
"Living Sacrifice" (1991)
1. Violence 2. Internal Unrest 3. Second Death 4. Obstruction 5. Walls Of Separation 6. Phargx Imas 7. No Grave Concern 8. Dealing With Ignorance 9. The Prodigal 10. Anorexia Spiritual
1. Violence
In the mind of mortal man
The vision is tainted red
Consumed by anger, provoked bye words
That should never been said
Now all this mind seems to harbor are misplaces aggressions
Once released, they will seek
Reaping the sadistic intentions
In this time and age that maintains no aspect of order
Hard to see are these lines in which many souls border
Visual assistance show life as a harsh reality
The bitter effect produced not approved by society
Read the words, hear Christ speak
Refrain from anger, revert the cheek
Withheld in compassion, not signs of the weak
Seek humility for blessed are the meek
2. Internal Unrest
Internal unrest, emotional decline
Cruelly overbearing, will confined
Future uncertain, past regrets
Temporal pain, not easy to forget
Mangled thoughts irrational actions
Overwhelmed amidst confusion
Cry for hope total despair
Reaching out who will care
Emotions will ascend by divine intervention
Oppressive misery on the brink of extinction
Oppressive misery irrational actions
Overwhelmed amidst confusion
Emotions will ascend by divine intervention
Mangled thoughts on the brink of extinction
3. Second Death
Ending all of life beginning of death
Soul has been lost taken last breath
Descent to darkness life forever left
Imprisoned awaiting the second death
Incarcerate in a solid rock cell
Facing the reality the present hell
Absolute darkness one of isolation
Soul of the lost with will of separation
Rejected God intentionally unaware
Voluntary placement for this eternal nightmare
Losing grip of sanity mind goes insane
Loneliness of death creeps in to reign
Vile stench begins to fill the air
Demons gather with a hideous glare
Assembled to inflict verbal torment
Reminded of salvation seeds forever dormant
Now seeing through their black lies
Realization of eternity bleeds into cries
Sneering and chanting manifesting on the walls
Interrupted torture by the great one who calls
Transformed to the great white throne
Standing before God yet still alone
He releases the love that won't be received
Convicted now but too late to believe
Laid out for all his perfect will
And ignorant life remains unfulfilled
4. Obstruction
Being held fast by the cords of affliction
Subjected to mental infiltration
Conceived thought compromise obtained
Appealing to desires fatal if remain
Afflicted spirits
Under the authority
Christ proclaimed
Obstruction cease to be
Depraved aphrodisia wars against the soul
Fulfilling strategies of complete control
From the deep prcess of a darkened mind
Twistedly emerge images of this kind
Legions of the air on this journey they lead
Obsession inspired nurtures dormant
Trouble is presented by an unjust gain
Selfish ambitions that were plotted in vain
5. Walls Of Separation
Not a mere perception, an acquaintance
Conscious of sin, access to repentance
Acquitted through faith by justification
God through Christ brings reconciliation
Divided in universal guilt
Under condemnation
Proceed to the doors of mercy
Through the walls of separation
Contrary to will a force ever present
Oral instinct condemns by strong intent
Freed from the law that sin enslaved
Nature of man, power is depraved
Exertion will not provide atonement
Man can escape the impending judgement
Fulfilled the purpose, designed to accomplish
Invoking Christ as Lord none shall perish
6. Phargx Imas
There is a voice that has gone forth
Proclaiming "Vengeance it is mine"
Prophetic truth sure to come
In the fullness of this time
Salvation produced the acquired
Absence for who had the belief
The unfortunate now remain
In an endless search for relief
The Lord's wisdom and his
Strength they utterly forsake
Insecurity of the darkness disaster will overtake
Falling unexpectedly never to withhold
Sudden Destruction, final separation
Fall of the wicked foretold
Harvest of the earth now takes place
Divine authority to remove the disgrace
Permission given the sickle is swung
Gathered together in the press they're slung
With great wickedness the vats overflow
Rising high, simulation of the flood
Return to ruin valley of blood
7. No Grave Concern
The administration of a mystery
Death beingswallowed up in victory
From the grave the soul is redeemed
Death cannot entangle as it may have seemed
Christ's purpose and grace is disclosed
Being declared since the day he arose
From dwelling silence there is immunity
Annulling death he brought immortality
Instead of sorrow if the soul does yearn
Remain being filled with comfort having no grave concern
Not left abandoned in a grave of despair
Having turned from death away from the snare
Absence from body presence with the lord
Faithfulness reaping a righteous reward
8. Dealing With Ignorance
There is no justice in their path
The way of peace is not decerned
Mention Christ in effect
Stubbornly cacks will turn
Void of knowledge declining to understand
Scraps of information forcing knowledge ot expand
Dealing with ignorance
Realize patience through observing the tolerant
Exercise gentleness toward those who are ignorant
Dealing with ignorance
Despising wisdom fools mock
Show them mercy mixed with fear
Renew a mind dull inform
Never seeming insincere
With comprehension mystery are revealed
Value of the truth away once concealed
Truthful witness they persecute
Whispers petitions in warfare
Exposing requirements of the lord
For the ignorant to be award
No search is needed for what is found
Abstract theories hodling no position to what is sound
9. The Prodigal
Around their necks is tied a millstone
With sin the little ones were overthrown
Their sincere minds were led astray
Distracted by pure devotion to Christ way
A spirit is now at work in the disobedient
Neglected are the words of encouragement
Memories of forgiveness fade into oblivion
Casting themselves down into corruption
Continual indulgence in the spirit of impurity
Blinding their eyes from the truth of reality
The Lord is aware of their futile thoughts
Occupying the bones envy slowly rots
For season their conspiracy goes unseen but with
Immoral actions it's revealed unclean
Shamefully fall short of the expectations
Disgrace sets in with deep conviction
Whosoever covereth the errors of this path
Covers over multitude sin and death wrath
To public discrace Christ is constrained
Not by the ones who have faithfully remained
But for the lost brought back he will rejoice
Answering the cry of the still small voice
10. Anorexia Spiritual
Insufficient supplication communion is abstained
Weary is the spirit as consideration drains
The duty of seeking peace is not being pursued
Plenty was promised agreement misconstrued
No obedience toward Christ every thought not held captive
Though possessing unfailing love these ways are disruptive
Appointed to bring the faith silent with desires
Unfaithful words oppress what the lord requires
Plans fail for a lack of council but many have advice
Resenting their correction exceed boundaries of the wise
Anorexia spiriatual unnoticed as it seems
Delivered by an adocate to justify its means
Walls of protection agreed to be contructed
Now begin to fall as wisdom is being abducted
Seeds have been cast falling on unfertile ground
Tolerating what is what is wrong conflict dies abound
Up against the knowledge of God arguments and pretension
Obedience fully secured and complete in submission
Elude those to assemble no to associate
Hidden is distress established able to dominate
Recipient of atrocity misfortune can arrive
Ushering in the presence only pacifies
Having the inermost being, subjecting it to starvation
A return to endurance prompted by this demonstration