
"Triumphant" (2003)
1. Cold War Blasts 2. Triumphant 3. Judkrist 4. Mind Blizzard 5. Kahruum 6. Overseer Of The Marsh 7. Nightress Mourns 8. Innus
1. Cold War Blasts
Cold War Blasts
From the north
Frozen armies
Marching forth
Covered in blood
Our swords will gleam
Children cry
Women Scream
Rape and pillage
Crush them all
Burn the village
Christians fall!
In the night
Gods can see
Run in fright
The weak shall flee
Before the might
of frost and fire
exaults me higher
They choose to beleive
In those lies
I have no pity
For wailing cries
Let them suffer
In my hell
Their weak god
Finally fell
Something that isn't
will never be
I'll never beleive
what i can't see
Destroy the fools
Kill them all
War will rull
Christians fall
Cold War Blasts
From the north
Frozen armies
Marching forth
Rotting saints
mindless sheep
left to die
Come to the slaughter
you will be fed
Christian flesh
Consume the dead
Cold War Blasts
From The North
I am one
Of The North
Cold War Blasts
From The North
I am one
Of The North
2. Triumphant
We stand in victory
I stand before you all
I stare accross the lands
At my frozen army
We have crushed the mere mortals
All burned down to the ground
The mountains are once again our domain
We bow down to the might of winter
I stand on the cliffs edge
I step into nothingness
Victory is clear
Our enemies destroyed
Churces decimated
Temples Burnt to the ground
We have defended our lands
And may reclaim what is ours
Immortal we rise
Our frozen fists and swords
We walk among the halls
Of the immortal heroes
We stand among them
Breathing my dream
Casting my misty breath
Icicles like an armour of steel
We march forth
Facing what may come
We laugh at fear
And spit on death
Proud and strong
Astral projections
Cast us beyond
Human Limitions
Victorious we stand
Defiant we raise our swords
Victorious we stand
Defiant we raise our swords
3. Judkrist
spreads out his tentacles
of greed Monodivine
he dominates from behind red tape
and a veil of disaster
Judkrist Cowards of the bastard son
Judkrist Get in the oven
Judkrist Time is running out
We have the final solution
Wrapping around my throat
Choking the land dry
Defend our domain
Dead trees line the path
Of this scourge
Of this disease
Of this displaced
Weasels greed
Misplaced races assimilated
We are too strong
Fill the death trains
Speeding towards time zero
The final solution must be completed
Before disease sweeps the earth
And blackens the mountains
Destroys the forest
And blackens the soul
Disease flows accross the earth
Devouring all in its wake
Judus monster sacrifice
Jesus bleeding oriface
4. Mind Blizzard
Bare and frozen plains crack open
Releasing wraiths into the world
I look forth in horror as chaos derives from order
I look back in wonder at my masked sanity
Ghosts and neverbeasts touch my soul
Screaming in agony they drive me to madness
But I continue walking through the blizzard
As wisdom lies at the far end of this chasm
A war between mind and soul fought on a frozen grey matter
And as the bonds begin to sever and rot away
My mind drifts into a sure but freyed numbness
Wraiths push inward on the delicate shell
Fertilizing the egg of madness
They rape my mind tearing it asunder
And as the walls tumble down
I stare into the blinding darkness
So this is the wisdom I seek
And this is the price I pay
Godlike I now have infinate power
Godlike this knowledge brings madness
Whoever speaks to me shall be smitten
Leave me alone to ponder my end
Godlike I strike down and smother
Godlike I obliterate the lands
No other choice but to destroy the world
I will bring oblivion to the world of living and dead
Godlike I stand back and snicker at the world I have destroyed
Godlike I stand back and laugh at the nothingness I have created
Holy wrath
Natural evolution
War begins
Mind Blizzard
Onward I travel though Through the black oblivion
I shall create a world with bare and bleeding hands
I threw my arms forward expecting to cast the birth
But in front of me stood an old and ancient foe
The old man said to me
"Children will stir
As long as you wake
They will twist and bite back
For what you unmake"
I laughed at the old fool
And cast him aside like falling leaf
And stepped forward into the pool of creation
Arms spread wide i embraced all that was me
But I heard childrens laughter
And the bickering sneers of trickery
The old man watched emotionless
As I unmade myself
So this is wisdom
So this is the unmaking
So this is what we seek
So this is more than death
Holy wrath
Natural evolution
War begins
Mind Blizzard
5. Kahruum
Kahruum Kahruum
Esh graak um frehk koras The great our brave king
Freik Fear
Brakursh frak ur rurm Consumes cracked your heart
Esh Krak The Crack
Komgrash ne frekish Tears it asunder
Korklagk Broken
Eng grork kal norkath The last hope Lies north
Elium, Kendohrum, Sorlagk
And the Land of wailing
Converge on the singularity
To war for eternity
Trilium must be preserved
At all costs or all is lost
One man holds the destiny
Of all that is made in childlike hands
Three ancient lands, Made by three ancient hands
Whither to die, But death be not granted
For the outcast one, Blocked from the sun
Continues to deafen our children, With wails of penance
Kahruum Kahruum
Esh graak um frehk koras The great our brave king
Freik Fear
Brakursh frak ur rurm Consumes cracked your heart
Esh Krak The Crack
Komgrash ne frekish Tears it asunder
Korklagk Broken
Eng grork kal norkath The last hope Lies north
Kahruum Kahruum
Esh graak um frehk koras The great our brave king
Freik Fear
Brakursh frak ur rurm Consumes cracked your heart
Esh Krak The Crack
Komgrash ne frekish Tears it asunder
Korklagk Broken
Eng grork kal norkath The last hope Lies north
Joined In War
In the dark silence
Will they see the light
Or fall prey to lies
And be ruled by the night
The great king will return
Aged with eternity
With wisdom they face the depths
To silence the wailing again
Joined in war
Kahruum Kahruum
Esh graak um frehk koras The great our brave king
Freik Fear
Brakursh frak ur rurm Consumes cracked your heart
Esh Krak The Crack
Komgrash ne frekish Tears it asunder
Korklagk Broken
Eng grork kal norkath The last hope Lies north
6. Overseer Of The Marsh
The Overseer of the marsh
Viewing over battles past
The Overseer of the north
Guiding kinsmen marching forth
The Overseer of the moor
Wizard of the land of war
The Overseer of Sorlagk
Will you accept your task
Land of war!
He sees the dawn
Sunrise over rotten land
He watches the mirror like pools
Of the rotten swamp
A land of rotting armies
Thwarted long ago
The place where time will die
Forseen is the warriors path
Though long ago
The wretch was thrown
Outcast by the ancients
And cursed by the tongue
A name in vain
whispered by few
Forbidden words of mystery
Banished to the misty marsh
The moor carpeted in suffocating vapour
The breath of the dead armies
Choke those unwelcome
And here he remained
Acquiring the mystics and wisdom
So forbidding yet to save his kin
He looked into the waters and saw
A grey blanket lies to the south
Threatening all that exsists
He who wails has unmade once
And will unmake again
Three will rise from three corners
Weaknesses many and fate is masked
While inner strength is veiled
Hidden from the one who knoes all
This is what the moor speaks
This is what the pool proclaims
This is what the swamp foresees
And the old man waits on the rotting earth
Long are the nights
In epileptic fits of profecy
The story unfolds
Episodes of calling
Chrystal clear is the purpose
Internodes of falling
Clouded is the path
I proclaim the fire speads north
I proclaim take heed of nightmares
I proclaim the wailing speaks to our children
I proclaim the age of vengence is now
I proclaim this force must be stopped
I proclaim the 3
And I am one.
7. Nightress Mourns
Pale night's sundew
Tears of the moon
Dreams of ancients old
Will arrive all too soon
Lady of the land
Of wealth and industry
The fairest of all
Persecuted by jealously
Outcast and banished
From her home for beleifs uncouth
Her mourning despair wails in silence
Her grief mirrors the dying world
She feels the pain of the dying world
Hears the cries of the dreaming children
The nightmares cast out from the south
Fills the night with sleepless cries
Swathed in dark and gold
Black veil sheilds her eyes
Tears flow from her moon
Cascading down to earth
Whispers of unseen
Thoughtcrimes and obscene
All hopes dashed and gone
Final light in eyes will mourn
Outcast and banished
From her home for beleifs uncouth
Her mourning despair wails in silence
Her grief mirrors the dying world
She feels the pain of the dying world
Hears the cries of the dreaming children
The nightmares cast out from the south
Fills the night with sleepless cries
Alone in the forest
With no one to speak to
But the rocks and the stars
Yet they speakath unto her:
"They shall not scoff when you are queen of the world
Pale and dark
Your shaded eyes will see joy again
A light shallt come to you
In the form of a child"
Singeth the stars.
Lost and seeking
Frightened yet determined
He shallt present your path
And you must follow
Mourn your last tear and move on to fate
Reciteth the rocks.
You are the mother of earth
The sister of life
You are the daughter of eons
The lover of the king
Queen of the world
Chant the trees
Frightened and despaired
She runs from the forest
From her people
And from life
Into a cave
The most beautiful thing
Alone in the darkness
Did the cave weep for her
And thus cracked open a spring
The waterblood of life
Spead accross the rocks
And touched her toes
And thusly did the stars sing
Queen of the world
You have conceived
With fate as your catalsyst
And hope as you provreation
And hope will come
Sayeth the Nightress who mourns
He comes now
Hope in the form of a child.
The Nightress Mourns for you
The Nightress Mourns for the world
8. Innus
Hoardings of valor
Deceptions intoned
Icons inturned
Upon throne thrice
Decrepid host
Notice your field
Spoken like a pose
Heressey in veils
Like it or not I approach
Heed my misanthropic words
You may cringe but not depart
For my song sinks in beyond you
Fools and thebians
Heed my nightmares
Eunuchs of my creed
I will erase your mistake
Nothing is worth anything
Until I have made everything nothing
I've unmade myself to make this world
I will unmake this world to remake myself
Representatives come forth for thrice times smitten
You try to impose you mystic lies and I will impose oblivion
Cornered essence concerned singularity
Infinate nothings of zero swallow you all
Hang on your tree
Fasten to your cross
Or bury thee in flame
I sit in grey.
Give up your grovelling
Morbid tales of seeking
You can't follow nothing
Feel the drowning grey
Corrupted Legion of unmade souls
Gouls of old fall forth
With the grey front
Comes a storm of despair
The horde of wraiths heads home
To reclaim the distorted north
Like old times the host proceed
To Decimate all life and souls
Tolling epiphanance
Summit of epitaphs pass
Silent visions of sounds for the blind
Mindless thoughts for muted tongues
Into the sun blind
Writhing we distort
Legions of dishonesty
Ranks of decay
Moving forth with malice
One mind and numbness
Grey and colourless
We conquer
The path is gray
You will plead for death
Close your ears
Your minds are mine!!
Hang on your tree
Fasten to your cross
Or bury thee in flame
I sit in grey.
(viking time!)
The shores are ready and the skiffs are strong
Prepared for the arrival of the three alone
Weak to the eye but united in spirit
A foe not to be underestimated
Before the second coming of the unmade
This dish of revenge must first be prepared
For my vision of no vision to prevail
Disasterous hope must be crushed to fail
Come forth weak child
Come forth slutty witch
Come forth old man
Come forth in vain
Bleed from your eyes
Bleed from your ears
Bleed from your mouth
Bleed from inside
Kill into the blood
Kill into the nothingness
Kill into the mind
Kill into mind
Blood drains into I
Blood drains into Me
Blood drains into Everything
Blood drains into None
Feel This Nothingness
Feel This Hate
Feel This Everything
Feel This Grey
Redemption is near
Rewards are plenty
Enjoy my escence
Take nothing at all
The time is at hand
Send forth your wisps
Step aside for truth
I am the fate
Villains! Miscreants! Curse You! I Hate You!
Beleivers! Mystics! Curse You! I Hate You!
Godlambs! Weak sheep! Curse You! I Hate You!
Lyers! Murderers! Curse You! I Hate You!
Look what you've made me do
You've brought this on yourselves
Die in pain of oblivion
If that is what you fucking wish