
"Ashes to Ashes" (1994)
1. My Rebellion 2. The Answer 3. One Black Hole 4. Frozen Memories 5. Messenger of Death 6. The Achievement 7. Necrophalic 8. The Furniture 9. La Morte
1. My Rebellion
From the beginning
Quest for power is killing.
Thirst for money
Turns into lust for blood,
Wars express the greed
Of those who lead.
What do you think is going on?
Feel the reign of corruption
Overpowering me.
Heed the man with the power,
His mind is twisted,
It's hiding obscure thoughts.
Nothing we are and nothing
We will be, if we don't revolt.
The power lies in the hands
Of the criminals who just pretend.
Lies after lies, mother fucker,
You keep treating me like shit
I won't believe you anymore.
Now I shall revolt and kill,
My rebellion, I'll fight forever more.
Nothing we are and nothing
We will be, if we don't revolt.
The power lies in the hands
Of the criminals who just pretend.
Scorn after all is what I feel
For your selfishness and greed.
I spit upon your rules.
2. The Answer
I have wondered all my life,
How the moment would arrive.
Silence fills my silent cries.
Light turns out before my eyes.
I regret so many things
'Cause I will not be living no more.
Minute seems like hours,
While I wait to discover
The answers to my questions.
'Cause I will not be living no more.
Serenity fills my soul,
But fear takes tare in me.
Is it the beginning or the end?
Paralysed, I can't control.
The answer must take its toll;
Will I ever understand?
My soul is released
From my corpse.
Now I will seek for truth
Beyond my life.
3. One Black Hole
Astrologers and scientists have discovered
We will assist to our extermination.
Time is over, this is our
Annihilation's concretisation.
At millions of miles, but much too close,
Death materialises.
Apocalypse oppresses the masses
With madness.
Aspiring gravitation, sadist cataclysm,
Helpless population.
Growing feeling of terror
Among civilisation, imminent massacre.
At millions of miles, but much too close,
Death materialises.
Apocalypse oppresses the masses
With madness.
Far in the distance, it prepares its offence.
Time has come to die; now it's not a lie.
The mass of four suns compressed together
Will imprison light and create a bottomless
Hole. Earth will contract on itself the size
Of a dice. Human race, await the conclusion;
The perfect massacre.
4. Frozen Memories
I have lost my mind and I do not
Even remember who I am.
Solitude's the source of my ignorance.
My thoughts have vanished in my subconscious.
All the things I have done
In my whole life
Are forgotten in my own
Memories. Memories frozen
Forever. Forever locked in
History, the history of my
Life is what I fear the most of all.
How can I live without my memories?
I try to remember, never I will.
All that's left is pain and sorrow.
All the things I have done
In my whole life
Are forgotten in my own
Memories. Memories frozen
Forever. Forever locked in
History, the history of my life.
5. Messenger of Death
The infamous creature
Of the apocalypse prophecies
Comes to fill
Its divine activities.
Messenger of death's only true ambition,
Fights for human's extinction.
Doomsday has arrived.
Messenger of God realised.
Bloody carnage goes on,
Desperation human cries.
Messenger of death's only one redemption,
Fights for human's extinction.
It kills like a machine.
Taking lives without emotion.
It imposes God's doctrine
Our eternal salvation.
Messenger of death's only true ambition,
Fights for human's extinction.
There's only one redemption,
Fights for human's extinction.
6. The Achievement
The landscape of death is painted all around,
The cries of the earth arise from the ground.
It's thirsty for blood 'cause it takes its revenge.
The remains of life creep on this sand.
Philosophy, part of the past,
Is forgotten like history.
Time has left its mark to achieve
It's end; creation's agony.
Man is no more, he's just a beast
Roaming in terror, agonising.
The vanity of man
Has led him here
In this desert land
Where life is dying for all eternity.
Rhythm of death beats, rotten corpses overflow.
Pestilence crawls among those who wait to die.
Realm of atrophy; man devours his fellows.
And breeds his own humanocide.
Philosophy, part of the past,
Is forgotten like history.
Time has left its mark to achieve
It's end; creation's agony.
The root of this plague is the fruit of evolution.
All these years of creation unconsciously destroyed.
Intelligence was a lie, humanity's hiatus.
Miserable form of life doomed to extinction.
The vanity of man
Has led him here
In this desert land
Where life is dead for all eternity.
The planet is no more
Merely a grave
Holding its rotting dead
From the cold and dark universe
7. Necrophalic
Based on the novel "La Chevelure" written by Guy de Maupassant. Paris 1884.
Part 1
Possessed by the desire of those of yesterday
I cry during night the dead women.
I would have liked to know all of them,
But they are dead these women for eternity.
I was 36, to me life was good and simple.
Being rich I sought for ancient movable.
Frequently I thought of these unknown hands
That have touched and of the hearts that have loved these objects.
I would have liked to stop time, but it goes
Taking from seconds to seconds a piece of me
For the nothing of tomorrow.
Changing passion into sorrow.
Necrophalic. Share my passion for death.
Necrophalic. I will exhume your corpse.
Necrophalic. I will fuck you to death.
Attracted by the past, I fear the present.
The future is death and I regret
All that have been done.
I cry those who are gone. Those who are gone.
Necrophalic. Share my passion for death.
Necrophalic. I will exhume your corpse.
Necrophalic. I will fuck you to death.
And I will never revive.
Oh I wish we'd never die.
I love you goodbye.
Those of yesterdays, I love you.
8. The Furniture
Based on the novel "La Chevelure".
Part 2
Roaming in the city. I saw a furniture
From the 17th century.
It was rare and extremely beautiful,
But I wandered about.
Why, the furniture haunted me so strongly,
That I returned to see it and it seduced me.
Its charm invades you, you love it and temptation
Will turn into a desire of possession.
For eight days I adored it. I opened its doors tasting
The intimate joy of the possession.
One night I found a hideout inside
And discovered the hair of a woman.
I stood there amazed, trembling and troubled,
A long plait of hair tied with a ribbon.
Was it at the burial, I wondered if her lover
Had kept the only part of her flesh that shouldn't rot?
And when I was coming home, I had to see it.
I needed to dip my fingers in this charming
Stream of dead hair. What was I waiting?
I didn't know, it haunted me, obsessed me, I loved her.
9. La Morte
Based on the novel "La Chevelure".
Part 3
Les morts reviennent, elle est venue.
Oui je l'ai vue, je l'ai tenue
Telle qu'elle était, vivante.
J'ai parcouru de mes caresses
Cette ligne ondulante et divine
De la tête aux fesses
En suivant toutes les courbes
De la chair.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.
Mon bonheur fut si grand
Que je ne l'ai plus caché.
J'éprouvais un ravissement
Une joie inexplicable
De posséder l'insaisissable;
La morte, l'invisible.
Nul ne goutta de jouissances
Plus terrible.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.
Je n'ai point caché mon bonheur.
Je n'ai plus voulu la quitter,
Mais on l'a vue et deviné.
On me l'a prise, on m'a jeté
Dans une prison comme un voleur
On m'a arrêté. On me l'a enlevé.
Quel malheur.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.
Based on the novel "La Chevelure".
Part 3
Les morts reviennent, elle est venue.
Oui je l'ai vue, je l'ai tenue
Telle qu'elle était, vivante.
J'ai parcouru de mes caresses
Cette ligne ondulante et divine
De la tête aux fesses
En suivant toutes les courbes
De la chair.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.
Mon bonheur fut si grand
Que je ne l'ai plus caché.
J'éprouvais un ravissement
Une joie inexplicable
De posséder l'insaisissable;
La morte, l'invisible.
Nul ne goutta de jouissances
Plus terrible.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.
Je n'ai point caché mon bonheur.
Je n'ai plus voulu la quitter,
Mais on l'a vue et deviné.
On me l'a prise, on m'a jeté
Dans une prison comme un voleur
On m'a arrêté. On me l'a enlevé.
Quel malheur.
Oui je l'ai eue, je l'ai tenue
Tous les jours, toutes les nuits.
Elle est venue la belle morte,
La mystérieuse, l'inconnue. Toutes les nuits.