
"When Death Draws Near" (1990 Demo)
1. Inner wrath 2. When Death Draws Near 3. Into This Life
1. Inner wrath
Lyrics: Jelleryd
Music: Jelleryd / Lobotomy
Dissection of the body
Phantasm of living intestines
Innards alive
Killing mankind
They can't be stopped
Immortality deformed
The reeking deceased
Seems to live again
Innards alive
Killing mankind
They can't be stopped
Immortality deformed
Dissector's choking
Guts around his throat
Larynx crushing
He drops to the floor
A repulsive sight
Guts leaving its body
Post-mortem dissector disappears
As the guts satisfies its hunger
Innards alive
Killing mankind
They can't be stopped
Inner wrath
2. When Death Draws Near
Lyrics: Jelleryd
Music: Jelleryd / Lobotomy
Pray to the lord to spare your soul
The tormenting pain in hell
Death will come to take you away
Just close your eyes and wait
Always you have said your grace
Why do you start to hesitate?
Soon you'll turn into a corpse
Where will your soul go?
Your mind is so full of doubts
Have you always been so nice?
Thoughts wander back in time
Seeing things you've suppressed
A murdered man lying dead
In pools of blood, putrid stench
Hands of blood ripping flesh
1. Is it you or someone else?
2. This is you no one else
Snow so white, Christmas time
People happy, enjoying life
Penetrated by a knife
Flowing blood, dying life
What has happened to your mind?
Why do you have these sights?
You have never killed before
Now you're not so sure
Death now seems so close
Pain slowly sets in
Visions start to fade
For you, hell awaits
Twisted mind, so many lives
Who is really dying now?
Who will take the punishment?
For these evil, wicked crimes
Didn't know about your other sides
But now at death you can see them all
Slipping into death completely insane
Not knowing where your soul will go
3. Into This Life
Lyrics: Carsana
Music: Lobotomy
Your life is short
Before you know
Your life is gone
Fluids like ice
Putrid stench
Of rotten flesh
What can you do?
No pain exist
Or jealousy
How bitter taste
Of life can be
Why is he good?
He takes your life away
Bodies in graves
Waiting to be reincarnated
Into this life
Waiting to be reborn
Back to this life
With evil thoughts
To make the good