
"Hate And Despise" (1992)
1. Maintain 2. Lost 3. Leadership 4. Brainnight 5. For All Suckers 6. Manipulation 7. Washed 8. Erdende (In Trauer)... 9. Judas Billygoats
1. Maintain
Like an abscess this civilisation has eaten itself into our world, obtained and gulped its offal (the heart, the brain, the soul) and spat out death and misery. All that is left are hungry creatures staring at the food vanishing into greedy overfed throats for a bowl of rice. We have had enough and we are lazy in our perfection world which attracts poverty like a final greedy cunt. The only will we fight for is the will for more. But how long, labour's whore, you think you can maintain this fool's paradise? Already your nightmares are more fed up and realistic than your brain and it thrives on your fears which get more real every day. Less and less are all the things that satisfy you. Lower and lower get the borders and bigger and bigger get the hunger before them. We have fattened ourselves on misery, now the time has come when misery fattens on us, like a locust swarm which reaps the last field of the harvest, to be stopped by nothing.
2. Lost
The waves of disgust which arise in the soul cries and loses its importance. Only a creation crying with pain is accepted. Its calling vanishes greyly in my head and dries every tear. There is just a sense of eternal pain which makes me take part in our common bound. Dreams are banished in the hell's earth in which we move while nothingness awaits us. We have buried our own race and stick to our graves which are much too deep to escape them. Mother Earth bleeds and we will drown in her blood...?! Requiem for what's gone forever. The darkness has won its shining robe. We are worms in front of this force. Lost.
3. Leadership
Instead of the suffering planted, the seeds of ideal. Instead of hatred, an arrow of dance and blood. Instead of love, a meaning (before conscience, ideal and death). United in tears, in suffering's blood, with the power to rebuild. A promise that says: I extinguish the misery that eternally burns!
Leadership marches through the opened doors of the senses.
Excavate the mind to build new churches and grandstands and fill the empty shell with the new power. I am the lantern that leads you through darkness. An enlightenment for the unit of the human mind. The bony finger that shows you the direction and says: Walk! For you and for me. Forget and walk. No longer blood shall guide you. All your lost voices. Since eter-
4. Brainnight
Dirty rain is falling inside my head. A night has devoured day. The veil before my eyes is despise and rage. What else but vomit should spurt from my mouth into the smiling faces of this shit world? If every new night sees the birth of new tumors this is my brainnight. Bright thoughts on all this concrete which sucks and spurts me have been buried in my brain. Can't love here anything.
I'm fed up by this pile of shit called mankind. Disgust is the worm eating in my head, haterd is my shouting brain. And this! This is my brainnight. Noone ever asked me when the cunt spat me out into this cheating game. I've had my fair share of it. I've learned that hatred and despise serve the powers to keep my mind from castration. With both eyes open show what there is to love! Foolness? Blindness? I can only look through these eyes. The rich realities are too ridiculous while in the wings the grimmace of madness and death laughs and judges. If perverse swines create cruel death. If overfed heads justify all that must be changed. If hilarious victories are celebrated on the killing fields of kid's corpses. Then this is my brainnight. I'm just the result of creating whores and I won't suppress no feeling. I love my brainnight!
5. For All Suckers
Look! Truth! Inbreeded truth!
You truth! Everyone's truth! The paradise which annihilates your fear of dying is here! Buy God and dance with him!
Have you ever thought about who could be the one who wants to see you all dance? Do you really think you could live for yourself? You are like a child thinks it's clever.
You belong to the superior race! Look what you're allowed to do!
It's just so simple to breed you and to lure you where you belong only to use you. They only have to tell you how great you are and what you've got to do, you imbecile suckers.
6. Manipulation
Prefab pictures feed heads with ideals. Worlds of beauty grow but are parasites' spawn sucking the brains. Flickering dreams cover reality. Covered and crowded oute. Society eats their leaders' shit. Like robots man lives the drug that rules his aims in life. Manipulation - its spawn becomes the slavery wish. Manipulation - the illusion sustains systems. Never-ending aims provide the better way. Owners wank brains. A mankind tortured torn turned on tv working. Manipulation - blind illusion. Manipulation - the sick parasite and its spawn die with brains. Time is running out. Manipulation - vomit, perverse illusion. The last empire blown up by grub dies in an illusion that missed the end, the simple way into the brains cries for feeding heads explode like carnival lights. Unified provided copy. Eat. Keep on eating. Eat till you drop.
7. Washed
What are we? Creatures? Or an overbred race of maniacs? Clean as our tv pictures with sterile dicks and tastefree slits. Scrubbing and washing away the dirt so deeply burned in our brains. Perfume covers up the stench of all rotten thought. Clean asses in clean clothing. Where is the animal sanitised uniformity? What do we have an ass for? To shit or to wash? A dick? To fuck or deodorise?
What clean whores in what a clean world! So wash your dirty asses as long as you can. I love to stink, to piss, to shit and to wank. I am the animal that arises from your nightmares - and I am proud of it!
8. Erdende (In Trauer)...
9. Judas Billygoats
Follow me! Trust me! Look at my flesh I am one of you! Don't listen to the cries of pain and ignore the smell of blood! I only want your best. Your flesh of my life.
I am not to blame. I am not to butcherer. You all walk yourselves, you are the makers of your fate, I only show you the way to the slaughterhouse. One by one you stumble through the gate and believe in the truth inside me. Because I was told to show you the way I exist. I am the tradesman between those who eat and those who are eaten. I am the one who smelled the blood a long time ago. Bleed for me and my health, brothers! Obey! I am the servant of the maters' race, I use their benefits, I use your lives. Envy me until your blood flows down the drain, because you are just the people, but my masters are the writers of history, and I will be the photographs in their book.