
"Light And Shadows" (2003)
1. Fighter 2. I'm Free 3. Tell Me... 4. Lost Dreams 5. April In Paris 6. Morning Light 7. Voice Of Madness 8. Hava Nagila 9. Beers, Girls and Rock'n'Roll 10. World Of Damned: (I. Crazy Angel. II. In The World Of Damned. III. Smile Of Snake) 11. The Pain In Your Face 12. Sign Of Fate 13. Kalina 14. Day Of Other Life
1. Fighter
Take me a prisoner
And silent of star
Torment and sinister
Hold you so far
Soon I will come to you
To you majestic light
I flight tough lie and true
True is mystical night
Shine me a brighter
I am your servant
I am your fighter
Blessing the moment
Moment of frankness
Moment of your light
Fear is blackness
Live me your soul this night
My soul is far from hear
So far away
I scream but can you hear
Cry from the grave…
2. I'm Free
This my last turn In the life
Hear my last warn
For your welfare
Let my words and dreams
Depart with me I'm free…
I be free I can see In the misty land
Flash of pain in my head
Dreams is lost
And my sorrowful ghost
Slowly flying in the dark sky
I remember this force
And shine of stars
Reflect in my eyes
Free… Please don't cry on me
Free… This my last degree
Free… Sorrow in my heart
Free… I mast to depart.
Give me your dream Give me your face
Give me your heart Feeling of braves
Way of my life Fire of my soul
Voices of night Say me this all
In other world In other life
I be with you In endless flight
Take my last breath In world of rest
Give me hatred And save your creed.
3. Tell Me...
Try to look To my mind
Tell me what Can you see
Am I deaf Am I blind
Sing your last Song for me
Church bell Shatter my heart
Heart remember Your face
Help me My savior god
My soul Really misplaced
Have you ever Felt this pain
Have you ever Cry without tears
Have you ever Seen the rain
Rain of sorrow And rain of fears
Killing stars Flamed my dream
Hopeless wish Are lost
Your punished me I scream
We are priest I am ghost
So much time In the ground
Wait my body For my
But I mast Be a cloud
Help me To disappear
Give me One more time
Give me last Chance to live
You are hear My cries
Perished my believe.
4. Lost Dreams
5. April In Paris
I go on the street
And all is everyday
Grey walls and dusty trees
And rubbish on my way
I see the people's races
And all repeat again
I see them foolish faces
And heads without brain.
We a live in world of madness…
We a live in world of sadness…
I know my disease
And I want kill my sense
Hard life without drinks
But exit - in my hands
I buy the many beers
And drink this after wine
My brain-work to appease
In the madness - our sign.
6. Morning Light
Morning light
After long hard night
Is gray and sad as your feelings
Mist in your eyes
And pain in your head
And this all your killing
Stay only belief in best
What this day give your rest
And dreams return to you
For the present feel bad
In the mirror you as dead
You know that is true
Flowing rain
In your tired brain
Is cold and dim as your sense
Sorrow in your heart
And tremor in your hands
This all for you my friend.
7. Voice Of Madness
Voice of madness in my head
Every day I hear this fraud
Tears of sorrow and cry of dread
Lose of gladness-pain
You kill my brain
And you destroy my life
Place for endless-grave
Reign of lie in our world
I'm despise all this signs
Dreams on God and force of gold.
8. Hava Nagila
9. Beers, Girls and Rock'n'Roll
We a sitting in the room
And bad wine absorb in brain
Empty bottles shine on floor
In hard air of Saturday
Light of lamp in our heads
Bring from us this crazy hope
Give me money dear friends
And I go in the shop
Every day destroy my sense
I make war with my health
In my dreams and in my soul
Beers girls and rock'n'roll
We a living in the world
Where normal man alone
But till beer be the cold
Pleasant state is carryon
Shine of moon in drunken eyes
And one wish in our souls
Crazy dreams and stars in sky
Many beers and many girls.
10. World Of Damned: (I. Crazy Angel. II. In The World Of Damned. III. Smile Of Snake)
World of Damned
Flash of lightning in the dark of sky
Shades the past of forgotten land
I feel your presence
And cold of eyes
Crazy angels
In the world of damned
Take my hands and close my eyes
Go with me in eternal way
The slow sleep
Of endless sky's
Crazy angels
In the world of damned.
Smile Of Snake
Day or night
Mist or flame
I don't believe your smile of snake
I know what you say
Words of lie
On your lips
You want destroy my life and rest
For their foolish dreams
And all your feelings
Not for me
I keep my soul from your belief
I want be free.
Death for life
Love for blames
I still remember killing light
I know rule of games
Lace of clouds
In the sky's
Your empty soul and face of doll
And cold in your eyes.
11. The Pain In Your Face
The doubt and pain in your face
Your dreams is break your soul misplaced
And feel yourself is bad
And in your look indifference of dead
You not believe
What can correct this all
Leave your prayer Stand
Your can be free
In your brain Lie
But this not obstacle for me
Open your eyes and don't be sad
Your hope is stupid as frankness of dead
And you destroy this real
And your not hear my hopeless appeal.
12. Sign Of Fate
I see your face
Remember shine of light
In other space
Around the world of night
Kill all this burning real
And go on your fight.
Dying sun in world of grief
Send your light for blind Gods
Losing souls don't find relief
Force of life in hands of ghost
Falling stars is sign of fate
All in world turn in dust
Our life is brief instant
And this moment be your last.
13. Kalina
14. Day Of Other Life
Day of other life This not a save from pain
As silence after furious cry
As killing cold in heart after flame
I know better stay in rest And never not betray
My exit is the best I know this my way
My future in the mist I don't believe in prayer
I'm angel or a beast I'm very like this play
Eternal life-not for me I die-in our world I can see
I cry-never say me lie on this life Fly in other sky's
I don't want thus again Is lost dreams in my eyes
And wicked voice of fate in my brain.