
"Revelation - The 7th Seal" (2007)
1. 7th Seal 2. Ancient Splendor 3. Aghast 4. Death as Solution 5. Unspoken Veneration 6. Death Cult Era 7. Vile Intervension 8. Gateway to Oblivion 9. Unholy War 10. Black Wings of Death 11. Grievance
1. 7th Seal
2. Ancient Splendor
3. Aghast
4. Death as Solution
5. Unspoken Veneration
6. Death Cult Era
I gaze towards the wide horizon amidst the distant mountains
Frozen winds from the north whip my parched and dying skin
A passing glance over these scorched plains, a sinister vision
The Death Cult Era is rising from the ashes on this unhallowed ground
The frozen winds chant in sorrow
Fallen souls sweep the skies
The scorched plains lie dead
Dust of angels gently sweep the air
Once here was a place of worship, where angels sung their praises of god
A marble altar in a ruined temple broken down by the teeth of time
A cross in the soil once pointed towards the sky now broken into pieces
The Death Cult Era is rising from the ashes on this unhallowed ground
The frozen winds chant in sorrow
Fallen souls sweep the skies
The scorched plains lie dead
Dust of angels gently sweep the air
Filth and remnants of angels - fragments of a kingdom forever lost
Scavenger from within infernal obscurity feasting on angelic remains
Burden of lost faith reek as the temple vanish further and more yet again
The Death Cult Era is rising from the ashes on this unhallowed ground
7. Vile Intervension
A mighty shadow was cast over the vast plain that I used to stalk at night
A shadow of hatred, wickedness and eternal death, even the full moon seemed to shine with evil
At once I saw as the shadow was growing in silence that the darkness it spread
Plagued all of the earth
I could before my eyes behold an army of demons
A legion of purest evil, lead by the northern master himself!
"Emperor of the legions from hell, Master of all evil, King of all sins
I praise thee! - I worship thee!
I lay down my sword and soul to do what thou command
Cleanse my soul from all goodness and beauty
Give me a sword forged by fire from the very depths of hell
Show me your enemies and I'll show them the meaning of pain and anguish!"
A place was made for me in this legion of damnation
Oceans, seas and rivers started to boil
Blood was slowly filling the trembling earth
That now was covered by the shadow of my master
Drink the Blood of angels, eat their flesh, feel their life rush through your veins
Crawl in the dust of others, scream as a newborn child
As you are reborn into sin and ultimate darkness
The blood of all corpses is spreading its stench all the way to the heavenly kingdom
Where both angels and the almighty god is crying like his children whom we now possess
Darkness slowly outgrew the life of all meek and mild
Burning the temples of Christ, havens for their weak minds
Fire, screams and fierce destruction shall forever reign
Triumphant screams of demons haunts this night of death
8. Gateway to Oblivion
The whispering darkness, never spoken of before
Lack of spiritual existence, endless aeons of nothingness
Storms with no wind
Dead sun with no light
Moonless sky with no stars
All is eternally dead
Aeons of oblivion
Beset by emptiness
Everlasting obscurity
All is eternally dead
The whispering darkness, never spoken of before
Lack of spiritual existence, endless aeons of nothingness
A deep void of emptiness
Where no life dwells, where death is supreme
March towards the gate and be free
A deep void, a gate of nothingness
Where no life dwells, where death is supreme
March towards the gate of oblivion
Enter the gate and be free
9. Unholy War
Impious visions
Glorification of malevolence
Craving for a sacrifice
Rising as the fiery flames
Quenching life by the thousands
Slay them all
As the fiery flames
United we shall stand, divided we will fall
Discipline and hate shall conquer them all
None left behind, show no mercy
Slay them all and rise as the fiery flames
Slay them all
As the fiery flames
Slay them all
As the fiery flames
10. Black Wings of Death
A mighty shadow was cast over the vast plain
These plains I used to stalk at night, now so dim
A shadow of wickedness and eternal death
Even the full moon seemed to shine with evil
Emperor of the north, commander of torment
Master of all immorality, king of all sins
I lay down my soul to submit under your will
Cleanse my soul from all decency and beauty
At once, I saw as the shadow was growing
- growing in silence yet with pride and strength
Obscurity insistently broaden in its growth
- overwhelming the earth and all creatures within
Encircled by demons in this great cold night
Seas and rivers started to boil as blood filled the trembling earth
The earth that now was enclosed by an endless shadow
All there is shall be covered by those Black Wings of Death
Emperor of the north, commander of torment
Master of all immorality, king of all sins
I lay down my soul to submit under your will
Cleanse my soul from all decency and beauty
Marching forward as darkness slowly outbreed the life of all meek and mild
Experience the wicked lust as the black night falls one final time
Dominant demons shall forever possess this earth
- Behold the eternal summoning of fallen souls
11. Grievance
Forlorn I walk
Path of solitude
I welcome death
All is utterly dead
As I slowly die
Reflecting upon my life
Come for me at this time
Reap me of my dying soul