
"Mortui Sepeliant Mortuos" (2006 EP)
1. Dírige, Dómine, In Conspéctu Tuo Viam Meam 2. Réquiem Aetérman Dona Ei, Dómine 3. De Profundis Clamavi In Tenebras
1. Dírige, Dómine, In Conspéctu Tuo Viam Meam
I walk
Through these halls
And corridors
To nowhere
The paintings
In the walls�
They�re like mirrors
With frozen eyes
They watch me
In the night
And they know
My sorrow
Their empty eyes
Show their empty souls
And I can hear them�
I used to feel...
I used to sense
What were
inside of me
Now there�s nothing
Inside me
All has gone
All memories
All feelings
All life and faith
Is lost�
We know your sorrow
And your pain
We know your desperation
And your grief
We�re empty
We have empty eyes
We have no soul
We�re in the eternal night
And we�re waiting
We�re always waiting
In the shadows
There�s no more left
I�ll accept the invitation of darkness
I�ll join them in the emptiness
God, guide the razor in my wrist!!!
2. Réquiem Aetérman Dona Ei, Dómine
Ne record�ris pecc�ta mea, D�mine.
Dum v�neris iudic�re s�culum per ignem.
D�rige, D�mine, Deus meus,
In consp�ctu tuo viam meam.
Dum v�neris iudic�re s�culum per ignem.
R�quiem �t�rnam dona ei, D�mine,
Et lux perp�tua l�ceat ei.
Dum v�neris iudic�re s�culum per ignem.
Kyrie, el�ison, Christe, el�ison. Kyrie, el�ison.
Pater noster...A porta �nferi.
Erue, D�mine, �nimam eius
Requiescat in pace.
Lost in eternal shadows
All life is gone
Nothing left
Only my painful memories
My feelings are empty
Only sorrow and bitterness remain
I can hear the weepings
But no one weeps for me
I can hear the priest
Saying �rest in peace�
(But there�s no rest for me�)
Emptiness falls
Before me
And silence is
Now my voice
In darkness
And everlasting
Don�t spread
The ground over me
Let the dead
Bury the dead
�Dominus Vobiscum, Et cum spiritu tuo�
3. De Profundis Clamavi In Tenebras
Fallen in a mortal sin
Condemned to eternal damnation
Not worthy to deserve
The Holy Father's mercy
Now I�m lost in the shadows
Condemned at the eyes of Him
Condemned to eternal damnation
Far beyond the grace of God�
Rejected by Sacred and Holy
Devoured by solitude and guilt
Alone and sorrowful I moan
Outside Heaven�s gates
Devoid of
All hope
�Fidelium, Deus, omnium conditor et redemptor,
Animabaus famulorum famularumque tuarum
Remissionem cunctorum tribue peccatorium:
Ut indulgentiam, quam simper optaverunt,
Piis supplicantionibus consequantur.
Per Christum Dominum nostrum
On Your grace I kneel my Father,
And I ask you for forgiveness
Forgive me that I never could
But your endless mercy
Never will touch this Fallen One