
"Mors Ianua Vitae" (2002 Demo)
1. Condemnation Of The Abstract Spawn 2. Grim Reaper 3. New Dark Eden 4. Betwixt Two Pugnacious Minds 5. Drömspel 6. Shadowfilled Apocalypse
1. Condemnation Of The Abstract Spawn
So many attempts in hiding the truth
The truth they conceal by faith
Mortality is granted to those who dare
Those who´s reclaiming real life
Immortality is played by those who can´t bear
To witness the truth from above
Awaiting a bright light from heaven sent
A misinterpret for far too long
A hideous creature with salvation to give
To bless those who are in sin
Now is the time to debunk the fake
To condemn this spawn who´s in debt to die
Condemnation of the abstract spawn
The Promised Land is no more
No Nazarene son and no Virgin Mary whore
The time has come to reveal the truth
To bring back the times without the glorious jew
2. Grim Reaper
When this life is over, the Grim Reaper will come for me
When this life is done I will greet the Bonemaster with a smile
and follow him into the Void where everything cease to be
Don´t pray that He won´t take you, it doesn´t matter whatever you do
You can try to run but you can´t hide
Don´t ever pray that He won´t see you, His ravenous eyes are everywhere
He will come for all and He will come for you too
Long time ago I laid down my fear and put my worries to rest
Long time ago I realized that dread for what´s bound to happen
was a betrayal against myself
Don´t pray that He won´t take you, it doesn´t matter whatever you do
You can try to run but you can´t hide
Don´t ever pray that He won´t see you, His ravenous eyes are everywhere
He will come for all and He will come for you too
Yeah, He will come...
Someone who knock your door in the night
Might be the One holding the scythe
He whose robe is woven of the darkest shadows
Might stand there, staring you in the eyes
3. New Dark Eden
This foretells an age of chaos
where the weak shall fall
and the strong shall triumph
This foretells an age of dark emotions
where the lands shall twist and turn
torn beyond recognition
This is what will surely happen
This is what´s hard to avoid
This is what will call up hell on earth
What makes Inferno unleash
A new sun will rise
when the tide has washed away the lies
A new sun will rise
from the ashes of this rotten paradise
The survivors of the holocaust
the post-nuclear children
shall etsablish
the new dark Eden
4. Betwixt Two Pugnacious Minds
In this malignant, twisted comfort
Two putrid minds force me to schizophrenia
Which one shall I trust?
Either one brings me amnesia
An ill-natured voice stuck inside my head
Makes me fit in this wickedness perfectly
Ignominious, vicious and malicious
Oh, such a delight
All hope in despair
All faith is broken
Furious pandemonium has taken form
Betwixt two pugnacious minds
Inhaling the smell of putrefaction
Exhaling the breath of satisfaction
Escaping reality for a while
To satisfy my needs to be vile
5. Drömspel
Digher & Aska
Liv efter döden baserat på tro
är bara ett sätt att få ångest att gro
Redan vid födseln börjar de dö
så livet de lever är himmelens kö
De fortsätter blunda, de fortsätter be
de suger av Herren och fortsätter le
Men en chock det får de så fort
de står vid liemannens port
Frälsta av liket på korset de är
men man känner ett träd på dess frukter och bär
Om han var Guds son och blev hängd på ett kors
Visar det vad Herren bryr sig om oss
Varför steg han inte ner från korset
om han var Herren så kär?
Jo, han var blott människa och blev sviken av Guds här
Naturens lag är sanning och gudadyrkan fel
och deras himmel är bara ett drömspel
6. Shadowfilled Apocalypse
Through the universe we ride
on our horses of obsidian black
our senses cold
We point our fingers at you
and suck up your lives
your soul are sold
There is no point in resisting
no fight can drive us back
so don´t you feel safe... ever
We´ev been here since time began
haunting this system of materia
We were sleeping in the shades of the stars
but now, children of a sun
we´re awake
We´re gonna let wave after wave of our
presence drown you, until there´s nothing left
We don´t need any name, we are the pure entity
of disintegration
Spiritually we´ll rape you all
When you´re next in line
you´ll hear our call
You´re destined to die
so say goodbye
This world will be cleansed
in your blood and your cries
Oh, how sweet... a massive choir
of painfilled screams
Worldwide fucking genocide
erasing species- no loose ends
Then a sudden silence, this planet is pure
Left is but a shadow of a shadow
Now reigns the Nocturne...