
"A Tale Never Told" (1996)
1. Grains Of Dust 2. Eternal Land 3. The Fifth Season 4. Guitar Lament 5. A Tale Never Told 6. The Last Ceremony 7. The Voice Of A Siren 8. I Just Called To Say I Love You 9. The Opening On The Boundary 10. Aliens 11. When The Sun Sleeps
1. Grains Of Dust
2. Eternal Land
Silence suddenly goes down around me
No movements nor signs of life I see
As the night scares and protects when has come
They sorround me, never leaving me alone
I've lost again the way to go outside
from this inner grey world
Here is where they wait to meet me again
as last time they told
They return again
They return again
I'm flying toward heaven
and I look around me
but I don't see the things that
I should see
I make a promise to myself:
I'll never come back here
Even if I’ve got no hopes to escape
now, from my new fear
They return again
They return again
Obsessions are coming back just when I'm weak
True confessions they expect of me and not a trick
Between the lord of deception
and the mistress of lies
Choose your friend. That's paradise
The torment of your spirit is lymph for their soul
If you let them pursue you, they will play their role
No screams, then, nor prayers will free you by them
The fear to have fear of them will trap you
They are returned
They are returned
Obsessions are coming back just when I'm weak
True confessions they expect of me and not a trick
Time regression, as a boy cries for his lost toy
Life aggression, that boy, grown up, cries again
3. The Fifth Season
Every night is a good night
to have a nightmare or to be sleepless,
awake, surrounded by dread coming
from the past
Every day is a good time
to think of ways to go to nowhere,
the place for who likes a long journey
without return
Then will be seen no more naive angels
There will be no more concrete dangers
You, guilty of the worst crime
We condemn you to recall
your misdeeds
You, son of the past time
Look around with your filtering-eyes
and don't forget..... don't forget!
Rocky minds eroded
by feeble and peaceful waters
reduced to handless clock, a sandglass
stolen of its sand
Every day today kills
tomorrow and while the future shorten
the past becomes more and more
a certainty lost
Legends tell of gold ages never
lived but only felt
Time stopped when hate and pain
had the upper hand
Then new horizons were drawn
to let a new season begin
Then will be seen no more naive angels
There we'll feel no more like strangers
You, with a thorn in your side
You were trying to elude the control
of your mind
You, traveler in time
You'll soon notice you can’t escape
the fifth season!
4. Guitar Lament
5. A Tale Never Told
1. The Omen
King Brab
I dreamed to be a raven that was flying on fields of dead men
Then a vision of my beloved wife
killed too young by a poisoned knife
Her words for me... ahh,
her warnings, her advice: I heard everything... ahh
The path to the fountain of youth now I see!
2. Hope (Instrumental)
3. Blessing a king
King Brab
One hundred fighters will escort myself
and my road will be safe till the forest of elf
The Wizard
I hear the whisper of the north wind gathering frost, cold and ice
No leaving is suitable when the voice of men's desire is talking
The Clerics
We bless you in the name of the holy order
May you have the strength to survive
King Brab
The city from fountain is very far away
and I'll not reach the life-temple in few days
The Wizard
From the pages of an old book I read of an ancient cursed lore:
An unwise young woman killed herself to save her beauty from the ageing
The Clerics
We bless you in the name of the holy order
May you have the strength to survive
4. The Gale of the Winter (Instrumental)
5. Voices of the forest
The Witch
Secrets of life and death,
not in the least are unknown to myself
because I've been living for years with the elf
Potions, filters and oils
I prepare with my hands to live again
when mother earth will decide I've to go to her
Blood of a dragon, wings of a bat, tails and hairs of a rat
ehh... What?
King troops
Many days of march, but till here we can get
The fate of our king Brab right here will begin
Brab’s thoughts
Now I hear the voices inside the mother forest
where the great mountain rises with her vital waters
The sound of waves bewitches me and nothing more I see
My little Ara is waiting to awake again
Brab’s chant
Please wait for me, I still have a desire: to breathe your breath in the air
But my mind is beginning to confuse all the thoughts,
my arm is not strong like time ago, my hairs are white
I've lived my life to see you again
Because you died just when i could touch you,
giving you myself, but the dream has gone!
I’ve never asked you anything, oh god I invoke your help
for me now, for me now, now, call me now
My wife's lips and caresses stopped too early, no sweetness
for me now, for me now, why?, for me, how?
6. The fountain of youth (Instrumental)
7. The waltz of eternity
Here lies the sky, space dies away, time rises again, life starts tonight
Brab thinking
I'm young again, I see the time, I'm going beyond it
Ballad of a dying
Goodbye world, see you, tomorrow is today
Future meet the past and the words are becoming useless
Goodbye world, you see my life this time is over
Her spirit meets me as I die!
6. The Last Ceremony
Flowers as an enormous carpet
Women cry and alternate sobs
Sky sends rain and takes part in sorrow
Pain takes shape while priest tells his last words
Memories of the dead appear before my mind
The breeze caresses faces
wrapped up by silence
Funeral, a long beginning hellward
Funeral in a day with only night
A passage to unconsciouness
Funeral, to sleep an eternal sleep
Silence covers the noise of the grief
Take off heads, there will be no return
Small and fast, life becomes again nothing
Now a smart knocks at the conscience door
Gravestone with writing near a coloured flower-bed
Woodenhouse without windows will
keep useless remains
Funeral, a long beginning hellward
Funeral in a day with only night
A passage to unconsciouness
Funeral, to sleep an eternal sleep
7. The Voice Of A Siren
Discoloured remains, scattered fragments
Furrowed by wrinkles is my old face
My heart is tired, my eyes are fading
Life is a siren, death is her voice
To love again, to feel desire
All too far from me
Taken in my passions, a storm surrounded me
I've lost the meaning, I've lost my way
My rules, their fashions, blinded eyes to see
What does remain of a man who’s never free?
Dying in my greyness day after day
No good, no evil in what I've done
Past is my present and this life is strife
I feel unable like a bladeless knife
In my delirium then I was drowning
Without realizing what happened to me
An icy shudder suddenly took my body
Something surprising in the window on the sea
From dark the light, the voice of an angel
Oh, my siren
Hearing her sweet song tears burned my face
She took me outside to a heavenly place
My heart again young, my mind reborn
Curing my ill soul that I have torn
Celestial melody, new life to me
Where were you hidden in the abyss of the sea?
Your home, the ocean, I can't believe
A kind of fairy who light can give
Come with me and I'll take you
far from this grey hell
to the eden of the sea
where blue peace you will find
Kissed her sweet mouth, a strange power ran through me
Unending pleasure, she took me in her aura
I left my old limbs obscuring my tired sight
I’m dying to live in her!
8. I Just Called To Say I Love You
9. The Opening On The Boundary
Life and insanity together ride
Good and evil spirits are at your side
Many hidden parts of the human mind
Are places where the light of reason dies
Beings of not well identified nature
are living here
Trees and flowers closer and closer
show a passage is near
An immense void
is resucking the souls
that utter a scream
Crossing ice lands
and walls of fire
they awake on a beam
Feel without seeing
And hear just with your heart
This is your last chance to
Come with me
Iee... Oohh... Ieieee...
Sunlight... where is sunlight?
The silence now is covering me well
The future is too high
The song of the cat, the drips in the well
Are signs of a sacred rite
No shield no sword had the knight
When stars master the night
On the pages of the tome of fate
Was written: here no delights
Go to the end of the trip
Pass through the boundary rip
Touch with your incredulous eyes
A world that will never die
Life and memory the same thing are
Good and evil: a thing seen by different eyes
I'm feeling without seeing
while going down...oh, oh, inside me
The light of reason dies
and reality takes life... oh, oh, inside me
10. Aliens
My evening walks far from my jail and too few stars for me.
Words have left the wife, sleep wraps her sons, their vain love I don't need.
Moon smiles at me through my glass, around are dancing trees.
The sound of steps on the wet grass, my thoughts at last are free.
I drink the health of my bottle with me in my misery.
Invaders..... [x7]
Dance, dance, dance, the dance of a strange light
Is hypnotizing me
I’m frightened and charmed by this sort of dream
Are my eyes seeing reality?
Invaders.... [x4]
Will the space angels take away my soul?
This world of light from the sky, eh, eh, around me smiles
No family ties tonight, eh, eh, no sons, no wife
Heart is beating fast
Sight is blinded by the dust
Has filled the mouth
No one listening to the desperate shout
New way away!
All this seems so true
Bottle changes the point of view
Is denied in the mist
In my grey home no more I resist
I stay away!
Net, net, net, the star fisher's net
sows fear while drawns me in
Universe is inhaling me
I'll reach heaven, I'll be forever free
Invaders...... [x4]
The space gates are opening to take me in
This world of light from the sky, eh, eh, around me smiles
No family ties tonight, eh, eh, no sons, no wife
Floating in void I see down green fields
The world I leave watches sad my doom
A defrauded king is leaving his realms
A vague gloom fills the heaven room
Strong light switches on
I look beyond
Home, wife and sons
They are still here
Shouts still
do silence kill [x2]
They invade all my own space
My freedom falls in disgrace
My choices of the past
Have wasted my love too fast
Invaders are there.....
11. When The Sun Sleeps