by death
The frontline becomes a dreadful picture made by blood
3. Song For The Enemy
This is your tunnel without exit
I am s Wolf you are pity lamb
This is a phenomenon ov hate
I am the plague bringer that is looking into your eyes
Useless unconscious words
Have broken the chains of anger
I, immovable Superb
Deserve a sight for disgust and hellish rage coincide
The pail naked face ov death
Is looking into your scared eyes
Trough My honor and black hatred
The evil will command My mind
As the wolf slays the lamb
My hands will crack your flesh and bones
Enemy, now pray your fucked gods
It's coming soon the time to die
The sky is turning red as squirting blood
As My legions start the ride
No fucking mercy to inferiors
My weapons will be against you until you'll be alive
4. Vilkalokiai (Obtest Cover)
Iðvaduota jëgø tamsoje iðaustø
Dvasios gelmëse bunda galia
Dovanota rûsèiø þvëriaveidþiø Dievø
Virð kariaunos iðkyla kruvina vëliava
Urzgia, staugia kariai, nuramint nepavyks
Kraujo troðkulio jø arðiose ðirdyse
Kojos neða pirmyn, akys ieðko aukos
Mûðio pradþià paskelbs nuridenta galva
Uþvaldo krauju persisunkus aistra
Ir akys ásiplieskia pykèio liepsna...
Kraujas trykðta stulpais, stojas piestu þirgai
Ið þaizdø kamuoliais verþias þuvusiø vëlës
Laukà gaubia migla, apþavø sukelta
Ið landyniø savø protuos smelkiasi þvërys
Temsta akys kariø, aptaðkytos krauju
Tai, kas buvo þmogaus, tapo valioj þvëries
Ginklus keitë nagai, veidai virto nasrais
Prieðà griebus ranka traiðkë lokio jëga
Pagimdyti vilkuø ir þindyti krauju
Prieðø kaukolëm þaidë uþaugæ miðke
Karo menà ávaldæ ið Dievø uþdraustø
Gimæ tam, kad numirtø mûðio lauke
Verdantis kraujas trykðta jëga
Mirties sëklà pasëja prieðø ðirdyse
Siaubas skaidë plaèias maldininkø gretas
Mirtis mynë jø vëliavas þemën
Kraujy skendo balti kryþneðiø angelai
Kryþium liko gulët daugel kûnø kryþmø
Melskis ar nesimelsk savo dievui, ðunie
Svetimðali kryþiuotu apsiaustu
Tavo vardà ant þemës paraðysiu krauju
Ir iðplëðiu ðuns ðirdá ið krûtines tavos
Su krauju atëjæs ið seniausiø laikø
Tartas siaubo sukaustytom lûpom
Ðirdyje iðraiþytas nagu, paslëptas randu
Uþkeiktas kario þenklu vardas...
5. Children That Will Never More Wake Up
Between the opaque dust lifted
by a soft autumnal wind are
lying lifeless bodies like stones, indifferent to all
The assault is finished this night
No one is left alive...
A black smoke overshadows the rising sun
Today rise the dawn ov the mourn
The cold wind desperds the tears ov angels that
are crying the human life
Many, so many angels went down to cry those
heroes that nobody will remember
The soil is filthy by already cold blood
The frozen ground rocks those children
that will never more wake up
Innocents bastards, sons ov mother whore
paired of by evil
Those destroyed souls that cannot cry or suffer
are leaving their bodies to not return in them forever
From the sky rains down the death,
strangling the sighs ov the angels
She comes down and lands on the corpses
Caressing them frozen cheeks
In them motionless eyes...
the absence ov life
The cold embrace ov death
is their eternal comfort
The angel:
Niaukiasi dangus, tuoj lis vesus lietus
Galbut jo giesme uzmigdys amzinai
Siuos uzmirstus vaikus
Galbut jam pavyks nuplaut asarotas angelu akis
Nes laukti ilgai neteks ir cia bus vel
Karas ir mirtis...
The ghost ov life is escaping screamless while
in the distance weapons continues to fire
Here the sun is rising over a cemetery ov heroes
where no one will put flowers or switch on candles
A field sowed by death and watered by evil...
6. Paskutine Naktis
Saule jau mirë uþ pilku ir niûriø àþuolø saku
Sidabrines þvaigþdës jau spindi it akys tûkstanèiø iðtroðkusiø vilku
Rûkas toks niurus ir ledinis jau glosto mane
Nesvarbu ar gyvas að iðliksiu rytojaus ryte...
Ðia naktá manyje uþges bet koks þmogiðkas jausmas
Tyras vejas nusineð su savimi mano baime ir mësos skausmus
Ðirdies viduje pabudo plëðrûnas uþuodæs aukos baime
Pykèiu verdantis kraujas dar karta nori pajusti savo genties garbe
si naktis galbût paskutine...
Iðlupsiu akis ir ðirdá tiesas niekingas neðanèiam prieðui
Paversiu pelenais jø visus kryþius baltus ir baþnyèias
Nesvarbu, gal bût man tai kainuos ir gyvybe
Uþ mano Dangø, Þemæ ir Miðkus garbingai iðsiþadësiu jos ðià naktá paskutine!
Vieniða, visu uþmirðta, Mirties glëbyje mano siela
Klajoja Mano amþinuose Namuose...
Visada, nuo senai þali miðkai Mano Namai
Tyras Dangus, Þeme gimta amþini Mano Tëvai...