
"In Torments Garden" (2004 EP)
1. Dark Autumn Rain 2. Black Widows White Lullaby 3. In Torments Garden 4. The Soil Bleeds Black 5. Lecerdaemonia
1. Dark Autumn Rain
Bitter smells of fate,
The dark one points the finger,
The taste of life once so pure,
Slips away like white silk.
We Wait, For Deaths Cold Embrace,
Silent Child, Without a face,
Singing Hymns, for our end of days,
Laying waste, This Dark Autumn Rain.
The plight of man, is questioned faith,
Our sinful ways, our shallow grave.
The sky rains, the tears of time,
A red harvest, under burning skies.
My Face,
In the mirror,
Wreathed in flames,
an eclipse,
God can you feel my pain.
White glow embers, through my flesh,
Dispelling evil takes its last breath.
Madeira toast to the sun,
A last glace at death.
2. Black Widows White Lullaby
Black Widows, White Lullaby.
Sand falls through the hourglass,
Getting Weaker as the hours pass,
Beneath these stains of time,
Forgotten words from an ancient rhyme,
Sung by lost souls on the banks of Acheron,
Pennyless and alone, waiting for Charon.
As the widow mourns the loss of her love,
Her man finds himself at the vestibule the leads to hell itself,
He can hear the screams of anguish from the damned souls,
A virtual cacophany of torment and agony.
I am the way into the doleful city,
I am the way into eternal grief,
I am the way to a forsaken race,
Justice it was that moved my creator,
Divine omnipotence created me
(Divine, omnipotence)
Highest wisdom, and primal love,
(Highest wisdom, and primal love)
Before me nothing but eternal things were made,
(Before me nothing but eternal things were made)
And I shall last eternally.
(abandon hope, all you who enter).
A coffin covered in tears drowns the wailing,
The widow cries her soleful tune amongst the graves,
He can hear her sobs from beyond this world as if begging,
Just begging for him to give in to the pain.
3. In Torments Garden
White rose wilting, gripped with decay,
A Goddess bleeding from her thorn tourniquet,
She came weeping through the garden of pain,
A screaming beauty, screeching my name.
Lamentations on forgotten ways,
Words like razors, searing through veins,
She was lost in a thousand nightmares,
Weeping moth, under a burning stare.
The verses of the curses that strangle in the breeze,
(When will I be free)
But never if your clever you'll surrender to me,
(When will I be free)
The tempted lay tormented in the pure green grass,
(When will we be free)
And now, more than ever, the beautiful are unclean,
(Let light shine down, on me)
And in my dreams, I see an angel,
Shrouded in a cold imperfect world,
She looks at me, with eyes of winter,
Whispering slowly, what will become of me,
Through time an answer, spoken of present and past,
A world of riddles, of suits and masks,
The forest mist, obscuring our visions,
Wind blowing gently, her tears through the tree's.
White rose wilting, gripped with decay,
A Goddess bleeding from her thorn tourniquet,
She came weeping through the garden of pain,
A screaming beauty, screeching my name.
Lamentations on forgotten ways,
Words like razors, searing through veins,
She was lost in a thousand nightmares,
Weeping moth, under a burning stare.
4. The Soil Bleeds Black
My Blade, (My Rage), This War, (My Pain).
These Lies, (Torment), My Life (Taken).
Bleeding knees, groveling at the feet of my destroyer,
Pleading for forgiveness for the men I've killed,
Swiftly off into the night I sleep,
Knowing I've killed once, and I could do it again.
My Sleep, (Broken), These Cries, (unspoken).
My Death, (a blind rage), my soul, (drifts away).
The Soil, Bleeds Black, my life drained away,
Words lost, amongst the cries, of the battlefield,
The cold breeze, carries my, last breath away,
One last, thought of you, before, I fade.
Decrepitude, screaming at the endless void of my destruction,
Deeper still this threnody of life's losses,
Creeping ever closer to the god I've hated,
Knowing now the soul I crave, is lost to me.
My Hate, (My Rage), Soulless, (naive),
To Think, (That I), Could be, (saved).
Suicide options for a lost and alone archangel,
Appearing to be, no less than ruined by the fall,
Frozen brittle, trapped in a voiceless war-room,
Stapled to fate by a black rose bouquet.
One Letter from the dead and homeless,
Staunch defender for the ways things should never be,
Lost Prophet a martyr to pagan children,
I feel the lie is the words we pray.
5. Lecerdaemonia
I stare up from this abyss,
This solitude I breed in loneliness,
Deep in the pits of Hades, where the dark lord reigns,
The thoughts of yesterday, confuse my brain,
In sadness I dwell….
These shackles that Bind me here,
A lifetime alone with my own fear.
And even deeper still this, blackness of my mind,
Drowning amongst the shadows, in faith I find,