
"Killadelphia" (2005 DVD)
1. Intro 2. Laid To Rest 3. On The Road 4. Hourglass 5. Goddamn! 6. As the Palaces Burn 7. Late To Denver 8. Now You've Got Something To Die For 9. I'm Not Willie! 10. 11th Hour 11. Terror and Hubris 12. The Brandy and Randy Show 13. Ruin 14. Wine Soundcheck 15. Omerta 16. Death From Above 17. Pariah 18. We've Gone Completely Batty! 19. The Faded Line 20. English Coffee 21. Bloodletting 22. Adventures In The UK 23. The Subtle Arts Of Murder And Persuasion 24. Glasgow 25. Vigil 26. Afterthoughts 27. What I've Become 28. Wrapup 29. Black Label 30. Outro/Credits
1. Intro
lamb of god
2. Laid To Rest
If there was a single day I could live...
A single breath I could take...
I'd trade all the others away.
The blood's on the wall, so you might as well just admit it.
And bleach out the stains, commit to forgetting it. You're better off empty and blank
Than left with a single pathetic trace of this. Smother another failure...
Lay this to rest.
Control yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself!
I'll chain you to the truth, for the truth shall set you free
I'll turn the screws of vengeance and bury you with honesty
I'll make all your dreams come to life, then slay them as quickly as they came.
Smother another failure, lay this to rest.
Control yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself!
See who gives a fuck! [X3]
If there was a day I could live
If there was a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away.
I'd trade all the others away...
3. On The Road
4. Hourglass
Privileged, a chosen few
Blessed with our time in hell
Witness a divine vision, the day we all fell still
Rapture of the dying age, a shattered hourglass
Wrath of the warring gods and so this too shall pass
Its only getting worse, not worth a moments regret
Each dawn another curse, every breath a twisting blade
What will be left behind in the ashes of the wake?
An ill wind blows this way, th edge of the envelope burns
For bearance and my vengeance, payment for your intent
Fear and death in the wings, in thrall of those fallen from grace
Petty is as petty does, witness the mass disgrace
God forbid you read the signs
watch for meanings between the lines
Gehenna has now arrived, no hindsight for the blind
Your trust has been misplaced, believed the lies told to your face
Became another casualty and now its too late
You finally made it home, draped in the flag that you fell for
And so it goes
The ashes of the wake
Its only getting worse...
5. Goddamn!
6. As the Palaces Burn
The fiends have gagged a generation of pacified fools
Bound by our greed a nation enslaved as corporate tools.
Arise and race the legacy of their lies
To realize that this in itself is an ascension
Towards the day we revolt.
As the seeds you've cast away take hold
War will be born.
Rejoice, the age of the fall has begun
We'll dance as the palaces burn.
A shot gun blast into the face of deceit
You'll gain your just reward.
We'll not rest until the purge is complete
You will reap what you've sown.
My redemption lies in your demise.
In such a world as this does one dare to think for himself?
The paradox of power and peace will destroy itself
To know the truth and live in fear of no man.
To realize that this in itself is an ascension
Toward the day we revolt.
As the seeds you've cast away take hold
War will be born.
Rejoice, the age of the fall has begun
We'll dance as the palaces burn.
My redemption lies in your demise.
Rejoice, the age of the fall has begun.
We'll dance as the palaces burn.
7. Late To Denver
8. Now You've Got Something To Die For
Now youve got something to die for
Infidel, Imperial
Lust for blood, a blind crusade
Apocalyptic, we count the days
Bombs to set the people free
blood to feed the dollar tree
Flages for coffins on the screen
oil for the machine
Army of liberation, gunpoint,indoctrination
The fires of sedition
Fulfill the prophecy
Now youve got something to die for
Send the children to the fire, sons and
daughters stack the pyre
Stoke the flame of the empire
live to lie another day
Face of hypocrisy, raping democracy
Apocalyptic, we count the days
We'll never get out of this hole until we've
dug our own grave
And drug the rest down with us
the burning home of the brave
Now you've got something to die for
9. I'm Not Willie!
10. 11th Hour
The hour of wreckoning draws near
Judgment day is here and gone
Sweetly she draws me into her arms
A liquid embrace to chase the day way.
Sedate Numb Deaf and Dumb
Stumbling into solitude.
A clouded judgment day is fueled.
Take me under your black wings
Mark my words and remember me.
So sweetly she shucks away at my time
So sweetly she draws me nigh
Closer and closer towards never ending sleep
Spin the bottle
Kiss only the bottle.
The dark mistress of many, beholden to none
Slips a ring of needles around your arm in an engagement
Eternal engagement
Never consummated.
Take me under your black wings
Mark my words and remember me.
Destroyer of senses.
So take as needed for the pain
Another gray morning dawns across an ashen sky.
My sweet demoness beckons me
Ever again and again and again and again.
The dark mistress of many, beholden to none
My sweet demoness beckons me
Ever again and again and again and again and again.
Take me under your black wings.
Jacked up on the taste of self-destruction.
11. Terror and Hubris
All the fucked up things trap & punish me I cannot explain my problem.
Kill my hopeless life I cannot be hypnotized. You owe me.
Push aside the veil to welcome in the visitors.
Eyes like halogen illuminate the soma peering out of spherical night mask.
Paleolithic subconcious icons lumber through dreamscape archetype of archangel.
Topside its far worse- infants painted gauze peer through murky jars; soon I'm wearing the skin
of the morning star.
Green locks my name fills an empty banner. Frank, what have you gotten me into now?
I am not afraid to speak my heart & mind it cannot be saved sell me over. Fuck your hopeless
world, I am blacker than the sun. Tragedy. Have you seen the speedy, yes?
Bleeds through the sleep onto the page. I'm sailin'...
12. The Brandy and Randy Show
13. Ruin
The knowledge that seeking the favor of another
Means the murder of self.
This is the resolution
The end of all progress
The death of evolution
It bleeds all life away.
Silence speeds the path to the streams of solace that run so few and narrow.
Brooks that babble the sounds of torture.
You will one day ride
To flood the banks of the chosen.
This is the art of ruin.
This is the resolution
The end of all progress
The death of evolution
It bleeds all life away.
I will show you all that I have mastered
Fear. Pain. Hatred. Power.
This is the art of ruin.
14. Wine Soundcheck
15. Omerta
Broken the paradigm an example must be set
Invoke the Siren's song and sign the death warrant
This what has been wrought for 30 pieces of silver
The tongues of men and angels bought by a beloved betrayer
I am the resultwhats better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
Youve been talking, Ive been all ears
Words meant to dwell in darkness shall never see
the light of day
Words can be broken, so can bones Execute the mandate
Mouth full of dirt. Your name removed from the registry
St. Peter greets with empty eyes and then turns and
locks the gate
I am the result whats better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, Ive been all ears
Cheaply venal, stupidly verbose
A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat
Six feet under with no marker
Keep my name from your mouth forever
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales
Your laughing finger will never point again
Sing for me now
16. Death From Above
17. Pariah
The sore on the edge of your mouth it mirror the ones on your arm of black tar you've known the
And I've seen you pissing your condition into the dirt.
I know you don't want to live in the dirt you want to know nothing but dirt you know you can't
beat weakness.
Kill the flux. Stretched to breaking an obscene canvas on a stretcher of parasitism.
You piece of shit I won'y say your name but I will say this- FUCK OFF AND DIE (sooner the
You've shot out your eyes but I'm seeing that you cannot feel anything of worth.
Know that you've pissed life away, lost in your narcotic dreams.
Heart pumping futile shit through your veins.
Why does it bother? I want to punch in your sunken face and see your dusty blood smear through
the air in a polluted crimson arc,
splattering in a useless pattern on the concrete. Moribund.
18. We've Gone Completely Batty!
19. The Faded Line
Witness shames parade, the pain of
blame repaid
Its fucking hopeless
Accusations and denial
Hopeless...demon of another day
Colorless...stoned, solid grey
Emptiness...of promises I made
So faithless...the tenants long betrayed
Walk the faded line, cursed crawl of time
Silence, the only promise ever kept
Familiar touch, a ritual to numb the cut
Salvation in vice
Anguish is realizing what could have
been, but never was
Its emptiness that fills the cup
Devotion in the method of my fall
Pointless...futility continuing
Endless...flowing corrupted vein
Walk the faded, cursed crawl of time
Silence, the only promise ever kept
Its fucking hopeless
20. English Coffee
21. Bloodletting
Archaic methods transfer through well in the face of mass denial. Bitterness fuels the mode for the escape of mediocrity. Stepping the grate, shattered nerves ground down to a glass edge carrying me away. Bloodletting a favorite game of solitaire. A suicide mission destined to fail, a moving ladder to climb taking me away. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
22. Adventures In The UK
23. The Subtle Arts Of Murder And Persuasion
The dark crow man sits and stares into the oblivion into cold into nothingness; it's snowing in
his mind.
He's created himself in his own image. Lust held for him means naught, a knock on the door
brings no smile to his cruel lips;
the welcome in a woman's eyes holds nothing for him.
Alone on his haunches the hair raises on the back of his neck. His dead eyes pierce the night.
As his gaze falls down on the city it fills him the method ascertained, conviction.
He knows what to do and moves to commit the deed.
24. Glasgow
25. Vigil
Our father why will be done.
I have denied this life its worth
I will not be the victim.
Sickness to you my master
Here's to getting worse
Hope it kills you faster.
Show me how it hurts to rot from the inside out.
This vigil burns
Until the day our fires overtake you.
Our father we forsake you.
Blesses be his name
Nothing now the same.
Ask me why I hate
Why I've prayed to see the nation that I loved disintegrate
And gladly give my life
That revolution regenerates.
In honor of the strife of those who've died
In generations before your blood stained glory
I reject you
I deny you
I defy you to continue.
Smite the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.
26. Afterthoughts
27. What I've Become
Blank stares from broken men
So withered from the poisons they cant
remember when
There were once honest reasons
Its all a lie, it died 100,000 miles ago
Pretending Im still here
Justify what ive become, sanctify what
Ive become
Amazing disgrace...(how) sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
Better lost if this is found, best blinded
never to see
The race to save face, nothing now is what
we meant it to be
Prentending Im still here
Its a system now, intertwined
Take your place in the line to be ground by
the gears of the masterpiece
Suffered consequence
Its been so long any piece of this made any
kind of sense
You anoint the king, Ill burn everything
down to ashes
You giveth, I taketh away
Its a system now, intertwined
Take your place in the line to be ground by
the gears of the masterpiece
28. Wrapup
29. Black Label
The human condition is inherit claustrophobia.
Compression of my space made complete.
I would rip out my own entrails by hand just to be alone.
Inanity rolls total through this sphere.
Ostracized for clarity of vision.
A dream unrealized of solitudethat i should decend into autonomy
& know the pain of fellowship no more. I feel nothing but a lack of space.
Paradox of socialization results in duress.
Rife with hostility, what has caused me so much hate?
Humanity. Exterminate with extreme predjudice.
30. Outro/Credits