
"Way Of Blind" (2005)
1. Without Hope 2. Raven 3. I Don't Believe 4. My Evil Wish 5. Last Way In Nowhere 6. Force And Brave 7. Way Of Blind 8. Requiem
1. Without Hope
Tears of sorrow voice of hate
And evil sign of life as rage of fate
Eternal way in sky with dream on rest
And sense of flight to stars without hope on best
Endless night pain and fear
Ghostly shadows on my way
Silence, i'm not hear noise of wind in the light of day
Life the end and far beyond wicked voice from world of lie
And again i'm run, i'm run, forever free i die
2. Raven
You give the moon their icy light
Ancient stone of forgotten graves
Nothing not his eternal rest
Not wind not cry of tombed birds
Only raven is old as our world
On the black and destroying cross
Sometimes remember his glorious fest
When see the heap of rotten bones
He tell the story on this braves
Their glory castles the merge with the earth
Who live in the fight in dismal the fear
And go on to the battle for glory or death
Soul of dismay is lost revenge
And names of peoples on the tombed stones
The cry’s and silence in the darkness of the night
In the claws of animals his rotten bones
3. I Don't Believe
You disappear from dream
I m not forget your face
And i'm hear your scream
Another dream
And empty world on space
Im not believe you saying
And pain penitrate in brain
In sky
I still remember this world
Shadows and light
Eternal feeling of cold
And tacit darkness of night
And die away of life
Indifferent eyes of God
On face of death
You open the heavens door
In the misty land
Where angels as the dolls
With eyes of owl
Where great worm eat
Immortal soul
I know inconstant fate
And my losting dreams
Pain of love and fire of hate
And i'm tired swim on stream
I don't believe in hell
Not believe in paradise
I want destroy this spell
Crazy tales on sacrifice
4. My Evil Wish
My evil wish is killing you, you not be save
And but you take for fire is cold of grave
And you believe in love, but love from God
I only want your warmth and taste your blood
You like look in my eyes, there only lie
And you my sacrifice, and you mast die
I like your smiling face, your merry voice
And you expect the fate of foolish toys
I hear your stupid words and see your empty eyes.
I hate your dreams, i hate your voice
When you talk me on love i know - all this lie.
I want the break your world, destroy your wretched life.
I wait this day when endless cold pierce your small heart as blade of knife
5. Last Way In Nowhere
Hot wind and rustle of sand
Flame of pain in exhausted eyes.
Sign of death on the way of damned
Bloody clouds before sunrise.
Love and life dissolve in hate
Dreams turn in the wish to kill
Death for freedom –gift of fate
Rage of battle- triumph of steel
Dying ears from explosions shells
Black smoke shut light of stars
Fire of madness as evil spells
Fury hymn of holly war
Wind of freedom, wind of hate
Give me power, force and brave
Life of slave is not for me
Sand and ashes hide my grave.
Raging song is carryon
When my eyes close bloody mist
Fear and horror is go on
Kill, kill your enemy’s.
6. Force And Brave
Hot wind and rustle of sand
Flame of pain in exhausted eyes.
Sign of death on the way of damned
Bloody clouds before sunrise.
Love and life dissolve in hate
Dreams turn in the wish to kill
Death for freedom –gift of fate
Rage of battle- triumph of steel
Dying ears from explosions shells
Black smoke shut light of stars
Fire of madness as evil spells
Fury hymn of holly war
Wind of freedom, wind of hate
Give me power, force and brave
Life of slave is not for me
Sand and ashes hide my grave.
Raging song is carryon
When my eyes close bloody mist
Fear and horror is go on
Kill, kill your enemy’s.
7. Way Of Blind
The misty sky as silent pain
Reflection light of dying sun
And ghostly flight in the noise of rain
I die again as every one
Fire in my soul is die away
And fury wind destroy my mind
When sun is pale and sky is gray
When all my life is way of blind
Light of crazy stars reflected in my empty eyes
Life is endless war and every want in paradise
Hatred and evil force forever stay is real gods
And angels with smile on face, press in hands his bloody swords
8. Requiem
Oh, I hail to you, Bertha.
You swim in reflection of the stars.
But your reflection is incomplete
And look, as greedy tendencies
Hand is stuck to your body
You transparent deceptive
You lie and draw me
But I swim from depth of the stars
All that I remember
I dont know your voice
I never now remember about it
Climbs down on wall and dont remember
This walls broken gap
Someday they destroying me.
Baby, you must die
But I cut my vein
But in lifes does not be a love
Over wall take care of me
Someday they destroying me.
Opened lips repeat without words
"Rust of the riped stars"
Your reflection thrill, your look - is crack
Good by, Bertha, good by
Good by, my little dead Bertha
Good by, my little dead Bertha