
"Ashes of the Wake" (2004)
1. Laid to Rest 2. Hourglass 3. Now You've Got Something to Die for 4. The Faded Line 5. Omerta 6. Blood of the Scribe 7. One Gun 8. Break You 9. What I've Become 10. Ashes of the Wake 11. Remorse Is for the Dead
1. Laid to Rest
If there was a single day I could live...
A single breath I could take...
I'd trade all the others away.
The blood's on the wall, so you might as well just admit it.
And bleach out the stains, commit to forgetting it. You're better off empty and blank
Than left with a single pathetic trace of this. Smother another failure...
Lay this to rest.
Control yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself!
I'll chain you to the truth, for the truth shall set you free
I'll turn the screws of vengeance and bury you with honesty
I'll make all your dreams come to life, then slay them as quickly as they came.
Smother another failure, lay this to rest.
Control yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck
Absorb yourself, you're better alone
Destroy yourself!
See who gives a fuck! [X3]
If there was a day I could live
If there was a single breath I could take
I'd trade all the others away.
I'd trade all the others away...
2. Hourglass
Privileged, a chosen few
Blessed with our time in hell
Witness a divine vision, the day we all fell still
Rapture of the dying age, a shattered hourglass
Wrath of the warring gods and so this too shall pass
Its only getting worse, not worth a moments regret
Each dawn another curse, every breath a twisting blade
What will be left behind in the ashes of the wake?
An ill wind blows this way, th edge of the envelope burns
For bearance and my vengeance, payment for your intent
Fear and death in the wings, in thrall of those fallen from grace
Petty is as petty does, witness the mass disgrace
God forbid you read the signs
watch for meanings between the lines
Gehenna has now arrived, no hindsight for the blind
Your trust has been misplaced, believed the lies told to your face
Became another casualty and now its too late
You finally made it home, draped in the flag that you fell for
And so it goes
The ashes of the wake
Its only getting worse...
3. Now You've Got Something to Die for
Now youve got something to die for
Infidel, Imperial
Lust for blood, a blind crusade
Apocalyptic, we count the days
Bombs to set the people free
blood to feed the dollar tree
Flages for coffins on the screen
oil for the machine
Army of liberation, gunpoint,indoctrination
The fires of sedition
Fulfill the prophecy
Now youve got something to die for
Send the children to the fire, sons and
daughters stack the pyre
Stoke the flame of the empire
live to lie another day
Face of hypocrisy, raping democracy
Apocalyptic, we count the days
We'll never get out of this hole until we've
dug our own grave
And drug the rest down with us
the burning home of the brave
Now you've got something to die for
4. The Faded Line
Witness shames parade, the pain of
blame repaid
Its fucking hopeless
Accusations and denial
Hopeless...demon of another day
Colorless...stoned, solid grey
Emptiness...of promises I made
So faithless...the tenants long betrayed
Walk the faded line, cursed crawl of time
Silence, the only promise ever kept
Familiar touch, a ritual to numb the cut
Salvation in vice
Anguish is realizing what could have
been, but never was
Its emptiness that fills the cup
Devotion in the method of my fall
Pointless...futility continuing
Endless...flowing corrupted vein
Walk the faded, cursed crawl of time
Silence, the only promise ever kept
Its fucking hopeless
5. Omerta
Broken the paradigm an example must be set
Invoke the Siren's song and sign the death warrant
This what has been wrought for 30 pieces of silver
The tongues of men and angels bought by a beloved betrayer
I am the resultwhats better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
Youve been talking, Ive been all ears
Words meant to dwell in darkness shall never see
the light of day
Words can be broken, so can bones Execute the mandate
Mouth full of dirt. Your name removed from the registry
St. Peter greets with empty eyes and then turns and
locks the gate
I am the result whats better left unspoken
Violence begins to mend what was broken
You've been talking, Ive been all ears
Cheaply venal, stupidly verbose
A slip of the tongue, a slit of the throat
Six feet under with no marker
Keep my name from your mouth forever
Free speech for the living, dead men tell no tales
Your laughing finger will never point again
Sing for me now
6. Blood of the Scribe
All of this comes crashing down. Cornerstones gone
Sleepless. Hopleless. No end in sight
Ink well has run dry, fill it with blood of the scribe
Rest comes easy to the guiltless
The vampire laments as he prays for the sun
Doom, despair, tragedy are the tools of the trade
Cut to the bone, rob the grave
Unearth the stone, lay to waste
Defile the tome, rip the page
Strip mine the vein, lay to waste
Frayed at the edge, flat lined. The anvil cracks
The hammer relentlessly comes down
A new pariah is born
Chastisement lays you down to sleep
tucks you in with bloody kisses
Gifts of nightmares bitter sweet
Type A negative shuts me down
Catch phrase will be the death of me
Is this not what you came to see?
what, are you not entertained?
Climb the walls, 'til nails bleed
Rip the hair, tear the seams, break the glass
Head in hands, bell tolls endlessly
No end in sight
7. One Gun
The eyes of the patriot fixed through the scope
The unknowing tyrant walks to the rope
Its when murder is justice that martyrs are made
A one-gun salute for the new independence day
They'll hallow your name
They'll hallow your name for your sacrifice
The sins of deliverance
"So let the wicked perish in the presence of God"
The sins of the father atoned by the son
Confessions of commitment broken
A nail driven for every one (of them)
Its when murder is justice that martyrs are made
A one-gun salute for the new independence day
They'll hallow your name
They'll hallow your name for your sacrifice
You are the cause, I am the effect
Created in hatred, a noose for your neck
The eyes of the patriot fixed through the scope
The unknowing tyrant walks to the rope
They'll hallow your name
8. Break You
Endless mornings cut by the dawn razor
Whipping the nightmares to a froth
Endless questions with no answers
No replacement for whats been lost
Everything suffocates in the dust of past
fortunes squandered
the empire of lies to whome you pandered
Suffer a self-imposed exile, taste the bitter
fruits of denial
In the presence of greatness the humble can only bow
Frost on the breath of life
Empty of warmth or light
Full of nothing but deprivation
Eternal winter
Tell me a lie with the best of intentions
Mute in the age of mass communication
Dark days lead to darker nights
Frozen, out of time
Id dies for blessed ego, the once mighty laid low
Frost on the breath of life
Empty of warmth or light
Full of nothing but deprivation
You taught hate, Ill teach you fear
Open the eyes, kill despair
Your tried to squeeze the life from me
Son of bitch, Im going to break you
9. What I've Become
Blank stares from broken men
So withered from the poisons they cant
remember when
There were once honest reasons
Its all a li, it died 100,000 miles ago
Pretending Im still here
Justify what ive become, sanctify what
Ive become
Amazing disgrace...(how) sweet the sound
that saved a wretch like me
Better lost if this is found, best blinded
never to see
The race to save face, nothing now is what
we meant it to be
Prentending Im still here
Its a system now, intertwined
Take your place in the line to be ground by
the gears of the masterpiece
Suffered consequence
Its been so long any piece of this made any
kind of sense
You anoint the king, Ill burn everything
down to ashes
You giveth, I taketh away
Its a system now, intertwined
Take your place in the line to be ground by
the gears of the masterpiece
10. Ashes of the Wake
[We killed a lot of innocent civilians in Baghdad.
To us every civilian was a terrorist in Baghdad.
That makes everybody free game, but if they came in our paremeter, we lit'em up.
When we would search the corpse, we would find nothing. This took place
time and time again, but that's okay, don't worry about it, because this
is a new type of war, this is an eradication."
"Personally I believe we're commiting genocide over here, I don't
believe in killing civilians, and I'm not going to kill civilians for
the United States Marine Corp.]
11. Remorse Is for the Dead
The dirty lord of the manor surveys his filthy domain
Too many nights raising hell worked a
little all too well
Constructed a monument to denial and excess
Sunk so low, crawled so far back theres nowhere
left to regress
If these walls could talk, they would tell
a horror story
Never-ending winter, violence and infidelity
Shadows fall through broken panes
Careless words that are filled with hate
Just enough to keep it together, never enough
to make it work
All the tongues here are forked
We are a hailstorm of broken glass, follow the
path of least expectance
A huge stinking pile of sick, pile it higher and
Light the match, start the fire
Level this place and take us with it
Surroundings are irate. Crack of dawn brings
naught but pain
Resentment steadily grows
Laughing in the gallows
Full throttle determeined to fail, pedal to the
metal asleep at the wheel
We are the lucky ones, welcome home
Poisoned nerves and a bloody antidote
Violence is not an abberration, Its a rule
Dying beyond the pale
Your beatings will continue until my morale improves
I dont hate you, Im just removing an enemy
Remorse is for the dead, my enemy
Remorse is for the dead.