
"Foul Slumber" (2006)
1. Intro 2. Foul Slumber 3. Disturbed by My Sins 4. Intermezzo 5. Somnambulist 6. Tortured Mind
1. Intro
2. Foul Slumber
Abandoned I´m walking my path of destiny,
mourning, crying and alone
My soul is burning sudden into shadow,
I'm awaiting my last breath,
I have punished myself for mistakes I´ve made.
Swallowed by black dreams of death in foul slumber
I have no reason to live anymore.
The idea of cutting the thread of my life is pleasing my mind,
eternity acquired by death,
sudden redemption,
obscurity escorts my spirit into the gardens of lightness,
but fragrance of dead body forever remains...
3. Disturbed by My Sins
My hands are shivering
Heart beats are increasing
Can´t organise my ideas,
Am I a fool or who am I ?
Slayer of the mankind.
Blood on my hands is necessary,
Destiny doesn´t make a choice.
I paid a huge price for eternal life,
Agony, despair and sheepishness for my sins
There is no way to get over this,
A boulder of guilt escorting me all the time,
Such weight of conscience burried myself.
4. Intermezzo
5. Somnambulist
Like icy winds of nothingness
I entered the corridors of abandonment.
A weary night send me on the meadow,
Told me "dance with a ghost!"
Suddenly something hit my eyes like an arrow,
Surrounded by eternal darkness
Suddenly it changed into a blinding blaze.
Disappointed somnambulist woke up to reality,
Walking like a ghost,
Without any feelings,
Without any passions.
6. Tortured Mind