
"Strange Dream" (2004 Demo)
1. Strange dream 2. Still the same 3. Dlaczego? 4. Angel 5. Outro
1. Strange dream
Strange Dream
I still have the vague blackness in front of my eyes
And this hum of silence in ears
I have already forgot how the day looks like
I have forgot the birds' singing
And my woman's beautiful face
Her fragrance, joyful resounding laughter
I do not feel hunger, I do not feel pain
I am as a wild free bird
Let it be the strange dream
Let it be
Let it be the strange dream
Only not the death
But not now, because the time
of judgement came round
Maybe I will came back
on the earth as a younger brother
Let it be the strange dream
Let it be
Let it be the strange dream
Only not the death
I want to live and feel the touch sweet
of womanly mouth
2. Still the same
Still the Same
Forgotten world left in the background
Me still the same and not change
Although somebody always wants to change something
Wasting his time, precious time
Me still the same
The same
Still the same
The same
So many unneccessary lies to make you happy
Me still the same and not changed
I'll do what I want to and you won't stop me
Even though you're of a different opinion,
Y you are wrong again
There was fear and soldier's whip didn't help
Me still the same and not changed
For me it is something different that counts
For you it is only a joke like extorted cry
Still the same ( x 6 )
I won't change
And you won't change me
3. Dlaczego?
W bia³ej szacie zimny ranek,
dawno po¿egna³ gwie�dzist¹ noc
W zmarzniêtej d³oni ró¿y kwiat,
choæ wbija kolce - chronisz j¹
Krok po kroku ci¹gle w przód,
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Dlaczego tak po�wiêcasz siê?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz ?
Krok po kroku ci¹gle w przód,
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Dlaczego tak po�wiêcasz siê?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz ?
Dla tych chwil, krótkich chwil.
Zanim zwiêdnie, straci blask czerwonych ust
I tylko bêdzie k³uæ i zadawaæ ból.
Nie jest warta na bia³ym �niegu kropli krwi
Krok po kroku ci¹gle w przód,
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Dlaczego tak po�wiêcasz siê?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz ?
Krok po kroku ci¹gle w przód,
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Dlaczego tak po�wiêcasz siê?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz ?
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Na bia³ym �niegu zostawiasz �lad
Na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Na bia³ym �niegu zostawiasz �lad.
Krok po kroku ci¹gle w przód,
na bia³ym �niegu krople krwi.
Dlaczego tak po�wiêcasz siê?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz?
Dlaczego tak cierpieæ chcesz?
Dlaczego ?
4. Angel
They created Him an angel
To have a guardian
One of you
But they thorns His wings out
To let Him sin with you
And feel cold and hunger
And a sinful bliss
Of women's red lips
Angel - brought into being to sin
Sin - brought into being for angels
The same as you are
The same as you are
And God forgot about him
Because he wanted to
The trace has only been left
In the souls of yours
Now it brings to ypur mind
The taste of sin
Angel - brought into being to sin
Sin - brought into being for angels
The same as you are
The same as you are
5. Outro