
"Reborn" (1997)
1. Reborn Empowered 2. Truth Solution 3. Threatened 4. Awakening 5. 160 6. No Longer 7. Something More 8. Sellout 9. Spirit Fall 10. Presence Of God 11. Reject 12. Liar
1. Reborn Empowered
Reborn empowered
All strongholds broken
Old ways have died,
Given new life
Boldness engulfs my every word,
Strength empowered by God
The strength in Christ's name
Power, all knees must bow
Same spirit that dwells in us,
Raised Him from the dead
This gift freely given,
You will believe
Evil, its plan to deceive,
Manipulation, deception we bind
Rebirth, confession,
That He is God, almighty
Reborn empowered
All strong holds
Broken old ways have died,
Given new life
Rebirth, confess, our Lord
2. Truth Solution
Breath of God released faith
Creates all life perfect plan
Sin invades
Separates man from God
The fallen state
Lamb of God sacrifice fulfills
All law with sinless life
Love beyond all that's known
God himself bore our sin
Jesus truth solution,
Truth solution, the only solution
Before all time his plan was made
To give free will yet show the way
To give his son in our place,
To die, to rise forever reign
Beware deception,
All highs fade except God
Deluded path
Confront to blind eyes
From the, from the truth
The choice is free to all
Rejection receives hell
There is no other way
Acceptance eternal life in
Jesus, truth solution,
Truth solution, the only solution
3. Threatened
Do what you want to do,
Say what you want to say to me
I know what you'd like
To think of me
This is not real it can't be real
This thing I feel
You're threatening
You're threatening
How can I not hate you, hate you
How can I not be free, be free
I know deep down inside
How God reveals himself
I know deep down inside
To know him I must kill pride
Why do you care so much for me,
What's in this for you
Why can't selfishness rule you
Like everybody else
Let go pride, let go pride,
Cannot deny, cannot deny
This thing I feel, I feel inside
How God reveals himself
I know deep down inside
To know him I must kill pride
4. Awakening
Awakening has taken place in me,
Breathe in the newness of life
Drink freely new wine
Awaken from stagnant,
Passiveness broke free
Constrictive casualness
The dawn has come,
We must move on
Steadfast, faithfulness,
Put off, laziness
Wake up, wake up
Awaken from sleep,
Open your eyes, receive
Healed of crippling lethargy
Our spirits no longer
Reek of sleep
Through prayer we've entered
In the throne room
The will of God
Awaken from stagnant broke free
The dawn has come,
We must move on
Steadfast putoff casual
Wake up, wake up
5. 160
It begins, exhume, resurrect,
Crucify again
His flesh not yours,
His strength not yours
His death was your rebirth
Why embrace a lie,
Why refuse the Spirit
Withdraw from vital union
Enslaved, enslaved
Do not open wide
The door that leads to destruction
Don't Resurrect
What has been killed
Truth laid out, castdown pride
I grasp for life, I embrace God
Crucify again my flesh not dead
His strength not mine
His death is rebirth,
Rebirth, rebirth
Do not open wide
The door that leads to destruction
Don't resurrect
What has been killed
6. No Longer
Fear get away from me
Doubt has no place in me
Seduction of death will go
Intermittent thoughts of past life
I do not know that man
Anymore nevermore
Weight has lifted,
is broken
That yoke destroyed
I've nothing more to do with it
Peace deep within I'm set free
I have become something else
My spirit breathes freely again
That yoke destroyed
I've nothing more to do with it
No longer tormented
No longer
7. Something More
Origin of consciousness,
Fat acid rhetoric
Promulgate me mentally
Twisted to no deity
Interpret your reality,
Sell to me no absolutes
Moral relativity,
This world is false
Something more
I have a soul
Of not flesh and bone
I have a Spirit
That cries out to know God
The speculation seems so vague
It does not fulfill
What's real inside of me
Don't pacify spiritual
Teach me to be me in Christ
Origin of consciousness
I am not what meets the eye
8. Sellout
Sellout, sellout, selfish lust
Gone, no time for games,
Free will reigns
I will to surrender,
I will take my cross,
My flesh subjected,
My spirit rise
Focus, focus,
Straightway on my God,
No more needless,
Cares of temporal
No more deception,
Subtile thoughts,
Focus straightway on eternal
My spirit cries out to you God,
To live is Christ, to die gain
I will not build again,
Things which I've destroyed
I will not
Make myself transgressor
Hay and stubble
Will burn away
Only God, only God remains
My spirit cries out to you God,
To live is Christ, to die gain
9. Spirit Fall
Spirit fall on this land,
Convicting power cleansing man
Reveal your truth to blind eyes,
Rip the scales from their sight
Holy Spirit be thee praised
Arise, be made new
In the fullness of His truth
Repent and believe by His power
You'll be free
Anointing fall on this place,
Spirit of God
We give you praise,
We give you praise,
We give you praise,
We give you...
10. Presence Of God
11. Reject
I set my self up
I've no one to blame but my
Self pity is useless
I'll not entertain your sickness,
Half truths, deceit, forced in,
Not God, reject
Reject all lies
Rebuke take hold
Intrepid Spirit of God
Rebuke take hold
Authority of God
Reject all lies
12. Liar
I set my self up
I've no one to blame but my
Self pity is useless
I'll not entertain your sickness,
Half truths, deceit, forced in,
Not God, reject
Reject all lies
Rebuke take hold
Intrepid Spirit of God
Rebuke take hold
Authority of God
Reject all lies