
"Last Breath" (2005 EP)
1. Ziua ce vine 2. Clipa 3. Last Breath 4. Dreams in Black 5. No More...
1. Ziua ce vine
Sã crezi în tine
E tot ce þi-a rãmas
Iar ziua ce vine
Va fi doar un pas
Viaþa, vrei sau nu vrei, e un torent
Al zilei de azi, al zilei de ieri
Un pas greºit, un scurt popas
Va fi un moment
Dintr-un rãgaz
Sã crezi în tine
E tot ce þi-a rãmas
Iar ziua ce vine
Va fi doar un pas
Spune ce crezi
Spune ce vrei
Nu mai ai timp
Sã dai sau sã iei
Timpul va trece
Ziua se scurge
Clipa-i acum
Trãieºte sau …
Sã crezi în tine
E tot ce þi-a rãmas
Iar ziua ce vine
Va fi doar un pas
Spune ce crezi
Spune ce vrei
Nu mai ai timp
Sã dai sau sã iei
Timpul va trece
Ziua se scurge
Clipa-i acum
Trãieºte sau …
2. Clipa
Peste ochii tãi
Rãzbate dintre noi
Cu tot ce-ai fost, vei fi,
Va naºte o viaþã într-o zi.
Din viaþã
Nu te poþi opri
Tot ce va veni
Spre tine
Prin tine sau deloc
E clipa
Ce nu mai are loc.
Se zbate între alb
ªi negru,
Privirea se înalþã
Iar totul va fi doar un vis
Ce nu îl mai poþi opri …
Din viaþã
Nu te poþi opri
Tot ce va veni
Spre tine
Prin tine sau deloc
E clipa
Ce nu mai are loc.
Te uiþi …
In jur si tot ce vezi
E greu …
Lumina din jur,
Nu sunt eu …
Pentru mine, pentru tot,
Concretul are un alt scop.
A fost, azi e ieri,
Se naºte, un mister
Ce vine,
Dinspre noapte sau zi
Clipe ce nu le poþi rosti.
Din viaþã
Nu te poþi opri
Tot ce va veni
Spre tine
Prin tine sau deloc
E clipa
Ce nu mai are loc
3. Last Breath
There is …
A place between the right
And wrong …
Where truth lays waiting for so long
Preparing the step or just
Waiting for the sign.
Last breath
Is taken as goodbye
But now
Is just a re-assign
Of what
You thought it will be my
Last breath
But I was just begun.
4. Dreams in Black
Becoming too hard too breathe
Hardly knowing if I’m…
Dreaming or just going down
So down, like never before.
Days that passed by so hard
Nights that haunted my dreams
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are the same …
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are the same.
Feeling the light in your eyes
There’s hope for tomorrow
Only the strength that will rise
Will get through the sorrow
Is getting closer so I…
Hide in the dark of the day
Not knowing if I’ll be the same
Next time I’ll open my eyes.
Eyes that are not seeing light
Light that’s not close to me
Each time I’m gone in the past
Each time I’m just thrown away …
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are the same.
Feeling the light in your eyes
There’s hope for tomorrow
Only the strength that will rise
Will get through the sorrow
I need to be strong every time
That my will is under the sign
Of choosing what’s right or wrong
So I’ll have to open my mind.
Mind that I don’t know it’s mine
Or is it just gone astray
To a place where I could hide
From shadows I feel everyday …
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are the same.
Feeling the light in your eyes
There’s hope for tomorrow
Only the strength that will rise
Will get through the sorrow
Becoming too hard too breathe
Hardly knowing if I’m…
Dreaming or just going down
So down, like never before.
Days that passed by so hard
Nights that haunted my dreams
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are the same …
Dreams that I never survived
All dreams in black are …
5. No More...
No more pain
No more shadows
No more fears
And live for tomorrow.
No more tears
No more sorrow
No more loss
God, please help me follow …
… the light …
No more mercy
No more hate
No more future
Without faith.
No more darkness
No more nights
No more hopes
Searching for the light …
… of truth …