
"Goatkhult Order" (2001 EP)
1. Khult ov Abaddon 2. AntiKhrist 3. A Torch for Satan (In the Garden ov Shadowz) 4. Dolor Aeternus
1. Khult ov Abaddon
KHULT ov Abaddon
Desciplez ov the utter abyss
Invoking the Destroyer
As a dragon
As the final Doom
The final Destroyer
KHULT ov Abaddon
"Oh, come forth in the name of Abaddon and destroy him who's name I giveth as a sign"
The eternally idolized worm
The Nazarene
2. AntiKhrist
Incarnation ov the lord ov the Cirkelz
Our Father ov whom we speak in toungez
Gathering for the Holy Mass
- Conjuring Demonz, we´ll kneel as
the One arisez
The triplesix GOATKHULT order
Bringerz ov Divine Justice
Tha earthly clawz ov the rightful ruler
Morning Star ov the Right Hand path
The AntiKhrist
Slave morality - AntiKhrist inverted
The Logick ov the Lamb
As we speak and worship the other side
3. A Torch for Satan (In the Garden ov Shadowz)
The Black Flame consumez the empty huskz ov slavery
I´m the Torch ov Satan
The vessel ov Black GOAT fire
To bring illumination
To the Garden ov Shadowz
The Torch ov Satan
4. Dolor Aeternus
Within the void ov fallen soulz
In catacombz unlightened
Like tragediez and crushed beliefz
Like razorz cutting deep
The light got swallowed
This soul is His
Pierced with tuskz and Hornz of GOATz
My skin it burnz my flesh erodez
A firmanent once shining in grace
Now crumbled and charred black
A once so pure and unshamed face
Deformed in fear of my Masterz grace
With submissive pride
In flamez I immersed
Dolor Aeternus
This soul is crushed