
"Setting Fire to the Earth" (1987)
1. Flames Of Fire 2. Saved 3. The First and the Last 4. I'm a Believer 5. Don't Go Out 6. Elijah on Carmel 7. The Suffering Servant 8. Get Up 9. Love Is Love
1. Flames Of Fire
You are clothed with majesty and glory
And cover yourself with light
You spread out the heavens like a tent
And built our home on the waters above
You use the clouds as your chariot
And ride on the wings as Your messengers
Flashes of lightning as Your servants
To Your servants, servants, servants
Flames of fire
You bound the world together
So that it would never fall apart
You clothed the earth with floods of waters
Covering up the mountains
You use the clouds as your chariot
And ride on the wings as Your messengers
You spoke, and at the sound of Your shout
The water collected into ocean beds
And mountains rose and valleys sank
To the levels You decreted
You use the clouds as your chariot
And ride on the wings as Your messengers
2. Saved
And this will happen in the last days
I will pour out my Spirit on all people
Your sons and your daughters will prophesy
Old men dream dreams and young me see visions
This is before the coming of the great and dreadful day
Everyone who calls on the Name of the Lord
Will be saved
Hallelujah, hallelujah, Glory to God
I will show wonders in the heaven
I will show it on the earth
The sun will be turned to darkness
And the moon will be turned to blood
3. The First and the Last
Listen in silence before me
Oh lands beyond the sea
Bring your strongest arguments
Come now and speak
The court is ready for your case
Who has stirred up this one
From the east whom victory
Meets at every step?
It's I, the Lord, I'm the first and the last
God has given him victory
Over many nations
And permitted him
To trample kings underfoot
To put entire armies to the sword
Who has done such mighty deeds
Directing the affair of generations
Of mankind as they march by?
See all your angry enemies
Lie confused and shattered
Anyone opposing you will die
You will look for them in vain
They will all be gone
I am holding you by your right hand
I, the Lord your God
And I say to you, don't be afraid
4. I'm a Believer
When your word is spoken to me
I believe in what it says
I take the word in my mouth
And I believe in the power it gets
When darkness comes against me
And winds start blowing
I believe in what you said
And I stand on the word
I stand, on my feet, on the ground
I'm a believer
With faith I cast the mountains into the sea
I believe that the word is healing right to me
When the devil comes against me, and says
You can't do that
I say, I know I can do it
Glory, glory hallelujah
I praise you Lord
5. Don't Go Out
The Kingdom of God doesn't come
In such a way as to be seen
No one will say, look, here it is!
No one will say, there it is!
Because the kingdom is within you
It is here to live inside of you
Don't go out looking, looking for the kingdom
Cause it's already here
As the lightning flashes across the sky
And light up from one side
From one side to the other
So will the Son of man be in his day
He is here to live inside you
The Son is the same, yesterday
Today and in the future
6. Elijah on Carmel
The king of Israel had abandoned
The Lord's commands
And had followed the baals
And the Queen had killed the prophets of the Lord
And she lived with the prophets of baal
Just one of the Lords prophets was left
And that was Elijah
A true prophet from God
He went before the people and said:
How long will you waver between - two opinions?
How long will you stand on both sides?
I'm the only one of the Lords prophets
But baal has four hundred and fifty
Get two bulls, let them choose
One for them and one for me
Let them cut in pieces and put it on the wood
But not set fire on it
I will prepare the other bull and put it on the wood
But not set fire on it
Then you call on the name of your god
And I will call on the
Name of the Lord
The god who answers by fire he is God, he is the Lord
The baals prophets began
And they called on baal from morning till noon
They shout louder and louder and louder
And they get no answer, no
Elijah arranged the wood, cut the bull
And laid it on the wood
Fill four large jars with water
And pour it on the offering and the wood
Do it again, do it a third time
Let it be known today that You are God
The fire of the Lord fell
And burned up everything
7. The Suffering Servant
But how, oh few believe it, who will listen?
To whom will God reveal His saving power?
It was the will of the Lord that His servant
Should grow like a plant, taking root in dry ground
He had no beauty or majesty to make us notice Him
He wasn't attractive and nothing would draw us to Him
We ignored Him that He was nothing
He is the suffering servant, he is the son of God
It was our grief He bore
Our sorrows, that weighed Him down
And we thought His troubles
Were a punishment from God
But He was wounded and beaten for our sins
He was chastised that we might have peace
He was lashed, and we were healed
We are the ones
Who strayed away like sheep without shephard
We who left God's path to follow our own
God laid on Him guilt and sins of everyone of us
He was oppressed, and He was afflicted
He was brought as a lamb to the slaughter
But He opened not His mouth
He's the servant who is love
He's the servant who set us free
He is the suffering servant, the Son of God
8. Get Up
Don't be afraid
Who can do you any harm
Your debts are paid
You are resting in my arms
If storms are blowing
Don't be afraid
- Cause my perfect love
Will drive out the fear
My saving power
Will shine on you, like the sunrise
Get up, get up
And make a stand
Get up, get up
And take my hand
Come to me
I will give you rest
You will be free
When you're learning to my chest
Don't be afraid
Who can do you any harm
Your debts are paid
You are resting in my arms
9. Love Is Love
Love is kind and never jealous
Never boastful or proud
Never haughty, selfish or rude
Love doesn't demand, demand it's own way
Love is love and rejoice in the truth
Love is love and believes in you
Never haughty, selfish or rude
Love doesn't demand, it's own way
Love doesn't delight in evil
But always believes, always trusts
And always hopes
Love doesn't demand, it's own way
It's never glad about injustice
But rejoices whenever truth wins it's way
Love is between a man and a woman
Love is between you and I