
"Hatefucked and Tortured" (2001)
1. Ressurect the Nekromantik 2. Mistaken Identity 3. Bloodbath of Carnage 4. Dead in the Dark 5. Hatred Foreseen 6. Tied Down And Strung Up 7. Humanity's Victim 8. Hymns of the Rotting 9. Vaginal Hemophilia
1. Ressurect the Nekromantik
Awaiting dusk to cover me,
I unbury my hidden stash,
collecting all my tools,
prepared for this ghastly event,
entering the sanctified graveyard,
sweating from my excitement,
dig up the graves, to defile the dead,
purefied slophole, postmortal head,
uncontrollably salivating, swollen erection,
excavate to recreate, resurrect the necromantik,
infatuated with the blue swollen skin,
nasal canals enveloped with the scent,
must extricate my sexual urge,
masturbate, I'm losing control,
discharge, sick blackened semen,
must continue not looking back,
open casket inviting me in,
dig up the graves, to defile the dead,
purefied slophole, postmortal head,
uncontrollably salivating, swollen erection,
excavate to recreate, resurrect the necromantik,
dig up the graves, to defile the dead,
purefied slophole, postmortal head,
uncontrollably salivating, swollen erection,
excavate to recreate, resurrect the necromantik.
2. Mistaken Identity
The killing has just begun,
bodies scattered,
dump sites,
cadavers floating,
no pattern,
no course,
I kill at random,
ridding the world of filth,
never stop,
I'll never stop,
Many years I've killed,
murder urge not ceasing,
must satisfy,
town to town I'll be,
strangling, torturing,
I'll be bringing death,
can't keep me away,
they'll never catch me,
never figure it out,
one man death squad,
no identity,
I am him!
3. Bloodbath of Carnage
When the dark clouds pass,
witness the new dark age,
disposing of human garbage,
ensuing bloodbath of carnage,
human life forsaken,
scent of burning skin,
air filled with blackened ash,
we breathe the putrid air,
When the dark clouds pass,
witness the new dark age,
disposing of human garbage,
ensuing bloodbath of carnage,
Rising, from the depths,
destroying, chosen one's,
killing, with no remorse,
merciless war,
plagued by violent death,
driven by hate,
humanity falls in a moment of silence
4. Dead in the Dark
Deep in the bush, waiting to attack,
natural selection, picking up the slack,
hidden by darkness, in a world of dismay,
everyone will die, this world's gonna pay,
feast on the flesh, devour it fast,
choking on chunks, this won't be the last,
clawing at the skin, tearing it apart,
mangled body, lay dead in the dark,
consuming the innards,
still warm from the kill,
blood flows into my mouth,
straight from your wounds,
Deep in the bush, waiting to attack,
natural selection, picking up the slack,
hidden by darkness, in a world of dismay,
everyone will die, this world's gonna pay,
kicked in the face,
bound and gagged,
rape your ass,
stupid bitch.
5. Hatred Foreseen
Heavens gate, sealed shut,
keep on living your lie,
there is no second coming,
only your demise,
lesions of sin,
cover your body,
killing your children,
to erase these wounds,
bow to the unseen faith,
jesus wants you dead,
conditioned to believe, all this false garbage,
selling your soul, for a feeble life,
program our minds, full of senseless lies,
religion is a hoax, and you're fucked up,
your true identity is unmasked,
humaity stripped away,
the wrath of god,
shoved down your throats,
our lives were never free.
6. Tied Down And Strung Up
Crawling on the floor,
beggin for your life,
cut open your abdomen,
with a double bladed knife,
carved up and filleted,
still managing to scream,
puncture through your ribcage,
to dice up you spleen,
dead whore, cut wide open,
tied down and strung up,
dead whore, cut wide open,
tied down and strung up,
a rope around your neck,
to see me face to face,
meathook in your back,
to hold your body in place,
broken body torn apart, once alive now mutilated,
tearing, shredding your cadaver,
arms and legs totally seperated,
fucking your lifeless corpse,
ripping out your entrails,
I cum inside your stump!
7. Humanity's Victim
Breathing on borrowed time,
another memory wearing thin,
holding you to your words,
knowing now I wait alone,
a false life withered away,
tunneling my flesh,
decaying my soul,
I've killed myself for to long,
turning away from humanity,
the reason for all our fears,
to these murders I will not fall,
the past is gone,
now that I see,
true life is non-existence,
my life belongs to me.
8. Hymns of the Rotting
Addiction of the flesh,
has overcome me,
thoughts of decapitation,
buried deep in me,
my only solution,
is to kill again,
hymns of rotting souls,
weep for their silence,
betrayed by your saviour,
now you see there is no meaning,
living the lie you call existance,
The heavens have crumbled,
the dead now seek demise,
there is no reason, behind your senseless lies,
there is no hope, erase your forcefed minds,
there is no reason, behind your senseless lies,
there is no hope, erase your forcefed minds,
you won't live forever,
get off your pedestal,
jesus the real deceiver,
his corpse the demons maul,
his head we'll sever,
and place it on a pole,
no longer a martyr,
the dead now rest in peace
9. Vaginal Hemophilia
Stench of her entrails,
I'm intent on decapitation,
virgin, left bleeding,
her screams no one hears,
tainted cunt, torn to shreds,
rotting whore I feed in bliss,
molested, womb infested, unborn,
cervical tissue, hung from hooks,
worthless bitch, hatefucked and tortured,
raping her hole, with the cross of impurity,
once innocent, now half dead,
body still warm,
I cut her flesh, gasping for air,
violating anal cavity,
unloading my spunk, striaght up her twat,
enjoying every morbid minute,
insides exposed, blood on my face, she's left for dead,
I'll keep battering bitches till their mince meat and mush,
eviscerate the corpse and leave them bleeding alive,
impulsive debauchery, my urges are habitual,
vaginal hemophilia no mourning for these whores.