
"No One Safe" (2004)
1. No One Safe 2. Thief 3. Lilith 4. Vagina Dentata 5. Death FM 6. Singularity 7. Three of a Perfect Pair
1. No One Safe
Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard
Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on;
Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared,
Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone...
“Ode on a Grecian Urn”
John Keats
Million years’ period of wave oscillation
Fifty-seven octaves below middle C
Fifty-three hours’ Chandra observation
Thousand light years wavelength of sound
Energy equal to one hundred million
Outbursts of supernova stars
Gas as hot as fifty million Kelvins
Jetting out of Perseus cluster
Way too low to be sensed by any eardrum
Far beyond the human hearing range
Deepest sound ever found in Universe
Over three billion years long song
Perseus A symphony of gravitation
Without end and without a climax
Sidereal message of Apocalypse
Voiceless call from the space abyss
Howl! Super low octave sounds of distant black hole in the Perseus galaxy
Growl! Bubble-shaped gas ripples coming out of black hole emanating energy
Moan! Hundred million light years from our planet black hole – herald of disaster
Singing black hole
Cosmic foghorn – stay away
From the black hole
Dying matter screaming from
Inside black hole
No-one’s ever safe to hear
Sound of black hole
Astral symphony in space
Gases pushed by pressure waves
Shining brightly in X-rays, emitting X rays
Swallowed substance falling in
Blowing bubbles from within
B-flat pitch not heard but seen on screen
Omnipresent flicker noise
Permeating universe
Everything has got its voice, its unique voice
Armageddon battle horn
Woe upon you once you’re born
No-one’s safe – forever burn - forlorn!
Source no-one can see, tone no-one can hear, ancient mystery now becoming clear
Singing Perseus A, infrasonic screams of cannibalized nearby galaxies
Bubble-shaped cavities emanating sound, gas remaining hot without cooling down
To collapse and give birth to trillion stars heated by the ripples in the cluster gas
Spreading all around sans a medium, hail to the renowned scientist Indian
Glorious laureate of the Nobel prize, famous for all time and immortalized
In the orbital X-ray telescope, picking up the sound from space tuning fork
Long live Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, now we’re able to hear the voice of stars
Black hole singing, inaudibly screaming, sardonically grinning since the beginning
Gravity Opus in B-flat by Perseus, no disc by Amplexus could match this
Hot jets pushing against star gas cushion, sound waves swooshing through space no bullshit
Infrasonic sidereal warning, safe will be no one from now on!
Winged sandals from Mercury, shield from Athena
Pluto’s helmet for invisibility
Teeth like those of swine, claws brazen, snaky hair
Mortal paragon of monstrosity
Armed to fight and to behead Medusa Gorgon
Looking in the shield being guided by gods
Doomed to petrify adventurous beholders
Living ‘mong the statues of men and beasts
Cutting off the monstrous head with one quick blow
Lifeless corpse releasing Pegasus out
Flying ‘bove the Earth, blood dripping from the trophy
Turning into snakes when reaching the ground
Fighting and defeating Atlas, giant Titan
Made into a cliff supporting the sky
And Andromeda was rescued from her mountain
Nude and beautiful and destined to die
Perseus was immortalized as constellation
Giving everyone a lesson to learn:
Inter-stellar song of cannibalization
Shows that no one will be safe from now on!!!!!!!
2. Thief
People are passing by – distracted and focused,
Lost and preoccupied with their thoughts
Each living his own life – as if for a purpose
While there’s no choice but pull the shortest straw
Girl with sunburn skin, her high heels a-clicking
Hurrying up somewhere with busy look
Old fiddler in the street, hands trembling, a-playing
False Morricone tune over again
People are passing by – each one with a purpose
Candles once shining bright – that soon will fade
Everyone is born as if with only purpose that is to die
Programmed deep inside to fall to pieces in a very short while
Rise or fall, rejoice or mourn - death will always be by your side
Ticking time away as you get closer to the end of your life
Open your eyes
Challenge your mind
Sooner or later
Time comes for everyone to die
No matter if it’s day or night
Death will be like a thief at night
Taking your life
Moment to die
End of your time
No escape from this
Try to survive
Fight for your life
It will be the same
Don’t forget to live while you’re alive
Do it now, for that’s your only life
At the end there’ll be no warning sign
And no good-byes
Everyone is born as if with only purpose that is to die
Programmed deep inside to fall to pieces in a very short while
Rise or fall, rejoice or mourn - death will always be by your side
Ticking time away as you get closer to the end of your life
Each cell divides
Just fifty times
Take it or leave it!
Eucaryotic suicide
Cells making their choice to die
Is there a single reason why?
Why does ferment
Reading the genes
Sit in between
Two genes every time?
Linear chain
That’s the price to pay
New evolutionary stage
Old replication heritage
Left from procaryotic age
Is not that strange?
Divi surya-sahastasya bhaved
yugpad utthi ta
yadi bhah sadrsi sa syad
bhavas tasya mahatmanah
Sri bhagavan uvaca kalo smi loka-ksaya-krt pravrddho
lokan samahartum iha pravrttah rte pi tvam
na bhavisyanti sarve
ye vasthitah pratyanikesu yodhah
Everyone is born as if with only purpose that is to die
Programmed deep inside to fall to pieces in a very short while
Rise or fall, rejoice or mourn - death will always be by your side
Ticking time away as you get closer to the end of your life
Open your eyes
You will be mine
Sooner or later
Time comes for everyone to die
I am the one you fear at night
I am the creeping thief at night
Taking your life.
3. Lilith
Hey Lilith, demoness
Helpmeet of Samael
Consort to Asmodeus
Infernal spirit, Naamah’s kin
Hey Lilith, murderess
Preying on newborn kids
Killing them in their cribs
Standing behind SIDS
Hey Lilith, dark temptress
Haunting men to have sex
With them while they’re asleep
And to conceive from their wet dreams
Hey Lilith, flaming fire
Femme fatale, dark desire
Dressed in bridal attire
What is your real face, who are you?
Lilith – since day one you’ve not been
The same – how can it be so, Lilith?
Lilith - there have been so many
Of you – each time you’re all new, Lilith!
Midrash, Ben-Sira’s Alphabet,
Zohar – all they refer to Lilith
Talmud, Cabbala, Gilgamesh
Epic – didn’t fail to mention Lilith
Lillake, Lilitu, Lamia,
Layil – these names are all yours, Lilith
But still no one knows who you are
Alas – open your secret, Lilith!
Lilith – strange enough, it’s all you
How come you’ve got so many faces?
It’s now time to lift up the veil
What’s true, what’s not? Who are you, Lilith?
Masturbating over glossy centerfolds and pinup posters
Visualizing copulation with playmates and supermodels
Bearing demons from unfruitful drops of semen wasted in vain
Fornicating with the dreaming men who sleep alone in their beds
Stealing glances in the mirror now and then in contemplation
Driven by narcissism and insatiable self-adoration
Making home in every mirror, seeking for coquettish damsels
To come out and enter through their eyes and take possession of them
Ruthless seductress and icon of feminists, first woman ever made, alternative goddess
All these are your incarnations
Slayer of children that haven’t been circumcised, treacherous demon eventually exorcized
By angelic incantations
Spirit of freedom and fighter for equal rights, liberal female who’s chosen to stand upright
What a controversial nature!
Shadow, deeper self - rejected, feared, ignored, repressed
Alter ego – repository
Of unlawful aspirations and bizarre desires
Shameful outcast striking
Liberating from the power of ego in revenge
Splitting personality in
Bringing chaos and disaster till the two are
Once again - forever
Lilith – since day one you’ve not been
The same – how can it be so, Lilith?
Lilith - there have been so many
Of you – each time you’re all new, Lilith!
Lilith – no one knows who you are
How come you’ve got so many faces?
It’s now time to lift up the veil
What’s true, what’s not? Who are you, Lilith?
4. Vagina Dentata
Vagina dentata obscurata
Statu variabilus cunnus diaboli
Aenigma beata via lata
Semper amabila et detestabila
Cunnus diaboli
Vagina dentata voluptata
Fit ludus ineffabilis membris et labii
Stella obumbrata et velata
Mihi nunc contraria – semper in angaria
Statu variabilus
Cunnus diaboli
Semper amabilus
Great triple goddess of birth, death and revival
Mystical creature that gives us life and takes it
Mother eternal, pagan mistress of Helheim
Guiding out souls through the yawning abyss of darkness
Incomprehensible repository of
Essence and nothingness, magical scene for both
Death of the little one, birth of the newly born
Entrance wide-open and refuge forlorn
Mysterious black hole, sublime events horizon
Infinite passage ‘tween grief, excitement, love and
Pain, light and darkness – there is no way one can be
Without the other – at least that’s how it has been
Key to the secret of union with deities
Transcendental threshold of immortality
Pathway into the womb, haven of vital power
Ruthless Haribda that seeks to devour
Vagina immana et inana
Mecum omnes plangite corde pulsum tangite
Nunc per tuum ludum dorsum nudum
Fero tui sceleris mihi quoque niteris
Vagina dentata obscurata
Statu variabilus cunnus diaboli
Aenigma beata via lata
Semper amabila et detestabila
No male is spared
Spared the shock at sight of female genitals
That’s what Freud said
To account for each man’s archetypal
Old fear widespread
Fear of being conquered, weakened, taken back
Into the womb
To become a foetus and to perish
Pregnant – full-fed
Consummation and consumption are the same
Men scared of death
Victims of perverted expectations
End up with denial of copulation
To protect themselves from mutilation
Place where female’s fate is to submit to powerful men, all-mighty men
Hides a monster armed with deadly teeth that waits within to wreck revenge
Men are scared in the society
Where women never had no teeth, no power to enforce their will
Is the reason why the womanhood comes armed with teeth, with deadly teeth
Amore suscrescente
Pariter e medio
Avulso procul tedio,
Fit ludus ineffabilis
Membris, lacertis, labii
Rosa rubicundior,
Lilio candidior
Status malus,
Vana salus
Semper dissolubilis,
Et velata
Mihi quoque niteris;
Nunc per ludum
Dorsum nudum
Fero tui sceleris.
Oh, oh, oh
Totus floreo
Iam amore virginali
Totus ardeo,
Novus, novus amor
Est, quo pereo.
Every vagina has teeth, men leave as less than
When they first entered the weakness, impotence one
Feels after bursting out in ejaculation
Has much in common with being absorbed and swallowed
Only three things in the world are insatiable
Grave, desert and women’s labia unmentionable
Why does the women’s miraculous orifice
Seem fraught with vagina’s mouth-symbolism?
Shame, guilt, neurosis – results of misconception
Sex, death – all mixed up with fear in men’s sick psyche
Ignorant, sheltered, left to their own devices
In the attempt to make sense of their encounters with cunt lips
Brought up in the patriarchal society
Driven by complex of superiority
Men justify their subconscious anxiety
With the vagina dentata theory.
5. Death FM
In the city downtown somewhere amidst the monorails and skyscraper peaks
Made of glass and steel
Stands a thousand meter tower sending suicidal commands in FM
People passing by – distracted, focused, lost, preoccupied – without knowing that thief is
There ‘hind the corner, down the street – unknown, unheard, unseen – hiding somewhere in ethereal
Realm waiting till the station starts broadcasting in FM to receive the signal and to
Prey on the careless humans full of anger, greed and pride – future nominees of Darwin
Prize vainly sacrificing their lives right on the altar of stupidity and madness
No-one is safe when death FM broadcast is on the air – so beware before it’s too late!
Die! Death FM is on the air, so there’s no wonder
Why! Some Dar-win and some Dar-loose when they pull shortest straw
Deadly FM is on the air, no wonder Darwin
Prize! Will commemorate the weakest link in the gene pool
Die! Death FM – brand-new response to Hamlet’s question
Die! Death FM – foolproof is easy, cretin-proof is not.
Die! When action precedes any thought!
Die! It’s natural selection in action
Evolution strikes back!
Fighting for animal rights and
Releasing thousand pigs from the slaughter and dying
From being trampled
Down, speaking over the cell phone,
Hand cupped to other ear, on the railway and dying
Not having heard the
Train, using pool cue to pick up
A gun to slide it down and eventually dying
The trigger being
Pulled, using JATOs on Chevy
To take off slamming into the cliff and to leave but
A blackened crater
Deep inside people’s mind there’s one strangely twisted yet invariable thought
Suicide in mind
Inspired by radio tower sending self-destruction commands in FM
Death comes to all, some just can't wait as if there’s a chance they will reincarnate later on
To get it right – population control volunteers, destined to chlorinate the gene pool,
Murphy's Law
Personified – just one gene short of a chromosome – nature’s retroactive birth control
Where there’s a fool there’s a way! Veni, vidi, voops! Dead no-wits society
Martyrs of evolution
People tune up their minds and end up being urged to say farewell to their lives
Screwing up their minds
Brainwashed by countless towers sending suicidal commands in FM
People passing by – distracted, focused, lost, preoccupied – without knowing that thief is
There waiting till the station starts broadcasting in FM to receive the signal and to
Prey on the careless humans full of anger, greed and pride – future nominees of Darwin
Prize – no-one’s safe when death FM broadcast is on the air – so beware before it’s too late!
6. Singularity
Falling down into the center of black hole
Falling down into infinity
Passing over the events horizon
Through the gates of singularity
Past the boundaries of Schwarzschild radius
Where gravitation reigns supreme
Into the world behind the point of no return
And space-time curvature extreme
One-way trip down into very depth of black hole
Down into center of gravity vortex
If you live long enough you’ll behold passing by horizon of events
Cross the line, tread the path, there’ll be no epitaph,
No space, no time, leave your world behind
Lift the veil, look inside, face the truth, and deny cosmic censorship
One last time you’ll enjoy coital ecstasy
Just give in and succumb to orgasm stellar
Be prepared to be one with unclothed imminent singularity
Feel the creeps down the spine as your corpse draws behind
Tidal force will deform and tear you apart
This will be time to die, from now on you’ll belong to eternity
Immortal entity
Comfort me in misery
Open up for me
I commit myself to thee
Can’t you see
Reach beyond the limits of what human eye can see
Reach beyond the limits of reality
Choose between innocence and experience
Answer the call of singularity
Enter the new world where no-one else has been
New space and time continuum
Say farewell to your everyday Universe
Fall into the womb of singularity
Clock is ticking, time goes by
Spaceship keeps on flying slower
As if stopped for no reason why
Suspended in the middle of nowhere
Clock is ticking on and on
Spaceship seems to halt forever
Right before approaching the threshold
The glaring discus of accretion
When the star meets its doom
When the star falls within
It will reach pretty soon
Circumference extreme
There’s no way to resist
Inward gravity pull
When the star falls within
When the star meets its doom
Quantum gravity realm
Singularity shrine
No cause and effect
No space, no time
Nothing, not even light
Will ever be seen
Once it passed the horizon
And fell deep within
Neverending mystery
Sublime supremacy
All I want is remedy
This spacetime unity
Is killing me
Drowning in your sea
I’ll loose identity
Of personality
I’ll take your remedy
Take my hand and set me free
From insanity
Last thing I’ll ever see
Is your serenity
Surrounding me
Left at your mercy
I’m surrendering to thee
Set me free
Traveling toward the black hole, venturing into the darkness
There was no way to notice nothing extraordinary
To say nothing of the feeling that the universe around me
Started ageing very quickly as if my clock was ticking faster
Stars ballooning and collapsing, bursting out and disappearing
Centuries passing by like seconds, no way to escape the Big Bang
I would never be aware of crossing the events horizon
Were it not for overwhelming gravitational disaster
Clock is ticking, time goes by
Spaceship keeps on flying slower
As if stopped for no reason why
Suspended in the middle of nowhere
Clock is ticking on and on
Spaceship seems to halt forever
Right before approaching the threshold
The glaring discus of accretion
Clock is ticking hours away
Spaceship carries on the journey
Drifting on the gravitation waves
But never getting any further
Clock was ticking till the end
Final show was bright and clear
Spaceship turning orange first, then red
To fade away and disappear
Ñlock kept ticking, though I couldn’t care less
Looking at the velvet canvass
Mesmerized, demented and obsessed
To see there’s nothing there - and never was.
7. Three of a Perfect Pair