
"Towards the Barbaryan Satanations" (2002 Demo)
1. Didgeridoom of Battle 2. Barbarick Legacy Unchained 3. Barbärdreaming pt. I 4. Majestick Triumphant Life in War 5. In Unknown Terrain 6. Barbärdreaming pt. II 7. Legend of the Scythed Runes 8. Distilled Evil Faith 9. Downhill to Battle 10. The Fucking of Their Corpses 11. The Celtic Warlord's Speech
1. Didgeridoom of Battle
2. Barbarick Legacy Unchained
Speaking words of apology
But my creed doesn’t know
the word ”forgiveness”.
They were banished
in their jesus cries.
Blood still dripping
from my weaponry…
3. Barbärdreaming pt. I
Like the ocean, the barbarian life has its tides.
There are times of strife, and there are moments
of adventurous delight.
Bathing in moonshade beyond the edge of twilight.
Reflections in a sylvan pond told their tale
of things now gone.
Rinsing wild hair in the water.
Watching the moon sink beneath the silhouette
of distant woods. A still-life in real life.
Yet under the surface there's constant motion.
Barbarian hunting for game.
Things that seemed similar turned out to be
not the same.
In dawn, the chatter of birds.
The wind is restfully rippling the leaves.
Constant threat of war and death undeniable.
But this day some wounds are allowed to heal.
Some scars may be recovered of.
Some leave an eternal mark.
To be learned of.
Barbaric Dreaming.
Feasting with great joy
on the visions of World.
Preparing to die.
4. Majestick Triumphant Life in War
Still dreaming, dreaming of a battle to come.
Spearheads appear above a hill behind valley.
There is a risk of losing one's life this time, too.
Sound of approaching war-drum and clattering blades.
Is it just a dream? ... It matters not!
It's deadly real!!! Battle!
Have to be ready now. All the blood and tears and sweat shed
must not weaken the spirit.
It is real! It's happening now. Be ready to fight for living.
There is no way to escape. No time for speculations.
Barbarian warfare. Time to act! No hesitation.
Find the enemy's weak spot. Use it against him.
Know your weaknesses. Hide them and erase them.
Demolish the kingdoms of suppression.
There is only time to be in the now.
To be totally present.
With full awareness. With blasting vitality.
Barbaryan ways of living a life of war.
Barbaryan way of facing one's death.
Failure does not make a difference.
As long as there's life one can try again.
Harder. Better. More Brutally.
Majestic Triumphant Life in WAR.
5. In Unknown Terrain
wings of deeply-penetrative observation feel the surroundings
the landscapes that seemed outrageous during the violent clash
now exchanged with different visions.
yet these visions have weight, despite their difference.
thrust into an unknown terrain now, or so it seems.
the confusion so encompassing that, for a while, the
physical strife seems meaningless.
yet the barbaryan true-mind never lets go of alertness.
in unknown terrain, no matter how adorable, the forehand
instinctively senses the sword in its hilt.
always ready to parry whenever needed.
always prepared to thrust.
always swift enough to flee
from the surprise attack of an enemy.
the atmosphere may seem tranquil, or warlike.
nevertheless, there's never peace inside the heart
of a warrior. there's a constant struggle
for equilibrium (yes!)
and in unknown terrain, ever full of feeling,
be ready to evade or cut through the opposer's defenses
and seek & perceive the barbaryan life's enjoyment
in its natural, ultimate height and fullness.
in unknown terrain, the senses ever-keen
the body relaxed, yet always alert.
the totality of experience will transcend
all imaginary boundaries... (Satan dominates!)
in unknown terrain. ripping the flesh.
in unknown terrain. smelling the death.
in unknown terrain. the feeling remains fresh!!!
... in unknown terrain we must die ...
we are going to die!
6. Barbärdreaming pt. II
7. Legend of the Scythed Runes
Times’ craft, holeless eyes, wielded poems, unsanct times
In the Age of Scythed Runes
Battle-words carved unto stones
With tools once agricultural
Yet everything ambiguous
The face of death have you seen
Can you tell how does it look like
Tales of the reaper engraved in the minds of mankind
Scythed runes upon the fields of joy
And over the areas of suffering
Hanging like monumental threat of
Impending Sacrificial Genocide
We who saw the sword risen against one’s own kin
We who saw the axe decapitate the newborn in womb
We who saw the coming of the alienation from origins
Hold the knowledge to understand
The Legend of the Scythed Runes
Spearhead strategy of self-salvation
Meaning survival from the corrosion
That crept through the defenses unidentified
And as the sheepened faces sleep into neverending slumber
It seems
Only few will remain
The few who still march on
The Scythed Runes told of how fate is
And what Destiny may await
Now not many
And those who do not
Banish themselves in judgment
So few
Why all this corrosion.
Why the loss of Aryan awareness among the races of man.
8. Distilled Evil Faith
Crumbs of long-lived knowledge of evil survived
Witches of dark ways’ sorcery rebuild the
Road to Hell
In ancient Brasilian woods, the space is open
For boundaries to fuse
As above so below, the boundaries merge
Distilled Evil Faith
So many men
So many good men
Taken to the pole
Whipped and left to starve
And not a single one among them
Of our own
So it must be.
Distillation of Evil Ways.
Black Magic.
Black Sorceries.
Shrouded by clouds of chaos
Thrown into illogical maze
Tormented for eternity
Distilled Evil Faith
And, oh ye so luminous
Must watch the burned wings of night
Take a powerful shape again
Corpses came to life.
Machines breathed fire.
Evil ways rejuvenated.
Shameless force restored.
Demons came to windows in the dusk.
Forgotten ancestry in play. Horizon open for traveller.
Hell is now and ever.
Distilled Evil Ways.
9. Downhill to Battle
Down from the hill to crush them.
To take them over, to conquer.
The hiding-place must be left.
Open response to challenge of war.
Downhill to battle, downhill to gore.
Taste the sweat steaming through the pores of flesh
Medusa in the middle of the lake…
Stand proud, meet victory
Or fall!
The outcome is hard to predict.
One deadly wound and it’s all over.
”lost lover in war who never came back”?
Deplaced eyes in sodomy for Hell.
We run undercover
Weapons blunted by toil
In skillful hands correctly timed
Can decimate.
Into the fields, out of the woods
This might be the final day
This could be the definitive clash.
Amenable gesture from brothers of war
Signalled, it’s time to go
Let the spirit run free
Let the blood flow
10. The Fucking of Their Corpses
Down in the roots of the Hill
They never came to pass the line
Dragged them through the mud
Tied to horses
Took loots: food, women and wine
Mortality never transcended…
(at least not yet)
Sodomy of their corpses
Rape of their women to death
An axe in your ass is our ”good morning” to you
Fuckin’ jews !
Barbaric battle-cry rings on the fields of war
Hateful are the reeds and the grass deep-dyed,
Drenched in blood…
Let us taste – VICTORY
Let us shine
in Metal
and in Sodomy
The Fucking of their Corpses
Stolen necro-virginity
Departed lives of adversaries
Lost their bodies, their temples
Now let us molest them
Before the Earth devours them
the Sweet
11. The Celtic Warlord's Speech